Location at a cost

186 15 54

Little more cursing than usual, big realization going on. That is all. Hope you like it. 

—Your POV—


That was one word that could describe your every move. All eyes were on you as you stiffly made your way back over the shattered glass and towards your seat. Both the wide skeleton and the cat guard were near stalking every single step, every twitch of a stressed muscle, and every time you made a small whimper of distress they'd perk up before settling. 

Finally, you let yourself drop carelessly onto the seat, well earning your sigh of relief and relaxed posture in the chair. The skeleton chuckled darkly, waving away the guard who sighed audibly and stepped back into their respective corner. 

"So, who'd you want me to tell you about again? Hate to delay our business but I can't locate no one." The fat skeleton spoke, seemingly having grabbed his own chair, which he leaned back steadily in, propping his feet up on the counter as he lit one of the cigars and started smoking. 

You kept the disgruntled look off your face, and forced a strained smile. "I'm looking for Horror, the scary skeleton." You said lowly, directing your voice towards him and only him, trying not to let any other people hear. On the other hand, you weren't even too sure if saying that was ok with Nightmare... he told you not to spill any beans, but you were sure this guy was bad enough to compare to Nightmare, even if a little bit. (Twitter polls say different but oki)

The skeleton puffed out a large cloud of red smoke, and while none of it came too dangerously close to you, you did sense your body fidget against you will. "Him huh? What the hell kinda business do you have dealing with a crackhead like that?" He growled, sitting up more seriously in his chair, and you inwardly shuddered. 

"Umm... b o u n t y?" 

It was literally one second of debate, as soon as the lie left your lips, the laughter began, loud, bellowing laughter to be exact. You kept away the offended scoff, openly laughing at a guest was not nice. "Nice one lady, keep your secrets." He giggled, wiping away a comical little tear from his socket that made you deadpan. 

You guessed that if his brother could read you like an open book(ish) and figure that you're lying after some focusing and scanning your body language, apparently this guy could do it too. You fought off a sigh, ignoring the inner battles you were having due to one stupid skeleton. 

"Ok, ok enough questions, time for me to answer you." He said, the light hearted mood quickly dying out as he blew the thick red smoke from his teeth, reminding you of a teapot or one of those cartoonish bulls. Come to think of it, walking talking skeletons reminded you of some weird dreams you'd have as a kid, but that was also cartoonish, this was real life.

"You'll never get him missy, give up. That's a special breed of lunatic you'll only find in the most heavily guarded cells." He said decisively, driving the cigar butt into the table, leaving a small burn mark, but you didn't mind that as much as the answer he gave you.

You were laughing this time. 

What the fuck else were you supposed to do? Your goddamn back was against the wall! Not only was it someone you cared about in need of rescuing, but a creepy-ass slimy motherfucker and his gang of bastards would come and kill hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people, if you didn't find him. 

The pain? Effort? Sweat? Blood? All worth it, as long as you don't cause anyone else to struggle in the process, otherwise you'd be just as bad as said bastards.

"I believe you're mistaken, I'm sure I'll be able to handle it." You fibbed, again, and this time kindly to hide the grinding teeth. He looked you over once, then twice, and sighed loudly. Back to the two back legs of his chair again. 

"At the end of this hall, you'll find door 100. Alphys is cooing at that kid right now, so it should be a straight shot kiddo. If you fuck up once, you'll be grabbed, drugged, and sent to Core for a special decision. However, you're a useful one aren't you? No one escapes Core's office without even a search party, wasn't that even the smallest bit suspicious to you, little Cupcake?" 

Oh shit.

The first two words that came to mind. You really really have been underestimating Core, haven't you been. Why did you ever imagine that an omnipresent hint hint all-seeing  kid wouldn't be able to find your sorry ass? It hit you like a tidal wave especially the nickname, but the skeleton waved his phalanges non-chalantly, and kept talking like he didn't just ruin you mentally.

"I mean, who's to say I'm even a real criminal here? You think just anyone knows this kinda stuff? That kid runs an entire fucking dictatorship and no one ever gets off the hook without scarring themself in the process, kid. I guarantee you won't be the first." The large skeleton continued, expression hardening in what looked like a mix of anger and disgust as his red eye lights brightened sharply, before calming back down. 

"But, in the totally perfect scenario, let's just say you are. You'll run through that 100 door, and enter the prisoplex, and move through the intricate maze of over-powered pricks all the way to room 203, where you'll punch in the code to the lock which is 6174, enter the key and somehow escape with the prisoner, all with that damned kid watching. Then what'll you do? Happily skip around the OmegaVerse with your favorite murderer?" The skeleton sneered, glaring at you both inquisitively and pressingly. 

Speechless, that was you. He not only gave you the answer to all your questions, he also described your enemy as the main one pulling the strings, all while keeping you guessing about his position in the puppet show. 

Although, it was pretty obvious he was another puppet master, judging by the detailed explanation and the wicked grin he now wore, nodding at the guard who promptly handcuffed him. 

"Alright, that's all you're getting with a pack of cigarettes and some mustard, but lemme give you something to soothe your nerves:" He started, interrupting himself with an exaggerated heave as he got out the chair and stretched a little to get a bit more loose. 

"Core's busy with a large project right, now I suggest you go very very fast." 


Temmie flakes! I've been day dreaming about this chapter for too long!! I should make a little book for extra prompts about this book! Sounds cool, but I don't have that kinda time lol. Jajaja I wouldn't be lying if I said I was trying to get this out yesterday, but I was all too cluttered with all types of crap. 

Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now