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"Agent Carter. The director wants to speak with you." A voice said over the intercoms.

Clara looked up and froze. "Me?" The blonde British girl said as she got up and rushed over the elevator. She scanned her ID and headed up to the top floor.

She was a kinda new agent, not new, not old, kinda in the middle. The 23 year old was a highly trained agent, place top in her class, was the daughter of two hero's, and she is sought after by all departments.

She chose to be an agent to take after her mother and father who both worked in the same department. Now, her parents are working in the private sector for independently run companies.

The elevator dinged as the door opened to Maria Hills office, the new director of SHIELD. Clara stepped in, and straightened her back as she approached the desk.

"Yes ma'am?" The blonde said with seriousness inner voice. Maria looked at her. "Take a Seat Agent."

She did so with no hesitation, and sat there nervously. Maria looked at her and chuckled. "Relax... I just have a new assignment for you." She said with a smile as she handed her and envelope.

Clara held it and read through it. "I'm going to be a bodyguard?" She said surprised. "To who?"

"I'm waiting for them to show. They're usually never late." The moment she said that the door to the elevator opened. Clara turned and saw the one and only.

"Welcome, Captain." Maria said as she extended a hand. "Director." The tall woman shook Maria's hand leaving Clara even more confused.

"Clara, this is Captain America, or Natasha Wilson Barnes. She is your new assignment." Maria said. Clara looked at Natasha and then back at Maria.

"The Captain most definitely doesn't need my protection..." Clara said rather bluntly.

"My thoughts exactly, but it is not my choice in this situation." Natasha said with annoyance in her voice. Clara glared at the captain, already not liking her attitude.

"Who is this higher power who is ordering this?" Clara asked.

"The President..." Maria said.

"My father." Natasha immediately followed. Clara knew she couldn't disobey or argue orders with the president. "Ah... I See."

"Yes. He is requesting you Clara, to be the Captains bodyguard, sidekick, protege, partner etc. just to make sure she won't get stuck in rather uncomfortable situations." Maria said as she stood up.

Natasha frowned more at that and just stood up. "Director... can I speak to you in private."


"Director..." Natasha said again. Maria sighed and glanced at Clara. Clara got the hint and left the room.

Natasha stood up and looked at her. "You know I do not need a guard. I don't need an agent getting in my way." She said.

"You really mean is that you don't want to get to know someone." Maria said as she looked out her offices massive window.

"Don't act like you know me." Natasha said as she stood next to her. Maria chuckled at that. "It's like I'm your godmother... and the main woman in your life." Maria said with a smirk.

Natasha rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Natasha... your father is doing the right thing. Yes you are an adult, but you can't just live your life alone. It's not healthy... we all worry about you."

Natasha stared out the window. "I don't need anyone around me, especially a guard. And her purpose isn't to give me company, it's supposed to protect me... correct?"

"Correct." Maria said.

"Then you all shouldn't worry about me being lonely. I'm fine." Natasha turned and started to leave.

"Go ahead and convince your fathers that. The ones who raised you." Maria said. Natasha just walked out and looked at Clara.

She scanned the blonde and sighed. "I apologize you're being dragged into this meaningless mission... I don't see the point." Natasha said as she pressed the elevator button.

"I don't see the point... but it's my job now. So, I'm going to do it." Clara said seriously.  Natasha looked at her surprised.

"You don't have to."

"I'm going to." Clara said.  Natasha raised a brow. "Well... alright." The two entered the elevator.

As the approached the bottom floor. "And just so you know... I've had 6 bodyguards." Natasha said as the door opened and she walked out. Clara's eyes widened. "6?! What happened to them?"

"They all quit." Natasha said as she looked at the shorter woman. Clara frowned. "What did you do... scare them?"

Natasha just looked at her. "No... my line of work scared them. The people I dealt with scared them..." she said as she crossed her arms and looked at her. Agents walked around them and whispered.

Clara felt as if this was a challenge. "I'm not quiting you, Captain. I'm sticking around.
Understood?" Clara said seriously and determined.

"Are British people this happy?"

"No... I'm just on my 3rd cup of coffee. It's starting to kick in right now." Clara says with a smirk. Natasha raised a brow and chuckled slightly.

"You are a strange girl." Natasha said as she walked outside. Clara followed in tow.

"How so?"

"Very excited. But... I don't expect you to stay with me long." Natasha said as she walked out to her motorcycle.

"And why is that, Captain..." Clara said as she watched her get into the bike. Natasha held her helmet and looked at her.

"Usually everyone leaves. It's normal, and I won't hold it against you." Natasha said rather calmly, as if she has had this conversation before. Natasha pulled her helmet on as Clara walked over to her and flicked her visor up.

"I won't be! I promise you that, Captain." Clara says meeting Natasha's blue eyes. Natasha just turned her bike on and revved it. "We'll see Agent!" Natasha backed up and took off down the street.

Clara watched and sighed. "She is annoyingly stubborn..."

Some where, a bit aways, a woman sits in her room, staring at book. "Hm... SHIELD has the tesseract... interesting."  Her eyes glowed red as she looked at her hands that were slowing fading into a black gradient.

Her red hair fell down her face. "They have What I want... but I need to find out where it is first before barging in." Wanda said with a smirk.

"I'll find it though."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now