One Shot, Two Shots

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Things went smoothly the next two weeks.

Clara ended up going on a few more dates with this Oliver gentleman. She liked him.

The two laughed as they ate dinner. "That story is insane." Clara said with a chuckle.

He chuckled as he held his glass of wine. "Meh... can't be too interesting." He said with a soft smile.

He sighed softly and looked at her. "I'm really happy I met you." He said with a soft smile.

She smiled softly and adjusted her hair. "Likewise." She chuckled.

He sipped on his wine and looked out the restaurant window. "What's it like being apart of the strike team?" He asked.

She paused and then looked at him. "Oh... it's going well." Caution started to scream in her mind. She gripped her skirt slightly under the table.

"That's good! How's the captain been adjusting to working with a team?" He asked as he looked at her.

Tread Carefully

Her mind was yelling at her. She smiled suit and sipped her wine.

Check the wine.... Did he do something?

Her training put her on red alert.

"She's... the same as always. But I couldn't ask for any other commander." She said as her nerves started to calm as her mind drifted to the captain.

"She is really good at her job..." he said as he looked at her. "You two good friends?" He asked.

Clara looked at her plate.

Her mind drifted to when the Captain was smiling at her. "Yes... good friends." Clara said with a soft smile as she looked at Oliver.

"How are her and her relapsing?" He said as he sipped some wine.

Clara suddenly got a call. She looked at it and saw it was Natasha. "I gotta go!" She placed some cash on the table and answered the phone.

"Yes Captain?"

"Hi. Um- is this a bad time?" Natasha said. Clara paused as she got outside.

"Is something wrong?" Clara asked.

"You didn't answer my question, Carter." Natasha said. Clara knew if she said yes the captain would never tell her what's wrong.

"No... actually you saved me once again. My date with Oliver got awkward and I was looking for an out." She said as she got into her car and started it.

"Ah. Interesting. Why'd it get awkward?" Natasha said as she messed with something in her apartment.

"He asked me a question he shouldn't have known to ask. Anyways, what's wrong?" Clara said as she drove to Natasha's apartment.

"What would you do if I said nothing?" Natasha said rather quickly. Clara nearly died from hearing that.

"Captain... did you just want to talk to me?" Clara said in a gentle teasing voice. There was silence on Natasha's side for a second.


"Well... I would say that I'm honored to be your go to chit chat partner." Clara said with a soft smile.

"I'm outside your apartment. Am I allowed to come in and we can chit chat face to face?"

"Come on up." Natahsa said as she roamed around her apartment.

"Alright I'll be up shortly."

Maria sat in her office. It was oddly quiet in headquarters as she got a text from Clara.

Carter: do we have any agents that go by Oliver?

Maria: will check

Maria opened her computer and typed the word Oliver into her agent database. She frowned as nothing popped up.

She tried different spellings, variations etc.


Maria: I need a full name now.

Clara: I think his name is Oliver Walter's.

Maria: okay.

Maria searched up his whole name on every database she could find. Not a single thing. She found her spy. She picked up her phone and called Clara as she stood up.

"Hello?" Clara said.

"I ran the agents name through every database and he-" suddenly a gun went off. It had a silencer on it, so Clara didn't hear it.

Maria stumbled as she dropped her phone. She turned and saw Oliver. She grabbed something off her desk as she fell to the floor.

He pushed her away from the phone. He picked it up and hung up the call. "Oh Director..."

Maria gripped her wound as he knelt down by her. "Next time... just pretend that there was nothing wrong."  She threw the glass decoration at his face causing a cut to appear over his eyebrow and under his eyes.

He winced and kicked her away as he grabbed her phone and opened it. He winced as he typed a message to Clara.

Maria: sorry. Lost connection. We have an Oliver in the system.

He tossed her phone by her again. Her shot her again. "See yah director." He put his gun in his jacket. He cleaned everything up, leaving Maria on the floor. He turned her office lights off, uploaded his agent file on the computer. He waved bye and then left, closing the door.

He covered his face and winced.

Maria was fading in and out as she pulled herself up. She reached for her panic button. Her hand shook as she strained to reach it.

Maria pressed it and then fell unconscious on her floor.

Alarms blared at the White House, and at Natasha's home.

Natasha and Clara happened to be the first on the scene. Natasha walked in with her gun ahead of her. She suddenly saw red on the carpet.

"Maria!" She ran over and saw the director on the ground. Horror was on Natasha's face. She quickly applied pressure.

"Carter! Call 911 now! We need medical!" Natasha yelled as Clara rushed out. Natasha looked at the director who was barely there.

Maria gripped her arm. "F-files..." she mumble before slipping completely. Natasha just picked her up and rushed her down to the lower levels as the medical services and the police arrived.

They got her hooked out to oxygen and out onto the ambulance. She was on her way to the hospital. Natasha watched the ambulance race off. She thought of what she told her.  Clara stood next to her.

"She said files..." Natasha said.

Clara looked at her.

"She said that... before going unconscious." Natasha said as she looked at Clara.

"Any idea why she would say that?" Natahsa said.

"The answer to whoever shot her is probably in her files."Clara said. Natasha nodded slightly.

"Let's go get the files."

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