Shes Not Healing

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Clara sat in her room. She stared at the ground as tears stained her cheeks. She didn't know where the hell to start to even try and find Natasha.

She was so angry. She wasn't there... she wasn't there to back her up. As she sat there, thinking , someone knocked on her door.

"Come in..." she said as she wiped her face. Bucky stepped in. 

"Hi..." he said.

"Hi.." she said quietly.

He sat next to her.

"H-how are you so calm..." she asked as she looked at him. "You don't have your husband... your daughter has been taken and might be dead... how are you so..."

Bucky chuckled a bit and sighed as he looked at his wedding ring. "I just have faith that they're okay and alive."

"I believe in them being able to hang in long enough for me to get to them." He said as he took a deep breath.

" I admire you for that." She said. "I've loved my life knowing I'm going to lose everyone, and knowing that I'm going to have to fight. I just assume the worst at this point." She said as bucks phone buzzed.

"I understand that." As he looked at his phone. His eyes widened. He showed her.

->  location sent

Clara didn't need to be shown twice. Bucky rushed out. Clara grabbed her uniform and got dressed.

Clara walked downstairs in her uniform. Her eyes were dark. "Clara you can't-"

She glared at strange. "Try and stop me. I'll drop you before you touch me." She said as she put her guns on her legs. He noticed the black widow symbol on her belt.

Bucky came downstairs with Maria. "Be careful Bucky..." she said seriously.

"I will."

Clara looked at him. "We're the only two going. Strange will offer back up to bring us home at our rendezvous point." She said as she put in her intercom.

"Understood." He said as he looked at her. "Ready?"


Clara and Bucky sat on a roof of a building looking for where Natasha was. "The only good this about Hydra being in the US now is that they're all based here and not across the planet." Clara said as she honed in on the signal.

"Found her." She said as she looked at the old SHIELD headquarters. "She's in the lowest level possible." Bucky said.

"Yep... this is an infiltration job, and a rescue." She said as they packed up.

"We need a key card and we're set." He said. He noticed the dark look in Clara's eyes.

"Your black widow side going to come on out?" He said. She simply nodded.

"Good. We're going to need it."

Natasha was transported to another room in the building. She was barely conscious. Blood dripped on the floor.

They tampered with her wound to avoid her healing any faster. She was slipping and it was fast. Madam knew it was going to be soon, so she simply waited.

Clara knocked out a guard and stole his ID. Scanned the elevator and walked in with Bucky.

"When the doors open, I'll lead. You go and find Natasha. I'll take care of this group." He said.

She activated her bracelets. "Understood."

The elevator came to a stop as she hid on the side. Bucky rushed through and started taking out agents one by one.

Clara ran off to the side, following Natashas signal. She shocked a couple agents, but kept going.

She slowed down as she saw blood on the ground. She knelt down and saw it was fresh. She looked up and kept going.

Oliver stood and watched Natasha lay on the ground, trying to move. She winced as they injected something into her neck.

"This is to temporarily pause your healing captain. Long enough for you to not last much longer." He said.

Natasha couldn't focus at all. Her mind was everywhere, her whole body was in agony.

Oliver sighed. "I'm getting tired of waiting." He aimed his gun. But another gun fired.

Oliver cried out in pain as he held his shoulder. His other agents fell to the ground dead.

"Back up from the captain." Clara ordered. He slowly backed up putting his hands in the air.
Kept her gun pointed at him as she rushed over to Natasha's side.

"You got shot three times..." she said as she checked her pulse. Her pulse was weak. "Who shot you..." Clara said gently to her.

Natasha just looked at Oliver weakly. Clara slowly stood. She cocked her gun and chuckled.  She aimed and looked at Oliver who had his gun pointed at her.

Her eyes were dark. There was no sympathy. "Cla-"

She shot him in the shoulder again. He dropped his gun and cried out. He hissed in pain as she grabbed his gun.

"I-I think you might want to know she isn't healing." He said before she tried to do anything to him.

She paused before she aimed her gun at his head. "What...?"

"Madam gave her a chemical and she isn't healing. And won't heal for a little while until it's out of her system.... You might want to check her pulse." He said as he met her gaze.

Clara stumbled as she ran over to Natasha. "Cap!" Natasha was unresponsive.

She checked her pulse. It was so faint. "N-Natasha..." she said as Oliver ran out setting the alarm.

Natasha could barely holding Clara's arm. Clara teared up as she pressed her intercom. "B-Bucky! I'm on the eastern part of the building! Natasha's unresponsive!" She said holding back tears as she put pressure on the wounds.

"On my way! Do whatever you can to keep her awake or to wake her up!" He said as he ran.

Clara just pulled Natasha close to her. "Natasha... come on. Talk to me..."

Natasha's eyes were threatening to close. The poor girl was too weak to even speak. Natasha just gripped her hand as tears threatened to fall.

"C-come on cap..."

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