Nopes and Screams

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Ok, seriously this time. There's gonna be blood, there's gonna be gore, there's gonna be moments where my stomach churns just by writing this horrible massacre, so if that gets to you even a little, please just skip to the next more pleasant chapter (when I release it) and remember those who will be reading; It's darkest before dawn (just google that phrase if you're a dumb little f*cker) Also screaming and Nightmare's twisted sense of humor, but you already knew that. 

Without further ado, let's begin... and remember, you can always scroll to the bottom if you're feeling uneasy. 

—Your POV—

You wanted to wake up, you wanted to kill the pain, you wanted Nightmare far, far away from you. You were horrified, frozen in your own fear spare the never ending trembling your body was doing, Nightmare's tentacles so close to you not making you feel any better at all. 

You wondered why you didn't go into shock or something, the pain in your shoulder made you want to pass out, escape, something, but every time you thought of leaving your head started to hurt and the pain in your shoulder intensified. You looked at Nightmare with a pleading face, and meeting his freakishly wide grin only made things worse. 

Without any precaution, a tentacle wrapped firmly around your upper arm, another around your shoulder, and you knew what was about to happen long before it did, your body sweating gallons as your heart rate tripled and you begged for Nightmare to stop, pause, timeout, a break, whatever, even though he was barely started. 

With a hardy yank, you felt your humerus physically dislodge from your shoulder blade, making you yell loudly as pain exploded through your shoulder, probably tearing something essentially in the process, but you couldn't think about damage right now, not when your mind was clouded by pain. 

"There we go~." Nightmare purred, positioning his tentacles on your other arm presumably to do the same thing. You couldn't speak, you couldn't even pathetically plead for mercy, as your voice was blocked by that horrible goop. You could barely even scream, any noise you made coming out gargled and distorted, but you could still tell it was an attempt to protest. 

Another painful yank, more pops and crackles... and this tie  Nightmare chuckled bitterly, pulling away to admire his work. Well, now you couldn't move your arms, a smart plan on Nightmare's part, but why didn't he just do that from the start? Why'd he have to drive his bony finger through your shoulder first? 

The thought of it prompted more pain, and you were already a sobbing mess. Not much to your surprise, (not like you could express it anyway) Nightmare proceeded to dislocate your hips as well, wrapping around the tentacles, giving a decent pull, and boom, no more legs kicking. 

"There we go! Completely immobilized... pretty much." Nightmare growled, retracting his tentacles and oddly stretching them out behind himself, the most minuscule pang of confusion going off inside you, as you thought his tentacles were made completely of slime, just thicker than the other layers. 

He smirked sadistically at you, and you contemplated what he was thinking, if anything was actually going on in that slimy skull of his, even if he could hear you. Nightmare just started stretching generally, cracking his knuckles, moving about his arms, adjusting his legs, and even shaking out his tentacles and spraying excess slime everywhere, not like it mattered, as you were in a slime drenched region anyways. 

After this, you'll probably regret any thought or opinion you've ever had, about anyone in general, but I guess we'll wait and see. 

With no warning entailed, Nightmare forced his tentacles in your appendages. Not only prompting pain to erupt all over your body, and probably harming your spine somehow as well. Fibula? Broken. Tibia? Crushed. Patella? Eradicated. Femur? Wrecked. Radius? Shattered. Ulna? Destroyed. Humerus? Decimated. Clavicle? Likely damaged, but not as bad as the others. 

Your cry of shock and hurt came out all mixed up, as expected, but not appreciated. The pain was unbearable, so intolerable in fact that you spewed your breakfast all over the ground, but for some reason it came out as black goop. The substance made you feel disgusted, disgusting, and worst of all, absolutely horrified when a bit of your puke hit Nightmare, who was quick to move but not quick enough. He glared up at you, no smirk, no words, just pure malice. 

In an instant he was in front of you again, gruesomely digging his hands into your sides and most definitely breaking a rib or two. He did grin though, a cheshire smile spreading across his features as you writhed in pain, mouthing whatever would come out. 

His fingers went in further, and you hacked up some blood, and in a fit of denial, spat it at Nightmare. He paused for a second, removing his right hand from your abdomen, (thank god) and grabbed you by the chin, the image of Killer flashing through your mind as you recalled one of your first interactions with him. 

"You know, for someone who is about to literally get murdered in one of the most painful ways imaginable, you sure had a shit ton of audacity." Nightmare growled, and you slightly regretted your act of boldness. You just wanted to die already!! The pain was ferocious and the blood pooling on the ground only made you more and more discomforted. 

The tears stung your eyes more and more, and your voice was becoming too hoarse to even hiccup. You looked Nightmare in the eye, mustering a weak form of defiance on your face, even though A, there was no escaping anyway, and B, you kinda wronged him first. While killing wasn't the way you'd go about it, you weren't a practical god who hated humans (named Y/n) and anything that opposed or insulted him, so the difference was clear. 

"I'm going to remove any sense of boldness you have bitch." Nightmare hissed, placing his hand back on your midsection, and squeezing your gut with unimaginable force. A massive wave of blood came rushing out, and you think you caught sight of your squished intestines, bloody and unpleasant as always. 

You involuntarily vomited, it was more goop, but you were sure it was actually bodily fluids, bile and blood pouring out from all over you like a fountain, and Nightmare took joy in it. You were sure you were dead, judging by the fact that everything afterwards was starting to look woozy, stretching and melting as your vision went fuzzy, the proud figure of Nightmare burning itself into your mind, along with the ever lasting pain and regret that filled you... 

~Nightmare End~


Pssp pssp... nevermind now is not the time to be making animal noises. Hey if you made it this far, good job I'm proud of you, have a golden star I'll probably follow you. Thanks so much for reading, I'm hoping you enjoyed and the dark atmosphere didn't make you uncomfortable, but it's fine if it did, I'm still trying to improve my writing anyways. 

Someone I support suggested I hold an ask event on my tumblr, because I wanted to showcase respect and gratitude to those of you who like to read my stuff (thanks like, a bazillion times) so, tomorrow on Monday (or whatever day it is for you tomorrow), from 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM, I'll be accepting and answering asks. Don't be mad if they're not immediately answered, I still have school tomorrow and I might get called for something unexpected. Link in the comments. 

- De Moogus 

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