In the Shadows

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Natasha went into her bag and pulled out a mask as they were getting close to their target. She put it on and clipped it.

Clara watched her slightly. She watched the captain put her shield on her back. She saw a person who had switched into combat mode.

Mina walked over and sat next to Clara. She had her whole spider suit on. "You ready for this?" Mina asked.

Clara just pulled her bracelet on and activated them. "We have to be."

Madam Hydra stood in an elevator as it went down to the lower levels. It came to a stop,
And the doors opened revealing Wanda with the tesseract.

"Are you ready?" Madam asked as she stepped over to her. Wanda's eyes glowed red as she nodded.

"Good... come on up to the higher levels, the troops are ready." Madam said.

"Are we going to have any company?" Wanda asked. Madam chuckled and sighed. "We always do... but we have sent friends to greet our guests. Just going to delay them a short while..."

Natasha knew something was up. It was too quiet... she glanced at the radar and saw two red dots appear and then disappear.

Natasha frowned. "Guys get into your seats now." She said as she got into the main seat and turned the autopilot off.

Clara ran over to the copilot seat. "What's wrong?"

"We have company." Natasha said as she saw two Hydra fighters come out of the clouds besides them.

Clara buckled in as Natasha kicked up the speed. She saw how they were getting closer to the base.

Natasha avoided them for as long as she could until the jet shot one of the wings. Suddenly everything went black.

Natasha woke up a few moments later. It was cold... so she knew they were still in the right place. She winced as she unbuckled herself
From her seat. She saw Clara was still in hers, starting to wake up.

"Are you guys okay back there?!" Natasha yelled as she went over to help Clara.

"Yeah! We're all good." Mina said as she helped Kylo out of his seat. Anthony walked over to the captain.

"We're about 10 miles off course, but I can teleport us in." Anthony said as he watched the captain.

Clara held her head but was okay.

Natasha looked at him. "Wanda will know you're here."

"That's expected. We need to get you guys in there so we can have an idea of what we're dealing with, and if we're going to need the avengers." He said as his eyes glowed.

"Alright. Tell the others the plan." She said as she looked at Clara. "Are you okay?" She said worryingly.

"Yeah I'm fine." Natasha heard her but was going to keep an eye on her. Natasha picked her shield off the ground and put it on her back.

Her and Clara walked over to Antony with the others. "Mina, you are too immediately go to security and get rid of it. Kylo, make sure to wreck them and destroy the power plant, so they're in the dark. Anthony your whole job is to hold back Wanda, Clara and I are after Madam Hydra." Natasha said as Anthony flared into the air.

Everyone acknowledged their job. Anthony opened the portal with Kylo leading. Mina went invisible and ran to the security tower.

Clara and Natasha rushed into the main building. As they did the lights went out. Natasha led the way making sure, to clear anything in the way.

It was eerily quiet where they were. Clara looked at the captain slightly. "What's the plan?" She asked.

"I'll go in first.... Make it seem I'm solo in here, you cut whoever we meet in the other hallway." Natasha said.

Clara nodded and turned right down another hallway.

Natahsa walked into a room full of screens. She stood there and watched as they all turned on. It was body cam footage of a man being killed.

"I'm sure you recognize this." A woman said in the room. Natasha looked up and saw Madam Hydra standing there. The glow of the TV shown on her face as she pressed a button.

Another piece of footage of Natasha killing a man. Natahsa watched it unphased. "Why are you showing me this?"

"Because... it's who you are." Madam said as she stepped towards her. Natasha took a step back.

"I'm not that anymore." Natasha said.

"Oh?" Madam stopped. She chuckled as the video switched over to when she was recently taken by madam and killed over 20 Hydra agents.

"Are you sure?"

Another video appeared of Natasha pinning Oliver against the wall. Natasha frowned and looked at her. "Why do you still want me... when you have an army of soldiers who will listen to your every order?" Natasha said getting frustrated.

"Because..." madam stepped towards her and sighed as she looked at her. "You were perfect." Madam said with a smile appearing on her face.

"You were the all mighty hand of hydra... my right hand." Madam said as Natasha looked at the screens. She watched herself be manipulated.

"If I was the all mighty hand of hydra... and if I was the main reason towards your success..." Natasha looked at her.

"You never were powerful." Natasha said harshly. "I will never... join Hydra. You'd have to kill me first to join again." Natasha said with a chuckle.

Madam frowned. But a chucked escaped her. "Fine." She turned and started to walk into the darkness.

"I guess. You can meet your replacements." Madam said with the most terrifying smile as more mindless soldiers walked in front of her.

"Don't worry Natasha. I've made soldiers close enough to you... don't worry. Let's see if you can beat them before my army is released." She waved and disappeared into the shadows.

Natahsa pressed her earpiece. "Guys, hurry up... she's got more super soldiers."

"Attack." A voice said in the darkness.

The soldiers rushed Natasha. She pulled out her shield and rushed them.

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