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—Your POV—

Horror sat in front of you, inquisitively rubbing his chin to think. You thought it was kind of funny, seeing him scrunch up his face while thinking. You chuckled quietly, earning yourself a puzzled look from Horror as he grumbled incoherently. 

"Say, let's talk about relationships, you go first." Horror said, giving you his full attention as you were now the one racking your brain for answers, feeling a teeny bit pressured by Horror's stare. 

"Well... I got into some toxic stuff once, you know... being subconsciously manipulated." You uttered, wincing when Horror growled lowly. "Who did it and why?" He asked, gently taking one of your hands again, though you barely noticed. "His name was Damen, and he was a typical kind of attention loving piece of trash." You were unsure about using foul language around Horror, so you kept it clean. 

"We met one day in my last year of middle school—" 

"Wait, what the hell is middle school?" Horror queried unexpectedly, shocking you slightly but you explained. "Middle school is grades 6-8, where I grew up, you had to complete these grades in order to qualify as properly educated, which means you're smart enough to work at a well paying job. You go through grades 1-12 in order to completely qualify though." You finished, knowing that kind of thing never got you a well paying job. 

"Damn that's over complicated." Horror muttered, rubbing his cheekbone for no apparent reason. "It kind of is, seeing as how you have to do much more than that to ever get a decent job..."  You too murmured, the mood sinking a little but you quickly picked back up on the main focus of the conversation. 

"So seeing as how I was on my last year, that meant I was in the eighth grade..."

 {Perfect excuse for a flashback}

It was a sunny spring day, your first day back from a weekend full of troubles and trying to find a part time job that would hire a newly forged teenager with adequate manners and good versatilities. Your parents always told you to start earning money when your young, because life only gets more troublesome as you grow. 

You pushed yourself to walk faster, the tardy bell would ring in 7 minutes and you were still 5 blocks away from school. Sure you could see the surly school standing haughtily in the distance, but you were worried you'd be late again. Breaking into a sprint, you skillfully dodged two dog walkers and a couple, shouting apologies for your existence in their path, feeling embarrassed when they muttered awkwardly about you, one of them somehow knowing your name. 

You were full on running now, with  minutes 5 left and still 4 blocks to go, you started to believe you'd be late, until, hell sent you a bastard disguised as an angel, completely fooling you of course. Your legs were starting to give out and just when you felt like you couldn't go on;

"Hey you, need a lift?"

It was a boy, with smooth light skin and soft black hair, holding out a hand for you to take. Graciously you took it, and he pulled you onto his bike, placing you behind him after scooting forward to allow you some room. "Hold on tight cutie, because I go fast." He said before taking off, the butterflies in your stomach caused you to lay your head down on his back, wrapping your arms around his abdomen as he pedaled faster than you could ever run. 

You arrived at the school with 2 minutes left to get to class, profusely thanking the male for the ride before turning to head to class. "Wait!" He shouted, you whipped around bouncing up and down in anticipation. "What's your name, I'm Damen!" He shouted as you turned and ran for the sake of your record. 

You screamed your name before disappearing behind the school doors, Damen heading somewhere off your section of the campus, likely to attend his class.

—Months later—

Summer break had rolled around in a flash, with Damen taking you to school everyday for the past 3 months life really was getting better, plus today was the first day of your job. You were standing in the driveway, waiting patiently for his familiar calls of your name to ring out across the block before he came speeding down your street, ready to ride you wherever you pleased. 

You heard your name get called, but there was no ringing of a bike bell, no hum of bicycle wheels spinning at unimaginable speeds, all you heard was the heavy pounding of feet moving towards you. And running to you, was none other than Damen, the kind and pretty male who'd helped you throughout the end of the school year. "Hey! M-My bike has a flat today, I'm so sorry." He said, doubling over and panting when he approached you, the unmistakable figure of something in his hand. 

Unexpectedly, he got down on one knee, holding up his hands in a proposal position. 

"I, Damen Miller, would like to be your boyfriend." (Fucking middle school drama I can't believe I'm writing this shit)

Your heated up significantly as you squealed in adoration and surprise, screeching yes over and over again. Little did you know you'd just made one of the biggest mistakes in your life. 

—2 years later—

The first and second years of Highschool sure were hard, but the harder part was dealing with your frat of a boyfriend after school. You came home at 4 today, entering your house and promptly kicking off your shoes. "Damen! I'm home!!" Your father wasn't home yet, and your mother wasn't with  you anymore. All you heard was various groans and a couple curses, as the boy you once admired slunk upfront, with a half eaten piece of food and a ripped McDanold's bag.

 "You know, you'll get fat if you keep eating like that." You mentioned as you brushed by him to get to the kitchen, where you washed off an apple and ate it. He was 16 years old, still living like a slob, and off someone else's money the thing that frustrated you the most is that he claims it's payback for his 'services' of bike riding that he barely offers for the hard years of Highschool.

 "I don't give a fuck." He sneered, grabbing out a big moc and devouring it greedily. 

You sighed, catching sight of his unforgiving glare on your back. "You know what... I'm tired of this." You whispered to yourself, whipping around to face him. "I'M SO FRICKING DONE WITH YOU ALL YOU DO IS SLOB AROUND AND EAT MY FUCKING FOOD! YOU NEVER APOLOGIZE, YOU NEVER THANK ME, AND YOU NEVER, EVER, SHOW ANY SIGNS OF AFFECTION EVER! YOU TREAT ME LIKE DIRT AND I'M SURE THAT EVERY FUCKING NIGHT YOU RUN BACK TO YOUR SHITTY LITTLE FRATERNITY GROUP, DO GOD KNOWS WHAT! SO I, AM DUMPING YOUR SHITTY ASS BACK TO THE FUCKED UP STREETS YOU CRAWLED FROM! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!" You roared, catching your breath and wiping your eyes of the few tears that rolled down your cheeks.

Your face was red with anger, and you were panting and crying. However, Damen literally pulled out his phone and took a picture of you, and that's when you snapped. You ran at him, knocking the food out of his hands and bitch slapped him across his once appealing face. Immediately his capillaries burst, creating an obvious red hand mark on his smooth skin. He stumbled from the slap, dazed from the sudden outburst as his phone dropped to the floor, instantly being crushed by your enraged stomp. 

"Damn it!" He yelped, shoving you forcefully away from his as he checked in the fallen food and phone, screaming in anger when they were smashed beyond repair. "I'm gonna fucking murder you!" He yelled, the broken phone suddenly passing a strong electric arc onto him, yet another screech ripping through the air as he fell to the floor, horrifying you. 

His body was charred slightly, the electricity from the phone might've put him into shock,(definitely no pun intended) the thought scared you, would you have to pay the bills, as if you hadn't payed for him enough.

"Honey! I'm home!" Your father's voice rang out, terrifying you. He had to have come home early on a day like this, and he didn't know you were dating Damen so when he saw this you'd be in big trouble. 

Unless you lied, which you did, and your life continued normally from there. 

{Flashback End}


Damn, so much for, 'I wanna write a section of wholesome chapters in the future' but I guess a bit of this was wholesome??

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

(Edit: Premium cringe content ✌️🤓✨✨ also I always mess up the popular business names. It's purposeful. 2nd Edit bc oml: Yk, isn't silly that I remember researching capillaries and fraternity groups when I wrote this? Heavy influence.)

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