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Natasha hit the floor.

She pushed herself up, blood dripping from her nose.

Madam just clapped. "You still have the drive." She said as she stepped over the body's of her agents.

Natasha pushed herself off the ground. "Agents!" They came over and dragged natahsa up.

"Let's do another round of the mind wipe."

The following day. Natasha woke up in her cell. Her whole body hurt. Her mind was loud with Zima, basically trying to get out. The shocking was longer this time, but a lower voltage.

Natasha's head hurt so bad, and she knew there was bruising under her eye and above her eyebrow.

She winced as she stood up. Her arm was badly bruised. "Shit..." she mumbled.

She remembered all of this. She just wanted to be hugged by her parents. She wanted them here to tell her it was going to be okay.

She wanted her friends here with her. She just missed them all cracking jokes and making fun of her.

But oh... oh she missed Clara. She missed the faint touches, the moments of peace, the silly moments where they couldn't stop laughing, the affection...

Natasha just fell to the floor. She caught herself. It was difficult to think about those moments.

Natasha was thankful she got to kiss her just once more before she got sent to hell. She knew if Clara was here, Clara would be taking care of her, and telling her it was going to be okay.

But she's not here now... is she.

Clara sat in Natasha's room. She kept trying to backtrack the tracker that was on Natasha, but she couldn't find her.

She did everything.


"Where are you..." Clara mumbled to herself. As she did, she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." She said.

Sam appeared. "Mr. president..." she said.

"You call me Sam." He said as he sat down beside her. "Anything?"

Clara just shook her head as she stared at the map of the world. She could be anywhere.

"They move their troops all the time... and well we don't know where she is." She said as she closed her computer.

"I'm not allowed to go on any missions right now, so I can't even go looking for her." Clara said as she got up, looking out the window.

Sam knew her pain. "I have my department of defense searching for her, along with the FBI and CIA."

"Good..." she said.

"Cause not only my daughter is at risk, but... so many people are."

Natasha screamed in pain as her mind got shocked. They had upgraded her restraints so there was no breaking out this time.

Madam stepped towards her. "Name?"

"N... Natasha Barnes." The girl mumbled. Madam raised a brow. "Birthday?"

"December..." Natasha clenched her fists as she fought to remember. "December... 30th..." madam smirked and looked at her agent.

"Continue and increase. She's slipping."

The agent turned the shock on.

Natasha felt as if she was on fire. She cried out in pain as she pulled against her restraints until bruises appeared.

She didn't want to forget.

But she was losing this fight. She was just so tired.

The shock turned off as she laid there blankly. Her mind felt so foggy. Things were starting to blend together.

She felt her restraints come undone. Her fell off the side as she laid there.

Suddenly she snapped. As the second restraint came undone. She lunged at the agents. She grabbed one by the neck and slammed them to the ground.

She kicked the other into the wall.

Madam saw and then released more guards. "Restrain her." Natasha ended up taking down 20 agents before being slammed to the ground by John.

She swung and punched him. He fell back as Natasha raced after Madam. Madam looked at her. "Touch me and I will kill your team!"

Natasha stopped in her tracks. Madam walked over and met her gaze. "You made a deal. So now... it's time for you to live up to it. Because you're acting like this, get back into the chair." Natasha teared up.

"I- I can't..."

"You can." Madam said.

"Because if you don't, I take everything you love and destroy it. Isn't it a simple choice?" Madam said as her agents got up.

They dragged her back to the chair and laid her down. "You belong to Hydra my child. You belong... to me."

The shock was turned back on, and at a higher voltage. Natasha knew she couldn't hold on much longer.

Sam sat in hushed office, staring at his phone. Wanting to hear something. Anything about his daughter.

As he sat there, Bucky came in.

"Sam..." Bucky said. Sam didn't hear him. Bucky walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sammy."

Sam looked at him. "Yes?"

"You have a press conference." Bucky said. Sam nodded as he stood up.

Sam stood there for a moment when a family picture on his desk caught his eye. He held it in his hands.

Tears welled up in his eyes. Bucky was by the door when he noticed. Bucky walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

Sam held onto him. "It's not fair."

"I know." Bucky said as he pulled from the hug and wiped his tears.

"We have to be strong here for her, but you are still the president of the United States. Natasha would want you to do your job... you have given the whole military and intelligence agencies the task to search for her. We just have to be patient and have faith." Bucky said.

Sam nodded slightly. "I know... I know."

Clara got called into Maria's office.

"Yes director..." Clara said.

"I have this for you." Maria said as she handed her a small box. Clara gently held it and opened it.

"Natasha gave these to me so that in case things went wrong, you could have something from her." Maria said.

Clara pulled out Natasha's dog tags. Clara held them and teared up.

"Thank you..." she carefully put them on.

"Any sight of her yet..." Clara asked.

"No... there isn't."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant