Sleep is Scarce

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—Horror's POV—

I hadn't heard a scream in the last 3 hours... did they kill her? I wanted to convince myself the didn't but my stupid skull kept making up all these worst case scenarios to flash through my mind, which made my experience more and more uncomfortable. So uncomfortable I couldn't tell which sensation was worse, the angst of the theory my Cupcake could be dead, or the stinging from the hole in my skull, which I refused to stop chipping at. 

Crooks always scolds me about messing with this gap in my head, picking off teeny tiny little pieces to chew on for comfort (behold, Horror's way of biting his nails, I think this is a cannon thing he does when he's nervous or anxious, but don't quote me). They always regrew, and I knew when to stop, because the stronger bone hurts when I pick at it. The decaying pieces just sting a little though. 

I looked at the small amount of blood that had accumulated on my fingers, sometimes my head would bleed too, but not enough for my concern. I shrugged and licked it off, cannibalism was pretty normal where I'm from and if you're extra crazy you'd eat yourself. But, my home's gone now, no sense in getting all nostalgic and shit over it. 

I sighed, pushed up off the bed and rubbing my hand off on my shorts. It was 3:00 AM and I was still here in my freshened room, picking at myself in the dark again. It was time for a break from the musty, over cycled air. I went to the bathroom, not exactly a sanctuary, but it'll do for the time being. I washed my hands and splashed some water on my face, gazing into the mirror at my all too familiar face. 

I took my wash rag and cleaned my head, wincing as I wiped over the scarred area. "Damn..." I huffed, rinsing out the washcloth and hanging it back up, making my way towards the exit, where Error was impatiently standing. "Hey dude...?" I mumbled as I moved out the way, questioning myself as to why he was still awake. He didn't respond, dragging himself into the bathroom before shutting the door softly. 

Curiosity possessed me as I went down the hall, my one glowing eye light scanning all the doors before coming to an end at my Cupcake's room. The door was cracked open, just enough for me to see inside. I waltzed in anyway, closing the door behind me before I set my sights on the bed ...which already had someone on it. "What the fuck?" I muttered, seeing the figure jolt, and two white eye lights became visible. 

Grinning smugly at me, was that cloaked bastard, cradling my Cupcake. "What the hell are you doing in here!?" I hissed, earning a silent wink as he put a gloved finger to his teeth, gesturing to my Cupcake in his arms, who shifted tiredly. "Hey look, I was just offering my services where yours weren't available~." He purred, running his fingers through her hair. I growled, feeling my anger rising as my magic bristled, somehow making Reaper flinch. 

"No reason to get violent~ if you really want to though, I could kill her here and now." He threatened, raising his free hand above her sleeping form, forcing me to calm myself. "Much better." He said, looking me right in the eye socket. "What do you want from me?" I snapped, his smirk only widening from my poorly hidden frustration. 

"To be honest, I really just want to be left alone to sleep." Reaper sighed, chuckling darkly as his eye lights shrunk a little. "But, then crackheads like you come and ruin my peace, demanding answers to irrelevant questions." He growled, forcing the smirk as he looked at me with disdain. "I have nothing against you, but if you want to go around starting wars be my guest, Sans." He didn't sound all too joyful with that last note, saying my name like that. 

"I'll make your life hell." 

I froze, the threats seeming unnecessary as I replayed his words in my head, narrowing my eye sockets at him. "Fine, you win freak, but I'm coming back tomorrow morning." I grumbled, quickly shuffling over to kiss my Cupcake and to glare at him, but he glared right back 10 times darker, making me scamper out, sighing as I returned to my room. 

I guess the bet was called off, that Reaper idiot intervened and pretty much ruined the last bit. I'm not upset about that and I should probably thank him for saving Y/N, but with how smooth he was it didn't seem all too favorable. I'll talk to Killer and Dust tomorrow, as well as beat the shit out of them for making her feel that much pain. Sure it was a bet, but everything outside of that wasn't under those restraints, so it'd be ok, right?

My bed groaned when I sat on it, but I couldn't care less. Morning would roll around soon enough, but I couldn't help waiting. I laid across my mattress, tucking myself in just as someone came into my room. I was the one to groan when I lazily tilted my head to get a better view of whoever just violated my private space. Of course, it was Nightmare, and he looked pissed, but not directed at me. 

"You're still awake, get some fucking rest Horror." He drawled, before heading right back out. I didn't fully understand, but I couldn't get to sleep, my mind was racing too fast and that bastard's words kept ringing through my mind. "I can't though..." I murmured into my pillow, hearing the door creak back open as Nightmare came back, seemingly hearing my retort. 

"Do you need assistance?" He said sourly, but I nodded anyway. "It'll cost you." He said, crouching down so his face was in front of mine. "I don't care." I replied, seeing him grin a little and shrug, a tentacle snaking it's way over to me as he covered my forehead in slime. 

Then, I was out like a light, but not pleasantly.


Oof, today was a flop. I woke up feeling like shit and then started vomiting my fruit everywhere. I felt way better afterwards, and I'm so happy I was still able to post this. Don't worry though! Headaches and vomiting are actually a bit more common for me than most. So ummm, yeah! 

Luv y'all hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!! 

- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now