Get To Know

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Clara stood there and sighed but then jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand rest on her shoulder.

She turned quickly, ready for a fight, when she saw It was Maria. Maria had seen the fight and knew she needed to at least inform Clara a little bit about the situation.

"We need to talk, Agent Carter."

The two sat in Maria's office. Maria handed Clara a file. Clara Held it and saw only one piece of paper.

"What do you see agent?"

Clara honestly didn't know how to answer. "Not much ma'am..."

"That's the point." Maria said as she pulled out another file. A file that had much more to it. She handed it to Clara.

"This is her actual file."

Maria held it and opened it.

Alias: ZIMA

Agency: HYDRA

- [ REDACTED ] was taken by hydra at age 8.  Rescued at age 16, fully rehabilitated. Body guard of THE WINTER SOLDIER.

Kill Count: [unknown]

Clara looked at Maria. "What is This?"

"That is Natasha. She is a recovered assassin of Hydra who basically flipped the world upside down for awhile..." Maria took the file back.

"If Natasha wants to show you, she will show you the rest. I figured I'd need to explain a small bit about the captain. This is important to share since you are her guard. She has moments where she might go blank and be a bit more ruthless than usual..."

Clara suddenly remembered how the captains eyes went dull. She even pulled a real knife on her. "... she hasn't done that in years... so, if it's getting worse that means something bad." Maria said as she stood.

"What did they do to her in Hydra..." Clara asked with fear in her voice.

Maria's mind flashed back to her first run in with Zima. The horrors she had seen and experienced in that encounter.

"Things you wouldn't even let happen to your worst enemy."

Natasha sat in her apartment gripping her head as she curled up in her bed. Memories flashed in and out of her mind. "Just STOP!"
She yelled into her pillow.

"Be still Natasha... for you to be the next Winter Zoldat, you must withstand the next trial"

They lowered a contraption onto her head. They shocked her brain. Screams filled her world as she tries to get out of her restraints.

Suddenly she snapped back when she heard a knock at the door. She panted as she pulled herself up. Slowly she dragged herself to the door and opened it.

There stood a short blonde with bags of groceries. She was in a dress, her hair down, and make up done. "Agent carter..."

"Yes captain."

"Why are you at my house?"

"I figured you didn't eat dinner." Clara said. Natasha looked at her.

"How did you get my address..."

"I got it from your file."

"That is behind 4 secure firewalls..."

"Then SHIELD needs a new digital security system." She said. Natasha sighed and stepped out of the way letting her in. Clara beelined for the kitchen as Natahsa pulled on a hoodie.

Clara grabbed a pan and a cutting board. She glanced over at the captain who was looking at her. "Want to watch?"

Natasha simply pulled up a chair and sat at the counter.  Clara started to cut some vegetables up.

Clara noticed her hair being messy, the loose hoodie, and the basketball shorts. "Are you okay?" Clara asked gently as she chopped some different veggies.

Natasha looked at her as memories flashed in and out of her head. "You could say that." She just Held her head and closed her eyes.

"Do you need Ibuprofen?"

"Even if I did, it wouldn't do anything to me. Super soldier." Natasha said as Clara nodded. She simply walked over to the stove and poured the vegetables into the pot and covered it.

"Why are you here... Agent?" Natasha asked. Clara sighed knowing she'd have to answer.

"I want to know more about you." Clara says as she turned towards her. "I want to know more about you so that I can be a better guard for you."

Natasha looked at her confused. "My names Natasha, my dads the president, and I'm Captain America. What else is there to know?"

"I don't want to know captain America..." she sighed and looked at her. "I want to know Natasha... what's her story."

Natasha paused and then looked at her hands and chuckled a bit. "No you don't." She then looked Clara in the eye.

"You don't want to know anything about what I've been through. You wouldn't want to listen to it. It's a horrible story that no one knows..."
Natasha's mind flashed back to her mind being shocked in Hydra.

Her eyes zoned out slightly, but she snapped back when she heard a chair getting pulled next to her. A bowl was gently placed in front of her.

Clara pulled her hair up and sat next to her. "I'm here to listen."

Natasha looked at her a little surprised. She just started to eat a bit as she sat there. "When... when you knocked on my door, I was having some really bad flash backs..."

"Oh?" Clara said as she ate some of her food.

"Yeah. Back when I had just gotten into Hydra... after graduating from the red room." Natasha said calmly.

Clara stayed silent. She listened and Natasha could tell. Natasha thought back to entering hydra.

It was something she never wanted to relive again, or have anyone else relive. It was a torture that lodged itself strongly in her mind. She couldn't get away from it...

Even now she was "recovered" and yet... she felt as if old self was still in there lurking... as if Zima was waiting to jump out. Natasha never wanted to be struck like that again.

It felt as if she was nothing but something at the same time. Her memories were unreachable, her own mind was locked away...

She hated it.

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