you arrive home late (requested)

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You tried to quietly close the door behind you as you walked into your shared home with Sana, though it accidentally slammed shut.

You winced over the loud sound, wondering if it would disturb Sana.

But you realized a couple of seconds later that it wouldn't because you turned the light on and saw that Sana was sitting on the sofa.

"Oh!" You said as you put your hand over your now-pounding heart. "You scared me, Sana."

"Yeah? Well, you scared me."

"I did?" You asked.

"Yes! Because I have been waiting for you to arrive home for hours. You wouldn't answer my calls or my texts. I thought something might've happened to you!"

"I'm sorry." You said as you took your shoes off.

Sana wasn't surprised to see that you were tipsy.

You were going to a party tonight with your friends so she knew you'd be drinking.

The comfort she found in that was that you weren't driving but rather taking an Uber so you wouldn't risk anything happening to you or someone else, though she did worry about you being intoxicated and possibly in a car with someone that would take advantage of you.

But you were home safe and sound, so that was a relief.

However, she was still angry about other things.

"You said you'd be home at eleven at the latest."

"I'm not that late."

"It's three in the morning!" She said. "You didn't even call me or text me. I've been terrified!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that I had to ask for permission to stay out with my friends, mother."

"Okay, hold up." She said as she folded her arms over her chest. "That is so unfair. I'm not trying to act controlling. I am just concerned and I was scared. What else do you expect when you're four hours late and don't answer me?"

You sighed and put your hands on your hips.

"You can, by all means, stay out with your friends. You're an adult, you make those choices. I just got scared, okay? I'm so sorry for worrying that something might've happened to my girlfriend, who I know was drinking."

She was fuming as she looked away from you.

"I know if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be just as angry as I am right now."

She was right about that.

"You know what? Just forget it." She mumbled before standing up to go upstairs.

"Sana, wait."

She stopped as she took the first step on the staircase.

You reached for her hand and she didn't pull away when you intertwined your fingers with hers.

"Baby, I'm sorry. You're right. I shouldn't have been so late and I should've told you that my phone was going to die before it did so you wouldn't worry as much. I'm sorry."

"I stayed up late worrying about you." She said. "I love you. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I know, my love. I'm sorry. Can I have a hug?"

She nodded before putting her arms around you to give you a warm and secure hug.

"I promise, next time, I'll do better and I won't be as late."

"Okay." She smiled and kissed your lips softly. "Come on. Let's go to bed."

You nodded and followed her up the steps, more than ready to climb under the covers and cuddle with her until you both fall asleep.

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