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About two weeks later after getting the news, Clara sat in her apartment, curled up on her couch. She had been ignoring her team cause she didn't want them to worry about her...

That night she was looking at photos in her phone. She had run out of space so she was deleting a bunch of stuff.

She was scrolling until she came to a video. She saw Natasha in it. She pressed play.

"Hey Captain America. Show the people what you bought yourself for lunch." Clara could be heard saying in the video.

"I got myself... some candy."

"What candy?"

"Nerds. Nerds Gummies." Natasha said looking at the camera with full seriousness. Clara just laughed.

"Get a sandwich, and maybe a non sugary drink." Clara put the camera in the captains face, getting a smile.

Clara paused the video and turned her phone off. She saw the file haunting her on her coffee table.

"Where are you, Natasha..." she said sadly.

There was suddenly knocks at her door. She ignored them until she got a phone call. She saw Mina's name on the cover.

She picked it up and answered. "Yes?"

"Open your door." Mina said.

Clara sighed and got up as she opened the door. Kylo was there in his teaching clothes, Anthony was in his scrubs, and Mina was there in her normal attire.

"Did you all just get off of work?" She said.

"Yes. And we brought you dinner." Mina said lifting up sushi.

Clara motioned for them To Come in. She looked at them set up everything blankly. Anthony just walked over and hugged her tight. Clara just held onto him tightly and hid her head in his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay..." he said quietly.

"Okay..." she said tearing up again. He pulled from the hug and looked at her. Under his eyes were red from crying. "Let's enjoy some food... okay?"

She nodded. Anthony wiped her tears away and then smiled as they all Started to eat. Clara ate some food, but glanced at the open spot on the couch where Natasha would sit.

She just felt sick.

Madam walked into her office. She turned her screen on. "I said I wouldn't invade the US... but never said she wouldn't." Madam said.

She pressed a button on her intercom. "Bring Zima to my office."

Madam organized some things as she heard her team coming up the stairs. In came her superstar. In a new Hydra uniform, her hair was a bit longer this time, and best of all... she was ready to comply.

Madam stepped towards her. She turned Zika's face towards her. She saw no light in her eyes. "Perfect..."

"Zima. I have a mission for you."

She put a face on the screen. It was Sam's. "Recognize this man?"

Zima stared at the screen. "President of the United States." She said.

"Very good. I need you to kill him." Madam said as she sat at her desk.


"Preferably tonight, Tomorrow at the latest." Madam looked at her soldier.

"Can you do it?"

Zima nodded. "Good..." madam got up and walked over to her soldier, putting a gun into her hand. "Make sure it's quick. Do not get spotted, or captured. Understood?"

"Yes." Zima looked at her.

Madam nodded. She motioned to her handler. The handler gave her a mask. She put it on Zima and sealed it into place.

"Good. Now...." She said her activation words. Zima is as ready to comply. "Kill the President of the United States."

Sam sat in the Oval Office, typing away on his computer. He was responding to agents he sent to find anything on Natasha.

None of them found anything, so... he just was messaging them to say thank you.

As he typed he heard something outside his window. He frowned as he looked out the window overlooking suddenly something launched into his office.

It was a smoke grenade. He immediately covered his mouth and pressed his distress button.

Someone came through the window as he ran out of his office. He grabbed his phone and called Bucky.

"Hey hun what's-"

"Get to the White House! I'm under attack- my
Secret service is incapacitated-" Sam got slammed to the ground.

He cried out when he dropped his phone. "Hurry!" He said as Zima slammed her foot onto his phone breaking it. He kicked her off of him and then ran again.

This person kept chasing him. Sam's shoulder was no good.

Shots were fired. He dodged and went into a room locking the door. Zima tilted her head as she walked over to the room. She kicked the door in and looked around for Sam.

Suddenly she was tackled outside the door. Something was out onto her neck. It was an electrical shock.

She cringed as she reached up to remove it. Sam ran as he realized what was chasing him. "Oh shit-"

He saw shield agents run in, with Bucky and Steve. "Sam!"

"Get them out of here!" Sam yelled as he motioned to the agents. Zima walked behind him. She took out a smoke bomb and threw it at them.

One by one the agents fell dead. Bucky and Steve were guarding Sam. They had their guns up and ready.

They didn't see whoever this assailant was. Steve turned and was face to face with Zima. She tilted her head and slammed him into the wall.

She went directly for Bucky. Bucky fought her. When he realized. It was too late and he was slammed to the ground.

Sam was in a corner. He met Zima's gaze. He immediately knew.

She slowly walked towards him and pulled out her gun. She put it against his head. He looked her down the barrel.

She was about to shoot when she was blasted back. She hit the wall. Sam saw Anthony walk in with his team.

His eyes glowed red. "You messed with the wrong person..." he said.

"Mary, you got the perimeter?"

"Got it."

"Kylo, Clara you're fighting." Anthony said. "Mina get the power on." He said.

Clara activated her bracelets. "Understood."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now