Unlikely Savior

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Clara saw a message on her phone. She pressed it.

- stabbed. In cell. Madam coming 4 u next. Run

Clara frowned. She got up carefully. She was still hurt... "this is gonna be rough..." she said as she walked over to her door and closed it, locking it as well.

She rushed over to her bed and got out of her night gown. She saw some normal clothes were brought to her.

Quickly she pulled on the shirt, pants, and sneakers. She grabbed the hoodie and pulled it on. Her gun was in her waistband and a mask on.

She unlocked her door and turned the lights on. Hydra guards rushed in. She simply used the chaos to escape the room. She ran down the hospital hall.

She swiped her security card and made her way to the prison.

As she ran she grabbed some medical supplies.

Fallon was fading in and out when suddenly he heard some fighting outside his door. Suddenly his door opened.

Clara ran over to him. "Hey!" She said as she saw his injuries. She lifted his shirt and started to wrap it tightly. He winced but let her.

"Sorry it can't be done nicely yet." She said as she heard more guards walking down the hall. She pulled the knocked out guards into the cell and closed the door before they were seen.

"I told you to get out of here." He said.

"And?" She said as she saw his cuffs didn't have anywhere for her to pick. She groaned in annoyance and pulled him up.

He was not too pleased by the suddenly pulling up. "Thanks for the warning..." he said.

"No problem." She saw a barred window and pulled something out of her pocket. She turned it on and started cutting through the metal bars quickly.

Fallon winced and sat down to try and figure out how to take his cuffs off. She pulled the bars out after cutting them. "Come on!" She said as she jumped down and pulled him up. He jumped through and she followed. The two then ran into the city.

He winced as he stumbled, but Clara helped him as they ran.

Madam smirked as she entered the cell. She saw blood on the ground. "They're both wounded... let's meet them before they get to city and see how long they last."

Clara and Fallon took a small break. They could see the city in the distance. She checked his wound as he did. The snow was not helping at all.

"Figure out a way to get those cuffs off?" Clara asked as she redid his wound. He groaned in pain and shook his head.

"Nope... I was thinking I could slam them against this boulder." He said referring to the one he was sitting on.

Clara backed up to let him do his thing. He slammed them multiple times, but alas they stayed in one piece. Both of them groaned in annoyance as they continued their trek.

As the two ran, Clara paused as she heard something. She paused as she knew Fallon hear it.

As she turned around she was pushed down the hill. She dropped her bag and phone. She hit a tree and winced.

It was Madam.

Her agents tackled Fallon who struggled to keep them back. The sun was setting and those two were getting further and further into unfamiliar territory.

Madam walked down to Clara and kicked her. "I knew you weren't Hydra... please. A girl who dies for her captain stays with her captain. It happened to Bucky, it happens to all of them."

Clara cringed as she activated her bracelets and punched madam. Madam winced get kicked her away.

"I assume your gunshot was only to make it more believable that you were Hydra?"

Clara chuckled as she spit blood into the snow. "What gave me away?"

"How you saved the captain from drowning. Don't worry... I saw it all." Madam said with a sigh. Clara gripped some snow. She threw it into madams face and then tackled her.

Clara punched her over and over again, but madam blocked them. Madam kicked her off and then pulled out her knife. "Get off!" Clara yelled.

Madam raised it and smirked. "Hail Hydra."

She started to bring the knife down but a flying object hit her hand and someone punched her far away.

Madam hit the ground. The wind was knocked out of her. She started to push herself up as she felt a gun against her temple.

Madam paused. She looked at the ground. "Captain..." Natasha was in a black hoodie and jeans.

Madams agents rushed Natasha. Natasha shot two in the legs, and knocked out the other three. Madam sighed and stood up with her hands in the air.

Natasha aimed her gun. "You're lucky I have injured people here. Get the fuck out of here."

Madam ordered her soldiers back and retreated. Natasha saw Fallon walking over. Natasha pulled Clara up, but Clara backed up slightly.

Natasha saw this but saw how her side was bleeding. Natahsa frowned slightly but walked over and picked her up.

"Wh- hey! Put me down!" She yelled. Natasha simply motioned Fallon to follow her. "I have people who can break those cuffs."

Fallon just followed behind.

Clara continued to try and get out of Natasha's arms but gave up after awhile. She saw the look on Natasha's face. It was one of some sort of relief.

"How... how'd you know where to find me?" Natasha said.

"Your phone sent a signal to me." Natasha said. Clara forgot she had that setting still on her phone.


Bucky sat with the other group members as they played games in their share living area. Sam was sitting next to him when he heard their front door unlatch.

Stephen and Maria looked and saw Natasha walking in carrying Clara.

"Wait-" Bucky said. He then saw Fallon.

Everyone was on high alert and jumped up.

"Stand down!" Natasha said seriously. They all went silent.

"Sit him down. Mina, get his cuffs off."

"Natasha are you sure?" Stephen said as he stood ready.

Natasha looked at Fallon.

"Touch my friends.... I will drop you. That is a threat, a serious one at that. Understand?" Natahsa said.

Fallon stumbled slightly. "Understood..."

"Good. Stephen he needs medical treatment."

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