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Natasha and Clara landed back at the base. The jet opened and there was Sam waiting. His arms were crossed as if he was nervous.

His expression relaxed when he saw Natasha. He unfolded his arms and walked towards the ship as she walked out.

He then ran over to her and pulled her into a hug. Relief swept over his body, being able to feel her be right her with him.

His little girl was safe, right here with him.

"You're not gonna ask how the mission went?" Natasha said as she held onto him. Sam shook his head. "You're right here... which means you did the mission right."

He was relieved. At least one person was safe in his family.

Clara smiled at the two but then saw her Dad. She smiled and walked over to him. He simply hugged her, slightly picking her up. "Hey beautiful. You okay?"

Clara nodded. "I'm alright! Didn't do much, Natasha took care of pretty much everything. Not that I was leaving her with it all."

"Oh I gotcha. Well, I'm glad that terrible woman is gone." He said as he ruffled her hair.

The avengers all got back to the White House. Sam sighed in relief as he saw all of them. He was so thankful they were all okay.

Maria stood in the back of the room, listening to Sam talk to the Avengers.

Natasha felt conflicted by how Sam was happy. She glanced at Maria, wondering if she told her father about the consequence of killing madam Hydra.

Based on her reaction...

She didn't.

Natasha clenched her fists.

Sam sighed as he sat on his desk. He sensed something wrong with Maria. "I just praised your team, and you, and you look depressed. What's wrong?"

Maria sighed and stepped forward. "We're not done."

Sam chuckled a bit. "What do you mean by that?"

Maria clenched her fists and looked at him. "Fallon..."

"What about him?" Sam suddenly said seriously. Maria relaxed her hands and looked at him.

"He.. he is planning his attack." She said. Sams eyes widened.

"I- how do you know this?" He said as he stood now. The tension in the room rose. The avengers chatted among themselves.

Maria met Sam's gaze. "I was informed... that the moment Madam died, we must be prepared for him coming after the avengers, specifically the original 6."

Sam could not believe this. He scoffed as he rubbed his neck. "How long have you had this information?"

Maria stayed quiet.

"Maria how long!?"

"A while."

Sam's happiness faded away in an instant. Anger replaced it. "And you're telling me now!?"

"It was confidential. And I did not anticipate you making so many moves, so quick, that were successful!" She yelled.

Sam shook his head as he slammed his hand on his desk. "It does not matter! You know I wanted madam gone! And now you decide to tell me that her death is the green light for Fallon to go insane!?"

Maria glared at him. "Don't raise your voice at me. I don't have to tell you-"

"People are going to die, Maria." Sam interrupted her.

The room went immediately silent.

Sam sat in his chair. Maria stood there, waiting for him to say something. Sam held his head and looked out his window.

"Get out." He said to her.


"Get the hell out... Maria."

Maria simply turned and left. The avengers looked at each other confused. Sam stood and turned to them all.

"I wish you all had simpler lives... what you didn't have to sit in this office... having to shoulder the weight of the world." He teared up a bit.

He was so stressed. He didn't want to lose any of these kids. But he knew Fallon was ruthless.

He sighed and motioned for them to leave. They all left except Natasha. She stood in front of his desk.

"I'm... assuming you knew?" Sam asked.

"I did... but I thought she had briefed you, being the president and all." She said. Sam just stood there looking out the window.

"Apparently it doesn't matter." He turned and looked at his daughter. "I could be the most powerful man in the country and will still be treated as if Im nothing apparently."

Natasha understood that feeling. "One day... I'll be respected. But it's clearly not today." He said with a tired chuckle.

He sank into his chair and held his head. "I'm so so tired Natasha. This job... this life, this world, it's exhausting."

"I don't know what's going on, I don't know what I'm doing anymore... hell, I don't even know where your father is." He said as he looked up at her.

She related to him. The most powerful woman in the world and yet... she never could keep herself afloat.

"Things will work out... eventually." She said with a tired smile. She walked over to his side and knelt down by his chair, taking his hand into hers.

He squeezed her hand and looked at her. "In promise I'll be right here by you, helping you save the world, and helping you carry this."

A tear went down Sam's face. "I wish you didn't have to carry the world."

Natasha smiled tiredly and chuckle. "I don't have to... but I chose to."

Sam just admitted his daughter. His hero.

"I know..." he sighed and ruffled her hair. "Go to the house, bring your friends along, and relax. I have some things to do here." He said calmly.

"You sure?" She said.

"Yeah... you just did a mission for me. You deserve it." He kissed her head and ushered her along. She knew there was no convincing him to let her stay. She kissed his cheek and then headed out.

"See you tomorrow dad!" She waved and ran out. Sam waved , keeping his smile on his face until the door closed.

His hand sank to his lap, and his smile disappeared. He held his head and teared up.

"I'm so tired."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant