The Sins of The Father

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Wanda's gaze darkened significantly. She did not mess with killing people's children, no matter how old they were.

"You promised to the captain, that you wouldn't harm his daughter." Wanda's eyes glowed red as she stared at Fallon.

Fallon sighed and stepped towards her. "You would've done the same... if they killed your children."

Wanda watched him. She backed up slowly. She knew he was saying the truth. She would've made the world pay. "Goodnight Wanda. Oh!" He pauses.

"We have a funeral to be at tomorrow."

Bucky never wore his military uniform. He hated them. He didn't like going to special occasions. Sam always had to force him.

But today... he bet Sam would've wanted him to wear his uniform once last time.

He sat in front of the group, Natasha seated by him. His eyes glued to the American flag being folded in front of him.

Slowly he looked at the American flag, draped over a dark brown coffin. His mind flooded with memories. As he felt himself zoning out. The American flag was presented to him.

He carefully held it. His hand shaking slightly. Natasha held his hand as he looked at it. He squeezed her hand tightly as he stood. He handed his daughter the flag.

The walk to the podium felt as if it took years. Bucky turned and looked at the audience.

As he stood there quietly, the missing man formation flew over. Bucky just looked at his wedding ring as the jets flew overhead. Eventually the roar of the jets quieted.

He looked up a bit. "Thank you all for coming..."

He kept glancing at the coffin. "I... I don't know what to say anymore..." he said as he looked down at the speech he had written.

"I lost Steve... and then my husband in the span of days... I just don't know what else to say." Memories of him and Sam ran through his head, but then the memory of him dying in his arms abruptly appeared.

He just looked away from The coffin and sighed. "I love him... and I miss him... so much."

Bucky just shook his head as he walked away.

The funeral ended.

Bucky stood in front of the now covered grave. He stood there blankly, his hands shoved into his pockets and his eyes dark.

He just stared at the words Sam Wilson written on the tombstone.

There were other things written there, but it finally hit Bucky, he was gone. He looked down and closed his eyes tightly as if he was trying to escape this nightmare.

"He was so young." A voice said behind him.

Bucky felt the hair on his neck stand, but... he also felt rage. He turned and saw the one man he wished was dead and in the ground.

Fallon stood there. He walked past Bucky and placed roses on the tombstone. "He was a good man."

Bucky grabbed his collar. Fallon just looked at him. "Brave aren't we..."

Fallons eyes glowed as he mentally took control of Bucky's arm. "You are brave to show your fucking face here." Bucky growled at him.

Fallon shrugged. "I can't show my condolences?" A faint smirk appeared on Fallons face. Bucky look at him in disbelief.


"I came... to deliver a warning." Fallon said as he removed Bucky's hand. Bucky shook his head. He teared up as he backed up.

"What else are you going to take from me..." Bucky said tiredly. Fallon looked at him, and then turned his gaze behind him.

Bucky turned and saw Natasha. His world came crashing down. He looked at Fallon. "No... no please."

Tears welled in his eyes as panic started to set in. Fallon looked at Bucky. Bucky held his head as he looked at Sam's grave and then Fallon.

"Please. I will let you kill me just to spare her. Please." He grabbed Fallons shoulders. He was a man at the end of his rope.

Fallon looked at him. "Hurts doesn't it?"

Bucky just looked at her and then back at him. He turned and Fallon was gone. Bucky felt his whole world crumbling underneath him.

He just held his head and gripped his hair.

He didn't know what to do.

He sat at home with Natasha. They ate dinner in silence. Bucky was holding his head as he just pushed his food around with his fork.

"Dad..." Natasha said looking at him.

"You need to eat." She said. Buck just lowered his fork.

"I'm not hungry."

Natasha sighed as she looked at him. "You can't keep destroying yourself like this. I know dad died, it is hard, but you have to keep living-"

"Fallon was at the funeral today." Bucky blurted out. Natasha immediately stopped talking. Her eyes went wide.


"He was there... he left those roses on your father's grave." Bucky couldn't look at her. She lowered her fork.

"Did he say anything?! Anything on who his next target??! Anything dad?!" She shot up from her seat.

Bucky didn't dare look at her.

"Dad?! Who is his next target?!"

Bucky just got up and made his way to the living room. Natasha followed after him and grabbed his arm. "Dad.... I'm not going to ask again. Who is good next target."

He paused. It felt as if he was the messenger of death at this point. He slowly turned and looked at her. A tear went down his face as he stared at his little girl.

Natasha stared at him confused until everything went silent. Her eyes widened. "Me..."

Bucky just watched her let go off his arm, to sit on the couch. He made his way and sat next to her. She stared at the wall.

"Talk to me." Bucky said quietly.

She teared up and looked at him. "What did I do...?"

Bucky looked at her. "Nothing... except be me and your father's child." He wiped her tears carefully. Natasha teared up more.

"I'm not ready to go yet..." her voice broke.

"I won't... let him take you. I promise...." Bucky pulled her into a hug as she cried.

"I promise."

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