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"When's your bro gonna be back anyways?" Horror asked, following Farm through his dimly lit home. The lights of the morning were nearly dead, receding away from the horizon to make way for the large celestial body that was the moon. 

"I dunno." Farm said, entering his room while Horror froze at the doorway. He wasn't invited to follow any further. "My estimate is about maybe an hour or two though." 

Farm paused when he noticed Horror wasn't behind him anymore. His room was large, making Horror's look like a closet in comparison. It wasn't obnoxiously big, but it was sizable, full of farming equipment and a fairly tall wardrobe in the corner, probably taller than Green. 

"What?" Horror snapped, hesitant towards his captor's sudden look of concern. "I'm not allowed in your room." 

Farm chuckled, coming to Horror and slinging an arm around his neck. "It's your birthday." He chirped, pulling Horror into his room and all but pushing him onto the couch. 

"Hey watch it!" Horror barked, adjusting on the couch as Farm plopped down next to him. "My 'birthday' means no roughhousing!" 

Farm again, laughed it off while Horror seethed quietly. The former threw his arm around the latter's shoulders. Horror jumped from the contact, scooting an inch or two away from Farm, a crimson hue leaping up onto his face from the proximity. 

"Oh?" Farm said, leaning in for a tease while Horror growled and shifted away. "Bit warm today, isn't it?" 

"Back off you motherfu—!...creep..." Horror hissed, deliberately shoving Farm to the arm of the small sofa they sat on, successfully breaking the hold around his shoulders. 

"Ok ok." Farm consented, the smallest hint of green apparent on his cheekbones as he threw his mischievous hands up and stayed to his side of the couch. 

"But in all seriousness," He started, expression suddenly hardened as Horror jolted. "What happened to that bullet earlier?" 

Horror froze as Farm's scrutinizing gaze landed on him. If he didn't know the answer by now, Horror was not going to admit to it. He'd have to figure out on his own. 

"I have no idea." Horror muttered, scratching the back of his skull and averting his eyes from the obvious interrogation. "Maybe you miscounted...?" 

Farm let out another dry laugh, his smile seeming to stretch a little as he tilted his head on a dangerous angle. His sunhat cast a shadow over his face, and Horror prayed Farm didn't see the small sweat beads forming on his skull. 

"That so?" He asked, beginning to invade Horror's personal bubble. The existence of any space between them dwindled. "I quite clearly remember that one bullet loaded, along with a few others in the magazine." 

"And can I let you in on a little secret?" Farm questioned, leaving no room for argument as his voice dropped to a whisper, despite the lack of people in the house.

Reluctantly, Horror leaned over in the slightest, fearing whatever sharp remark would be delivered. He shot the gun! It echoed in his head and should've escaped one of the many holes in it. Farm should just get over it or get to the point. He knows the answer just as well as Horror. 

"Those bullets are really expensive." Farm uttered, not pulling away as his grin twisted upwards, spelling mischief rather than danger. "But since it's your birthday, let's reach a compromise."  

"What?!" Horror blurted, reeling away as his mind generated the nearest lie and threw it out via Horror's teeth. "You have no proof...?" 

"Horror, buddy." Farm started, his gaze drifting elsewhere as Horror anticipated something offensive about to be thrown his way. "You're a horrible liar." 

Farm giggled, covering his mouth as Horror blinked. What was funny again? Was he missing some—

That son of a—

Adrenaline surging through him, Horror playfully biffed Farm in the shoulder. Farm only laughed harder, wiping a tear from his eye socket as Horror rolled his eyes. 

"It wasn't even that good! Literally!" Horror yelled, jumping up from the couch but being grabbed by the wrist. 

"Must've been horrifyingly bad then..." Farm murmured, a chuckle coming from his teeth as he looked up at Horror. Any tension in the air had long since dissipated. 

"What about that stupid compromise?" Horror grumbled, watching Farm's face light up with surprise before it melted into something... unreadable. 

"To be called for at a later date." Farm dismissed with a wave of his hand, letting go of Horror's wrist as a somewhat solemn expression slid onto his face.

Horror didn't question it, he simply went with it. He wanted nothing to do with this 'compromise' anyways. It was a dumb thing, knowing that now he owed Horror, definitely nothing he wanted to deal with... but he kinda brought this upon himself. 

Horror exited the room. He felt too out of place in it. The thing was too big, full of foreign objects in a foreign territory. Farm rushed after him, almost desperately as he came up beside Horror in a huff. 

"Do you think they're back yet?" Horror asked, casting a glance up at Farm as he made his way to the window. Glancing out revealed an empty driveway, but full fields. 

"I uhh, really don't know." Farm said plainly, offering Horror and apologetic smile. "Like I said, they'll probably be back in...oh." 

Almost as if on cue, Farm's car pulled up into the driveway. Green promptly stepped out, coming to the side door and opening it. Crooks stepped out as if he was a fragile object, probably not fully adjusted from the long ride. 

"Crooks!" Horror nearly shouted, grabbing the little skeleton's attention from the window, and receiving a wave before Green took his hand and led him to the doorstep. 

Farm let out another laugh. The evening had been full of them. 

Crooks bustled in with Green stepping elegantly behind him. He looked tired, but happy to see Horror when he came in. 

"What'd I miss!?" He queried, throwing his arms around Horror in a kind hug before pulling away. 

"Nothing much." Horror said, casting a look towards Farm, who was busy conversing with his own brother. "We made dinner though." 

"Good!" Crooks declared, peering past Horror and into the kitchen. "I'm hungry!" 

"Of course." Horror beamed, carefully escorting Crooks to the restroom to wash his hands. (Ò-Ó happy now??) "But first tell me what you did while you were out."

"Well, we met a cool spider lady called Muffet..."


Can someone please explain why my autocorrect always capitalizes 'Horr' and 'Horrortale' but not horror? What is this system. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

(Guys I learned how to animate blinks and negative effects!)

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