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Sam turned towards the general who said that. "Under what grounds?"

"Under the grounds she was a Hydra agent who sent our government spiraling. She killed officials, hell even a president!" Natasha lowered her head as Clara looked at her.

"She not fit to be the Captain! She is a walking omen of death and destruction! I bet she didn't even tell you that Madam Hydra was involved in the attack yesterday." The General said. Sam looked at Natasha.

She stared at her lap. She kept her eyes closed and just took the angry words. The room uproar and started screaming at her.

"ENOUGH!" A voice said.

Everyone turned towards the blonde agent next to Natasha. Clara walked towards Sam and extended her hand, asking for his microphone.

The room went silent as he handed it to her. He sat down and smirked. "An agent speaking on the meeting floor."

Natasha looked at her shocked. "W-

"It's quite funny how you all ask the Captain for help, but after she gives you the assistance you desired without complaint, and then you ask question her allegiance to this country? That is a very twoTwo Face moves. I didn't see any of you coming to the rescue when she stalled the Scarlet Witch..."

The room stayed silent. "If you want The Captain to stay as your protector, treat her with the respect she deserves." Clara said as she put the mic down and started to walk back over to Natasha.

"And what makes you think you can tell us hoe to talk to the captain?"

"She is my partner." Natasha said as she stood. "She was again assigned to me by the director. She speaks in the same capacity as I do." Natasha said.

The room went silent.

"Well, this morning has been interesting." Sam said as he gave Clara back her seat and stepped up to the front.

"I agree with Agent Carter. There are members of this board that have anger in them. I would prefer we stay civil, or I will remove them from this chamber myself."

The meeting finished and Natasha stood up and sighed. Clara stood next to her. "I'm sorry if I made you upset... I couldnt handle seeing them be awful to you like th-"

"Thank you."

Clara looked at the captain. "I appreciated it."
Natasha excused herself as she went to go talk to another person in the room. Clara stood there and smiled softly.

She turned to gather the rest of their things when she saw Sam walk over to her. "Agent Carter..." Sam had his arms crossed and had a smile on his face.

Clara flinched and kinda froze cause well... this is the president. "Mr. President!"

Sam chuckled softly. "Call me Sam. I prefer it." He said as he motioned her to calm down.

"U-understood." She said as she put their files away.

"I appreciate what you did for my daughter."
He said as he glanced over at Natasha and then back at Clara.

"She needs someone like you in her life." Sam sighs and chuckled. "She's so stubborn... she didn't even want a guard, now... I have a feeling I'm going to see more of you."

Clara chuckled as she smiled to herself. "Well, sir. I think I'm only going to be only involved in her work life." She picked up their bag of things and smiled.

"It was wonderful seeing you sir. I have to go!" She waved and ran after Natasha. Natahsa paused and waited for Clara to catch up before walking off.

Sam saw a soft smile on his daughters face. "Uh huh.. only work life. Sounds familiar."
He said as his phone rang.

He answered. "This is Wilson." He Said seriously but a smile went across his face.

"Hey Honey."

Clara walked besides Natasha chatting as they walked past some other agents of SHIELD. Suddenly one of them stopped Clara.

"How come you get to go into the meeting and we can't?!" Clara was confused by this remark until Natasha stepped between the two pushing the rude male agent back.

"Cause I Let her. Shes my partner... and they get treated with the same respect I get. Understood?" The agent was mad at Natasha intervention, but knew better than to mess with the Captain.

Natasha walked next to her. "Thanks." Clara said to Natasha.

"No problem."  Natasha was going to say something when she paused and gripped her head feeling the memories rush back.

She turned around feeling someone staring at her again. She turned and saw no one. "You okay?" Clara asked.

"Yeah... yeah, sorry. Let's go."

Wanda looked over at Natasha and Clara left the building. "Madam, is The Captain supposed to become attached to... her guard?"

"No. Usually you're supposed to not show it." Madam said into her earpiece.

"Interesting. She's hiding it well... but there are small things that give her away." Wanda said as  she stood up.

"Like what?"

"The way she looks at her. It reminds me of vis and I." She said as she pulled her jacket on and walked out of the building.

"Oh my. It sounds like we have a lovely target then." Madam said as she got agents ready to sent a warning to Clara.

"Sounds like we do."

Clara walked back into her apartment complex after grocery shopping. Her waved at the bellhop as she got into the elevator.

She felt her phone vibrate. "This is Clara!" She said. "Oh, Captain! This is the first time you've  called me ever." She teased as she walked down the hall to her room.

"Yes. Sorry. I'll be at the office tomorrow." She said with a chuckle. She paused when she saw her window open.

"Captain give me one second." She put the phone down on the counter either groceries and closed the window. She frowned as she looked around her room.

She dodged a knife that was thrown at her from the shadows. She pulled out her gun and aimed and fired.

Suddenly she was slammed to the ground. She kicked the person off of her and raised her hands up. The agent came out of the dark. Clara frowned.


Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now