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Clara opened her eyes as she stared at a white ceiling. She looked around slightly as she sat up. She winced as she held her chest.

She glanced at her chest from under her gown. She saw bruises. "Damn..." she said as she then looked around.

She saw Maria sitting in a chair by her bed. "Director?"

Maria saw her and rushed over. "Oh you're awake. Thank goodness."

"Why? It was just a toxin." Clara Said as she noticed Natasha wasn't in the room.

"Where's the Captain?" Clara asked as she looked at Maria. Maria sighed and looked at her.

"The captain, has told me to remove you from her detail. She no longer wants a guard." Clara's eyes widened.

"What, why?!"

Maria sighed. "Carter... you died in front of her. It somehow hurt her so badly.... I've never seen the captain so distraught." Clara paused as she said that.

"I died...?"

"Yes... the toxin made your heart rate rise so much it was almost like you had a heart attack." Maria said with worry in her voice.
"The captain, revived you..."

Clara was shocked. She looked down at her hands. "Did she remove me... because of today?"

Maria sighed and nodded. "Yes. She is worried about your safety." Clara nodded slightly as Maria left the room. Clara Just felt exhausted and laid back down as she closed her eyes and went back to also.

She woke up a few hours later. It was night time so it was dark in her room. Clara groaned slightly as she turned her little light on. She looked around and saw someone sleeping in a chair by her bed.

This person was wearing a black cap, a hoodie , and chains around her neck. Clara gently reached over and lifted the cap up a bit.

She saw it was Natasha. "Captain..." she said in a whisper to herself. She came to see her?

Clara gently got off of her bed and grabbed a blanket. She covered Natasha with it as carefully as possible, to make sure she didn't wake her.

Natasha woke up slightly and looked up at the blondes who was standing in front of her. "You're awake..." Natasha said. 

"Yeah... I saw you were here, and wanted to cover you." Clara said. She started to say some other things when suddenly she felt arms wrap around her tightly.  Clara and Natasha stayed there in silence.

"I'm so glad... you're alive." Natasha said quietly. Clara gently hugged her back.

"I can't get knocked down that easily." Clara said quietly back to her. Clara pulled from the hug slightly and saw concerned eyes looking at her.

"Did Maria tell you... that you're off my detail?"

Clara nodded and sighed. "I still want to be your guard."

Natasha looked shocked. Even after all that? Even after you died?"

Clara nodded as she walked over to the window. "Yep. I want to protect you."

"Why?!" Natasha said as she took her cap off. "I am a trouble magnet with a lot of issues. I'm not the most sociable person, I'm closed off, I work solo and you still want to work with me!? You died Clara!" Natasha said.

Clara turned and looked at her. "I see quite the opposite. I see a woman who is warm and inviting in her own way, I see a woman who is closed off for a good reason, you work solo to protect others, and your issues are cause of the hell other people put you through." Clara said.

Natasha paused and just looked at her. "I... I don't understand why."

Clara sighed as she got back into her hospital bed. "Because... you're a good person who deserves to be protected."

Natasha just looked at her and sighed. "You'll get hurt being around me."

"I'm ready."

"It'll be hard."

"That is perfectly fine, Captain."

"You're a target now."


Natasha just sighed and looked at her. "You are stubborn."

"I know I am. That's why Maria put me with you." Clara said with a smirk.

Natasha rolled her eyes and sighed. She didn't tell Clara anything about her past the night before. She figured she should now.

"What do you want to know?"

Clara raised a brow in confusion.

"About my past, time in Hydra, what do you want to know?" Natasha said as she looked at her, looking for an answer. Clara was surprised by her sudden openness.

"Oh... um, why did they take you?" Clara asked as she turned her body towards her. Natasha thought back to that day, when her 8 year old selfs life was taken away.

"They wanted a new weapon. They took the daughter of a super soldier, and turned her into a monster." Natasha said as she looked at her.

"They wanted me because my father was who he was, and saw a potential in me to become a living nightmare." Natasha said calmly.

"And that's what they did."

Clara looked at her concerned. "What did they train you in.."

"Toxin expert, infiltration, espionage, assassinations, overtaking, multiple forms of murder, 15 languages, negotiation, undercover work, disguises, executions, hand to hand, taekwondo, jiu-jutsu, karate, Krav Maga, everything lethal." Natasha said calmly. "And that's not even all of it."

Clara looked at her. "So basically if you had to kill me right now, you already know how?"



Natasha stood and took her hat off and took her hoodie off. She was wearing a tank top, Clara then saw some scars on her arm. More trailed up her back and neck.

"Those scars..."

Natasha looked at her and sighed a bit. "Yeah... all of them are from fights." She turned towards and pointed at on under her left eye.

"This. Is from the mind wiping system they have to make you forget everything, forget yourself, everything-" suddenly Natasha felt Clara holding her cheek and rubbing the scar.

Clara suddenly realized what she did and pulled her hand away. "Sorry! I- im sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's okay." Natasha said.

Clara looked at her. "I don't mind." Natasha said as she sat down. Clara watched the captain sink into her chair and relax a bit.

"I'm going to sleep cause I'm sore... if you want to know more just let me know." She said as she closed her eyes.

"Don't you want to go rest at your apartment?" Clara said concerned.

"I need to be here."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now