One Last Night

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Natasha stood in a meeting at the SHIELD headquarters. She was debriefing about the situation and the things at risk.

She emphasized how if there is a fight, it needs to be drawn to the outskirts of town, to avoid high rate of casualties.

She continued, but then saw Clara staring at her. Natasha just winked at her as she continued.

Clara smiled to herself as she took notes. Anthony nudged Clara with his foot under the table, teasing hers about the exchanged glances .

Clara just smacked him and smiled a bit.

She just focused on her girlfriend again.

After the briefing, for the first time they all had a free evening. Natahsa was trying to convince Bucky to let her come over, but he told her to be with Clara.

"Dad I'll just bring Clara with-"

"Natasha..." he looked at her. She paused and looked at him.

"Go be with her... okay?"

Natahsa was scared too. What if it was their last night together. She couldn't bear that painfully realization.

But she knew she needed to. "Okay... I'll see you tomorrow."

Bucky hugged her quickly and ushered her off.

Natasha got into the lockers and changed into a red sweater, jeans, boots, and a leather jacket.

It was quiet.

It was peaceful. As Natasha pulled her backpack on, she turned and saw Clara walking into view, putting lipstick on. She was in a loose dress and flats.

Clara nearly jumped into the ceiling. "Shit- Natasha you scared me." The blonde laughed. Natasha looked at her. Oh Clara was beautiful.

Natasha looked in awe of her. Clara tilted her head slightly.

"You okay?"

Natasha nodded a bit as she walked over to her. She carefully took her hand into hers. "Wanna get some dinner?" The captain said lovingly.

Clara blushed a bit. "I... would love to."

The two walked hand in hand to get dinner. Clara was chattering about her day and how she had a few missions, and how she saw some agents be stupid.

Natasha listened to every word. Giving her feedback occasionally, but making sure to listen.

The couple sat outside a cafe.

Clara sipped on a tea as she waited for their food. She noticed Natasha looking distant.

"Are we okay?" Clara asked.

Natasha looked at her surprised. "Huh? Yes. Why wouldn't we be?"

"You just haven't been near me... spoken to me casually or even really look at me for a couple days." Clara got nervous. She usually over thinks things.

Natasha reached over and held her hand tightly. "I apologize for that... just... just a lot of things been going on sweetheart." Clara smiled softly and squeezed her hand.

"I know. But eventually things will be peaceful." Clara said with a smile.

Natasha just sighed and nodded as she rubbed Clara's knuckles with her thumb. "Yeah... peace."

Natasha looked at her. "What do you see our future being like?"

Clara looked at her and smiled a bit. "Well... tell me if I'm jumping the gun. We would be... married. Living life here, I'd run SHIELD, you'd still be Captain America, we'd love our lives..." Clara's face lit up as she talked about it.

Natasha smiled a bit at her dream for the both of them. "I'd love to see that happen."

Clara just smiled more at that. "I can't wait for it to happen! Ugh imagine just how amazing it would be."

Natasha just laughed and nodded.

It would've been amazing.

Clara and Natasha got back to the apartment, hand in hand, both chattering about something.

Clara unlocked the apartment and walked in saying something. She kept the lights off since she preferred the smaller lights.

Natasha took her jacket and boots off. She made her way to the couch and sat down. Clara was still roaming about. She went into the kitchen to make tea, or something.

"Do you want some tea-" Clara asked until she saw Natasha extend a hand to her. Clara just stared for a second before going over to her holding her hand.

Natahsa just pulled her closer to her and hugged her waist. "I love you." Natasha said. Clara paused but then leaned down kissing her head.

Clara felt a sadness behind her words. "I love you too darling."

Natasha looked up at her. The only girl she wanted to live her life with and sadly she wouldn't even get to live the fantasy they had dreamed to manifest into reality.

Clara held her face gently. "Why are you crying?" The blonde wiped tears from her face, gently like she always did.

Natasha just leaned her head against her. "I'm... I'm just overwhelmed."

Clara ran her fingers through her hair. "I understand. Well.. I'm here to help."

Natasha just held onto her a little bit tighter.
Clara carefully made her look at her.

Natasha met her eyes. She then stood up and held Clara's face. Natasha kissed her.

Clara held onto her and kissed her back.

This... this felt different.

Natasha teared up more as she kissed her more. Clara sensed an urgency, a longing.
Clara broke the kiss slightly as Natasha pulled her closer to her by her waist.

"Nat... what's going on..."

Natasha just put her forehead against hers. "I can't tell you..."

Clara frowned slightly.

"I can't even muster the words to tell you...." Clara just held her face gently, trying to figure out what's going on.

"I just need you... tonight. I don't wanna worry about the world tonight. I just need to be right here, with you."

Clara understood. She just nodded. "Okay..."

Natasha kissed her again. Clara kissed her as she turned off the light. She gently pushed Natasha back onto the couch.

Clara tucked her hair behind her ear as she sat on Natasha's lap. She tried to ask what was going on again, but Natasha kissed her again.

Clara figured she wasn't going to figure it out anytime soon. So... she just stayed close to her for the time being.

It was all she could do.

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