Acceptances and Dealings

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Sam woke up a little while later. He felt a warm blanket wrapped around him. His wounds were patched up, and he actually felt normal for the first time in awhile.

He had an IV attached to his arm. He looked around and saw Bucky asleep on the bedside, holding his hand in his.

Sam squeezed his hand in his. Bucky subconsciously squeezed it back. With that, Bucky started to wake up.

Sam met Bucky's blue gaze. A soft smile crept across Bucky's face. "Sammy."

"Bucky." Bucky leaned forward and kissed him. Sam's free hand immediately went to Bucky's cheek.

"Oh I missed you." Sam said quietly.

"Same." Bucky said as he gently put his forehead against Sam's. Bucky just adored being in Sam's presence. It was peaceful, calm, warm, but vibrant, exciting, and pleasant at the same times.

Natasha sat in her room. She stared at the ground as her hair fell into her face. It was dark in her room.

A knock sounded at her door but she ignored it, hoping whoever was there would leave her be. She didn't want to be spoken to.

Natasha was questioning everything with Clara... everything.

Sadly, her wish of being left alone wasn't answered. Anthony stepped into the room as he closed the door behind him.


"Anthony... this isn't the time."

"So what are you going to do? Not talk and let it pent up inside of you till it kills you?" He said as he crossed his arms.

"Stop..." she said.

"No. Because you're stubborn. Disgustingly stubborn, and you're just going to let this eat you up and you're going to become emotionless again." He said as he stepped towards her.

Her mind flashed back to the kiss, to the moments Clara saved her, to Clara smiling.

She clenched her fists.

"It's not bothering me." Natasha said. Anthony shook his head.

"You're terrible at lying. You obviously-"

"Fine!" She yelled as she stood. She looked st him. Anger and sadness covered her face.

"The one person I've connected to in a long long time, the girl I like, the girl I would die for turns out to be a spy who was ready to backstab me the moment I let my guard down!"
She yelled. Tears ran down her face.

"I trusted her. I... I-" she gripped her hair.

"It's not fucking fair..." her voice broke. Anthony unfolded his arms and listened to her.

"I can't get close to anyone... I-"

Anthony pulled her into a hug. Natasha teared up more and hid her head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. She did the same.

"I liked her Anthony..." she said in her sobs. Anthony nodded.

"I know. I know you did." He said as he comforted her. He knew Natasha struggled with making friends. They had grown apart since their childhood.

He knew she never trusted easily. But he knew that if she trusted someone, she would defend and protect them no matter what.

She would protect her whole team. She trusted them all... but it was special for her and Clara. Clara was a confidant, a person who stuck by her side, a friend, a battle buddy...

Now... she had a lost friend.

Eventually Natasha sat back on the bed with her head on Anthony's shoulder.

"Thanks Anthony..." she said.

"No problem Nat." He said as he looked out the window. "Just know we're all here to talk to you. Now... relax." He got up and smiled softly at her.

"It'll be alright. We'll beat Hydra and fix everything." He said as he left the room.

Natasha sat there. Fix everything.

It wasn't possible. Cause now... Clara was the enemy.

She glanced at the side table where Clara would keep her jewelry. She carefully picked up a necklace. It had a flower charm on it.

Natasha put it on carefully and then went to lay down, and went to sleep.

Clara pulled on her Hydra uniform. She noticed it lacked the Hydra symbol. It was the same with Fallons.

She eventually got escorted to his office. The guards who escorted her left. She stood in Fallons office as he looked out the window.

She glared at him. "Happy..?" She said.

He glanced at her and then went over to his desk. "No." He said as he sat down. He motioned for her to sit down.

She continued to stand.

"I won't force you..." he moved his finger which moved the chair closer to her.

"Just in case you change your mind." He said as he pulled out a file.

"Why did you drag me into your cult?" She said bluntly. Fallon looked at her.

"To tear it to the ground." He said. That wasn't what she was expecting to hear.

"Tear... Hydra to the ground?" She said, making sure she wasn't just hearing things.



"Because I hate Hydra." He said casually.

"Then why be the head of it?" She said.

"Because... the best way to tear down your enemies is to kill them from the inside out." Fallon said as he leaned back in his chair. Clara sat down in the chair.

He moved her chair towards his desk with his hand.

"But why do you need me on your team?"

"Because ... you are an agent on par with the captain. The captain wouldn't believe me if I tried to ask her to help me. She doesn't trust Hydra which I understand... you on the other hand are a bit more willing to listen to me." He said as he sat up straight and looked at her.

"I need a right hand."

"Isn't that what Madam was to you?" Clara said being cautious of her words.

"Madam... is a cover. She thinks she runs things... but she truly doesn't." He said as he handed Clara Madams file.

"To show you I'm serious, here's madams information." He said as he typed onto his computer.

She held the folder and looked at him. He pressed enter on his computer. "You're now one rank under madam. Just making sure you know... I'm serious."

"I can tell." She said as she opened the folder.

"So, will this partnership work?" He asked.

"Yes." She said as she closed the file.


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