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The following morning, Clara woke up feeling a bit groggy. She sat up slowly as she saw Natasha in the bathroom washing her face.

"Morning..." Clara said. Natasha waved slightly as she dried her face. She put the towel down as she walked over.

"Morning. Need anything?"

"No. I just want to get out of here." Clara said as she rubbed her neck.

"Well. The doctor came in while you were sleeping and said you were cleared to leave today." Natasha said as she handed her the discharge papers.

"Wonderful!" Clara said as she suddenly noticed Natasha was in her uniform.

"Where are you going?" Clara asked curiously.

"I have a meeting with the White House. I know you won't listen to me, so... if you want to go. That's fine."  Natasha said as she pulled her backpack onto her shoulder.

Clara nodded and got up. "But..." Natasha put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't want you to feel forced." Clara looked at her and smiled.

"Don't worry Captain, I'll be there. Don't worry!" She said with a reassuring pat on her hand. Natasha nodded and started to walk out.

"Oh! Should I be in my agents uniform, or formal?" She asked.

Natasha thought. "Wear your agents uniform. You'll be with me in the meeting. Not waiting outside with the other agents. Understood?"

Clara was surprised by this. "Yes, Captain."

Natasha walked into the Oval Office a bit earlier than the given time. She stepped in and saw her father writing on a piece of paper.

"I told no one to come in here early."  Sam said.

"Does Captain America follow that rule?" She said with a slight smile. Sam looked up from his work and smiled.

"No. No she does not." He got up and walked over, pulling her into a hug. She hugged him tightly.

"How are you sweetheart?"

"Tired. Had a run in with some hydra agents yesterday, but it wasn't bad." She said as she sat down. She purposefully left out the fact that it was Madam Hydra she ran into.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. I was going to ask you about that." Sam said with a chuckle.

"I figured you would. Thought I'd beat you there." She said as she smiled slightly.

"You know me well..." he said as he stood and walked over to his desk. "So! How's things going with Agent Carter. I heard you fired her and then rehired her?"

"She rehired herself. She refused my order of removing her." She said as she stood.

"and I saw she is going to be sitting in the meeting today? She's going to be the first SHIELD agent to sit in one of these meetings that isn't the Director." Sam said.

"In a way, she is becoming a sidekick instead of a guard. So, I'm showing her the most responsibilities she would have. And plus... she would know what to do if I ever disappeared for some reason." She said as he nodded slightly.

"Interesting. Well, Captain. I have to debrief with the others. I'll see you soon." He kissed her head and motioned her out as the other dignitaries and officials walked in. She nodded and left.

Some agents, male and female, were sitting around and were chitchatting. "I heard Agent Carter was fired by the Captain. She won't be getting promoted anytime soon." One of the girls said.

The guys nodded. "She is just too overbearing. The Captain would want to fight with her-".  They all paused when they saw Clara walking besides the Captain in full gear.

She glanced at them , smiled, and then continued talking to Natasha. They both walked into the conference room.

Clara stuck right by Natasha as they made their way to their seats. Natasha opened the file on the discussion for the day but paused as she read the folder.

Clara looked at Natasha who closed the file. "Captain? Are you okay?"

Natasha simply nodded as her father walked in and stood at the front of the room. "Thank you officials and SHIELD for joining us today. Usually all these powers are not gathered here to talk, but there is a situation that has been arising." Sam said as the screen behind him displayed the Hydra symbol.

"We have found reports of children going missing, at the same time children who gave gone missing in past years are now showing up as assassins. They are killed usually almost definitely by the time SHIELD gets involved."
Sam said as pictures of so far discovers assassins were in the screen.

"Hydra has started an operation that targets our youth now instead of adults. In the past we only had one example of Hydra taking children, now we aren't sure what they are doing. Captain... do you have any idea?" Sam said to her.

"Mr. President, in my sentence in Hydra, the organization was well known for executing plans that were not fully complete but were successful." Natasha said as she looked at the file.

She looked at the children who were taken. "These are all children who had a talent before they were taken. Most of these children can speak multiple languages, or were training in a martial art. They were taken, and their abilities expanded upon. Hydra sees it as a cheaper way of developing an army.... Oh they're looking for ways to develop more Winter Soldiers and Zimas for this world." She said as she closed the file.

"We need to know the training..." a general said as he looked at her. She glanced at him.

"Can you explain to us what they go through in training, Captain?" He said with annoyance in his voice.

Her mind went blank.

She suddenly found herself being strapped to the chair as madam Hydra stood in front of her.

"From now on child... you will be known as Zima." Natasha screamed at her to let her go, but then the shock was administered.

Clara reached over and held the captains hand under the table in a effort to wake her up. "Captain?"

Natasha snapped back and looked at her. Sam was walking over. "Captain?"

"I'm fine..." she said as she looked around the room. It felt as if someone was staring through her soul.

"Mr. President... I request that the Captain be removed from this meeting."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now