Sudden Rescue

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Natasha sat by Mina at the hospital. Anthony came in with her medical results. "Mina. You are going to have to sit out from any fighting for awhile. You are pretty broken... Kylo as well."

Mina sighed and nodded. Her neck was bruised a bit. She just relaxed in her hospital bed and just finally got a breather.

"Your dad saved my life." Mina said quietly. Natasha looked at her and then at her hands. "He didn't even hesitate..." Mina said with disbelief in her voice.

Natasha wasn't surprised. He did that a lot. He always protected her when she needed it. Hell... he went back into Hydra to protect her.

"He does that..." Natasha finally said.

"I hope he's okay..." Mina said quietly.

Natasha had lost all hope at this point. "Yeah..."

Bucky gasped as he pushed himself up from the ground. Blood dripped from his head as Fallon walked around him.

"I wonder how many more times I can just take control of you, and throw you into the wall before you... give up!" Fallon said.

Bucky stood up, but fell back against the wall. "You've lost sight..." Bucky mumbled.

Fallons gaze turned towards him. "Hm?"

"You've lost complete sight of what your mission was..." Bucky said staring at him. Fallon raised a brow.

"Which was?" Fallon said walking towards him. Bucky winced as he pushed himself up
Against the wall.

"Making the avengers regret killing your children... and yet... here you are, you've killed two fathers, torturing one currently, killed two other avengers, tried to kill a young-"

Fallon punched Bucky's chest. Knocking the wind out of Bucky, he fell to the floor cough harshly.

Fallon didn't even look at him as Bucky fell. "The mission is still what it was initially..."

Bucky coughed as Fallon started to walk out. "I'm not satisfied.... Till everyone I need gone... is gone."

"I-i didn't harm your children... I wasn't even involved." Bucky groaned in pain.

"Who cares? You were the winter soldier. The world won't care if you die." Fallon closed the door, leaving Bucky in the dark and in silence.

Bucky wanted to getup, but he just... just was too tired.

His body was giving up.

He was giving up mentally.

Bucky couldn't give up yet though. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his now cracked phone. He pressed Natasha's phone number.


The line picked up.


"Hey.. I-I'm okay.... Just... just get Anthony to open a portal for me." Bucky winced as he said. He heard Natasha running around looking for Anthony. He assumed she found him.

"Okay! Be ready dad." She said.

Bucky suddenly fell through the floor, landing on the hospital floor. The portal got closed. Anthony ran over to Bucky and immediately got his medical squad to get him to the ICU.

Bucky laid in a bed in the ICU. Natasha sat by his side, holding his hand in hers. He was looking at the ceiling tiredly.

Natasha looked at her father. She rubbed his knuckles with her thumb. It was silent in the room.

Bucky turned his head and looked at her. "Did... did I ever tell you how your father and I tied the knot?"

Natasha looked at him curiously. Her parents weren't the most vocal of how they got together. "No."

Bucky smiled a bit. "We were on a mission. I don't even remember what it was about now. But... we were so tired, just finished and got back to the base." He sat up a bit. Natasha had a growing smile on her face.

"And so we passed out on the couch in my apartment. And he's just messing with my metal hand, like he normally does..." Bucky chuckled a bit.

"I watched him do that for awhile. He kept messing with my ring finger, and you know... with my past it wasn't expected for me to ever be in a relationship, but your father changed all of the expectations." Bucky said as he still held hand.

"So... what did you do?" Natasha asked curiously.

"I asked him right here to marry me." Bucky said as he relaxed a bit as he remembered he was injured.

Bucky remembered the shocked look on Sam's face, and him telling him to stop fucking with him.

"And I assume he said yes?" Natasha teased.

Bucky laughed a bit and nodded. "Yeah he did. And then, a year later, you arrived."

Natasha held onto his hand tightly. "Sorry I ruined the peace." She chuckled. Bucky shook his head a bit as he looked at her. He pulled his hand from hers gently and fixed her hair.

"You never ruined anything. You added to it..." he admired his daughter. Seeing the young woman she has turned into. "I wish... sometimes, you didn't have Sam and I for parents."

Her eyes widened. "What... why?"

"Cause you would've lived a normal... peaceful life. Where... where you could've become a dancer like you wanted when you were little. Where you could get married and have a family, where you could live... in peace." Bucky teared as he held her cheek.

Natasha just shook her head and put her hand against his. "This life... is what I was given. It's the greatest life I could have ever asked for. The end of it may not be the most ideal... but I lived a life worth living." She teared up.

"I got to be the daughter to the greatest people I could have ever dreamed of, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Bucky stared at her for a moment longer. He sat up slowly. He winced. Natasha immediately went to help him, but he pulled her into a tight hug.

Natasha teared up a bit and hugged him tightly back. "Thank you... for being such a good daughter."

Natasha nodded and held onto him.

"Thanks for being... a really good dad." Bucky just held her head and kissed her temple.

"No problem kid..."

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