Oh, just mail

353 23 33

Tw: Suggestive dialogue (minimal)

—Reaper's POV—

I looked at this 'housekeeper' expectantly, there was someone trying to get in and they just stood there. They've finally noticed my gaze, getting all flustered before quickly shuffling off to answer it. I couldn't quite see who it was, even when I leaned forward on the couch, but I could tell they weren't that important because the human shut the door a few moments later, carrying a handful of envelopes and paper. 

"Need help babe?" I cooed, straightening up when they shook their head. They set everything down on the coffee table, then sorted it all into groups. Nightmare's letters, Cross', Dust's etc... I skimmed over them all, noting the pile in the middle was primarily junk mail, ads from desperate companies or notices of the attacks on multiverses. 

Those dumb fucks up at the post office were too stupid to know that Nightmare's gang was the one raiding the multiverse. So they'll probably be doomed into this cycle just like everyone else. I reached out to the coffee table and grabbed Nightmare's stuff. The babe looked at me all shocked, but I waved them off. 

"What's the worst that could happen babe?" I asked, a smirk growing on my face. "You think that octopus is going to choke me with his hentai tentacles~?" I laughed, seeing their disgusted face at my joke was awesome. 

"I really don't think you should mess with those." They murmured, also examining the couch I was on. I knew it was Nightmare's which is why I sat on it. 

"Are you gonna stop me?"



I tore into the first envelope, taking out a folded paper with golden accents and markings on it. Immediately, I knew it was from Dream, and the note further proved it. Another thing I was thinking was, if Dream knew his brother's address and was able to send him letters, why hasn't he jumped Nightmare yet? Is he too weak, or do his morals forgo it? 

To paraphrase, the note was a threat, saying if Nightmare didn't stop raiding universes, then Dream's little team would come and pummel him, which was highly unlikely, seeing as how Nightmare had more people, and was generally more advantaged. He'd already started tormenting this place, and soon enough (if it hadn't already happened), everyone would in the multiverse would live in constant fear, praying their universe wouldn't be next.

I tossed this one aside, having sorted it out mentally, and picked up the next note. This time, the paper was completely white, with two black dots on the back. For some reason, the black dots reminded me somewhat of a child's eyes, full of young and inquisitive energy. But the thing about this note was, there was no signature, or address of any kind. Which made me question whether this came to the right address or not. 

However, based on the feeling it gave off I'm sure it did, and it only had 2 words. 

A Refuge.

That's all it said, befuddling me in lots of ways. But I'm sure that was the intention of whoever wrote the note, so I have to keep a clear head. I looked up at Crooks and the babe, they were chilling, and the babe took my distraction as an advantage to sit next to the large skeleton. They'd obviously been talking, but went all frozen stiff when I looked up. 

I chuckled, grabbing the next victim of the mail. The third and final letter was ironically mine, a few days ago I got desperate and wrote to Nightmare, having to kill a few postal workers in order to get my message through. But now, I ripped it up, it was irrelevant to me and him now.

"I'm done rifling through other peoples' mail now." I huffed, placing the read mail back in its respective pile, and watching the babe's face twist in horror. "What's wrong babe? I told you I'll handle whatever that octopus throws at me." I supplied smoothly, watching as Crooks pat their back, probably knowing what they were going to say. 

"Because, what if he blames me! I just let a stranger into his home and let them rifle through his mail!" They hissed out, glaring at me harshly. I shrugged, glancing lazily at my empty coffee mug. The babe was seriously worried, and it's because of my careless shenanigans, so I suppose I'll have to make it up to her somehow. 

"Ok, ok, I'll just take your bullets. How does that sound? I mean me and that kraken go way back." I suggested, earning a couple of puzzled looks and hushed mutters. Nonetheless, the babe agreed, meaning I'm going to have calamari tonight. We're probably not the best of pals anymore, but I'm sure I could get a shelter out of him. 

Besides, I know something (many many things) he doesn't.


Yessir! Early morning chapter right before school! Hope you enjoy it. Its not the longest thing but it's informative?? 


- De Moogus 

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