Welcome Back

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"Oh yes. It's a part of you I thought I had erased completely, but there is still a part of you that is so so gentle." Madam said with a smirk.

Natasha looked at her.

"It's a weakness... don't say it's a strength. You were capable of crippling Hydra months ago, and yet... you chose to save some girl who you probably won't remember when I'm done with you."

"Done with me...?" Natasha said.

"Yes. I'm taking you back with me overseas." Madam said with her head tilted.

"You won't get me."

"Oh I will. If I make a deal with you, that you cannot refuse." Madam said.

Natasha cocked her gun.

"Shoot me and Hydra will never leave the US. I know your little director sent you to kill me, but if you do that, you won't be rid of Hydra. I already have three people ready to take over for me, and they're just as bad." Madam said.

Natasha gripped her gun and glared at her. "What's this deal...

"You come with me... and Hydra leaves the US. All of troops, all of my agents, all of my secret agents, all surveillance, and alll my bases. Gone."

Natasha stared at her blankly.

No... I can't. I can't go through Hydra again.

Those were the words Natasha wanted to say. Natasha's nightmare, reoccurring nightmare was going back.

I can't do it again. Please... I'll do anything else but that.

I can't.



Natasha lowered her gun. Madam smirked and stood as she walked towards Natasha with opened arms.

"Oh welcome back... my right hand of hydra." As she did, agents came in and put her in cuffs. Natahsa left out a shudder as she was dropped to the floor.

"Tell Wanda I won't need her." Madam said as she walked out.

Natasha was restrained and escorted to a transport container. "Madam!" Natasha yelled.

Madam looked at her. "Yes?"

"Show me you're retreating." Natahsa said as she looked at her darkly. Madam showed her on the iPad the troops were already in position to get moved.

They were already heading towards the pacific back to the Russian territories.

Natasha nodded as they out the muzzle on her. "Welcome back... Zima."

Clara stood as Natasha's beacon went out. A shield agent rushed in. "Director! We have reports of all Hydra troops retreating!"


Maria rushed over to the window seeing the helicopters, planes and troops of Hydra leaving.

Bucky slammed his hand onto the table as he walked out. Sam rushed after him.

Clara stared at the TV and then immediately knew what Natasha did.

"She made a deal..." Clara said with her voice breaking.

Clara didn't know what to do. The news was reporting that Hydra was leaving. Everyone was happy. Everyone was cheering.

Except Natasha's team.

"She probably took a deal to go back to Hydra, and... and do everything all over again." Anthony said as a look of disbelief went over his face.

Clara looked at him. "Do what all over again..."

"Become Zima." Anthony said as he met her gaze.

Bucky sat outside holding his head as he sat on a couch. Sam just stared outside blankly. His little girl was gone again.

Steve knew this was bad. He walked over to them but paused when he saw tears falling from Bucky's face, and dropping to the floor.

Steve just walked over to the two of them and pulled them both into a hug. Sam broke down. Bucky just held onto Steve.

He just stayed silent and didn't say a word. He knew they were in pain... he knew their pain. He had to go through it with Bucky and Clara.

"We'll get her back." Steve said quietly.

Natasha arrived in Russia. They removed her transportation container to a room she hated.

She stared at the ground as they opened her container. Madam stood by the chair... the chair that ruined Natasha's life.

The agents pulled her out. They removed her muzzle and walked her towards madam. Madam turned the machine on.

"We're not dragging our feet this time around." Madam said. The agents laid Natasha down. She closed her eyes as the images of her team rushed through her mind.

Hang onto them.

She said to herself. She was cuffed as she continued to keep her eyes closed. Her childhood memories of this place came back at her.

She just needed to hold onto her identity for as long as possible.

Madam turned the machine on. Natasha cried out as she clenched her fists, pulling against the restraints.

Madam watched and increased the voltage. "Come on Zima... take over."

"NO!" Natasha yelled. She yanked her arm breaking the cuff. Zima was screaming in Natasha's head, but she wouldn't let her do a thing.

Madam rolled her eyes and turned off the machine. "Knock her out... put her in her cell."
An agent promptly hit her, knocking her out.

Natasha woke up on the ground in her cell. She stumbled as she got up. Her head felt a bit foggy. But she ignored it and focused on what she could hold onto.

Her identity.

Her family.

Her friends.


She took deep breaths as she leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes and just stayed there.

Natasha fell asleep against the wall in her cell when she heard some people come in. "Come on. Madam has more training for you."

Natasha groaned as she got up. They dragged her out to a training room. Madam was on a platform. "Hello Zima!" She smirked.

"Time for your first trial. You remember these... so I don't need to explain." Madam said as her other agents came into view.

"Go crazy."

Natasha raised her fists. They all rushed her. She started to fight.

It was almost like muscle memory. She got pinned, slammed to the ground, but she never stayed down for too long. It's what she was taught.

Don't retreat, and always strike them harder.

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