He's Death!

381 23 57

—Your POV—

Sure, you were fucking horrified, but you did slightly enjoy being treated with such respect from a person dubbed as a 'lower god'. Reaper carelessly plopped on Nightmare's sofa, beckoning you over with a skeletal wave. You timidly came over, standing in beside the couch instead of sitting with him, fearing you'd be punished if you did. 

Reaper sighed, then glared at you playfully, his nonchalant smile turning slightly south. "Y'know babe, your pretty much teasing me right now." He huffed, straightening up from his slouching position and making you flinch.

 "How so?" You queried, his odd comment piquing your interest. He chuckled, scanning you curiously before responding with something completely off subject.

"Are you some kinda... cleaner or something?" 

You cut your eyes, quickly fixing your expression when Reaper's gaze came back up to your face. "We'll sort of...? It's pretty unconditional..." You uttered, not really knowing how to describe your short time being a 'housekeeper'. Which reminded you, you still had to clean those other few rooms. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, a small hint of aggravation in his tone. 

"Well if I don't do my job properly... I'll be murdered on the spot."

For a moment, time was slow, you could see everyone the vicinity, including yourself. Reaper's calm expression shifted to somewhat seriousness, his eye lights fading slowly as time continued at it's snail like pace. Crooks' breath hitched, his previously joyful expression twisting into shock and empathy.

When time went back to normal, so did everyone else. They reassumed their composed and carefree expressions, though neither pair of eyes dared to leave you. You shuddered, breaking the tension with your movement, Crooks, relaxed back into his seat, Reaper's eye lights reappeared, and your whole body stopped being so rigid and stiff. 

"Can't believe Nightmare's gone so low as to recruit little humans as workers." Reaper muttered darkly. "He must think it's free labor..."

"So... babe, you still interested in your teasing?" Reaper said silently, he too relaxing into his spot. You nodded to him, the feeling of insecurity leaving as Reaper stood up and stretched, some clicks and snaps coming from his rattling bones. "As I said before, I'm pretty much the god of death." Reaper said, walking past you to go to a houseplant. 

You noted his anxious inspection of it before his facial features relaxed, and he smirked maliciously, waving you over once more. Crooks came over too, his huge figure stopping beside you. Reaper stood in front of you both, flexing his bony fingers, which you just now noticed were gloved. "Bottom line right? That's all you really want." 

"I can kill near anything with a single touch. These gloves are magic though so I can use my hands and body." Reaper stated, immediately making you slightly uncomfortable, seeing as how you've been within his reach since he showed up. You shuffled closer to Crooks, not noticing the crimson haze the bloomed across his face, or the envious glare Reaper shot him. 

But what you did see was terrifying. 

Reaper stuck one single phalange into the soil the plant was in. The soil got very dry, and went from rich and plentiful, to desolate and miserable. The soil didn't get the worst of it though, the plant started grotesquely withering, each half grown leaf falling off before it hopelessly collapsed on itself, shortly turning to powder-like mess, completely devoid of any life at all. 

You glanced in horror at Reaper who was busy slipping on his gloves, the same careless smirk on his face. Even when he locked eyes with you he shrugged, mouthing an uncaring 'I told you so'. 

"So you see, this makes it kinda hard for me to forge relationships, have friends, family,...loved ones." Reaper said solemnly, for once he looked upset, genuinely pained. "But I suppose you can imply that anyways." 

He looked back up, his face showing no signs of any type of care at all. He chuckled awkwardly before making his way back to the couch, you following him closely. Reaper sure was interesting... and dangerous. He sat down and sipped on the mug of coffee that had been briefly forgotten, his face wrenching in disgust. 

"H-Hey babe, *cough* could you pour this shit out and make me a new one?" Reaper rasped, jabbing the coffee towards you. You took it, swiftly shuffling off to the kitchen to dump it out. You stopped at the sink however, your mind heavily questioning what made the drink so... repulsive. You looked both ways, the kitchen was open and Crooks could see you, but wasn't paying attention. 

And from his angle, Reaper couldn't see you unless he turned around on the sofa. Cautiously, you held the cup directly in front of you, gingerly lifting it up to take a sip. The smell was strong, creating a small tingling sensation in your nose, but you opened your mouth slightly and slurped a small amount nonetheless. 

You instantly regretted it, the temperature was horrible, the coffee had gotten cold while Reaper was demonstrating his abilities. Coffee wasn't much your thing anyway, which only made it taste worse. You harshly dumped it out, rinsing the large mug after doing so. You then scanned the countertop for a coffee machine, spotting one and rushing over to it. 

It was a French press type of machine, but you learned how to use those when you were younger. You filled the contraption with warm water, adding the coffee grinds and letting it set for about five minutes, and in that time you eavesdropped on Reaper and Crooks' conversation. 

"Heya, long time no see."


"Of course, you just wouldn't remember would you?" 


You giggled at Crooks' confused tone, pouring the strained coffee into the mug. Assuming Reaper didn't like black you went to ask him what kind he liked. "Hey umm, Mr. God of Death sir, how do you like your coffee?" Reaper let out an amused snort, standing up and waking to the kitchen with you, customizing his coffee to his liking, then heading back to the front room. 

"Thanks babe, it's perfect." Reaper whispered to you, softly pressing his teeth to your cheek before sitting on Nightmare's sofa, leaving you a blushing and confused mess. You stood back in you spot next to him still in a slight daze from his smooch but gaining composure quickly. 

Especially when the door handle started to jiggle.


Woohoo! Another long chapter! Between school, drawing, manga, and writing I can't tell which wastes the most time.

- De Moogus 

(Edit: it's school stupid. Good thing it's summer break now tho lmaoooo)

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