One Tiny Flaw

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Clara winced as she got treatment by John. "Geez... I didn't think she'd shoot you." He said.

"I don't think so either." She said as madam watched her.

"Strange how each of my future agents got away, the captain got away, and so did her team." Madam said as she glanced at Clara.

"It is bizarre." Clara said as the Hydra medical team arrived.

Clara transported to the medical center where Fallon was. After she got stitched up and wrapped up he walked over to her bed. "Why are you shot?"

"To make it believable to madam and John." She Said tiredly. She handed him a flash drive. He held it and nodded. "Thank you.

"No problem...." She looked at him. "I think Madam is catching on."

"I see. I won't let her go any further." He said as he put a hand on Clara's shoulder. "Rest."

Clara nodded as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She thought she was dreaming about something random, but... it was a memory.

Clara sat on her couch watching Natasha mess around in the kitchen.

The two were silent, and just listening to the music. It was calm and relaxing. Clara caught herself staring as Natasha looked at her.

A smile went across her face. "What?"

Clara just chuckled and shook her head. "Ah don't worry about it. It's strange that the Captain America is here making dinner for me, willingly." Clara said with a soft smile.

"I don't mind. Plus, your date with Oliver got cut short." Natasha said as she poured a glass of wine. She walked over to Clara and gave it to her.

"You won't have one?" Clara said as she sipped on it.

"I would, but it'll be a waste. It won't do anything?" Natasha said as she made her way backt to the kitchen.

Clara got up and sat on a bar stool and watched her cook. "Did you want it to do something?"

Natasha placed a plate of food in front of her. "Maybe I did? It'll make me brave." The captain said.

Clara just laughed, which caused Natasha to look at her confused. "Braver than you already are? So there's something out there that scares you?"

Natasha just looked at her and chuckled. Unsaid word obviously there. Clara knew but didn't push. Natasha just said

"Only a few things."

Clara woke up hours later. It was snowing outside and it was cold in her room. It was almost Christmas.

She looked around and realized how agonizing the quiet was.

Don't get her wrong, she loved the quiet. But this quiet... behind enemy lines, with no one wanting to see you was just awful.

She longed to be back in her apartment, decorating it with red ribbons and tinsel. She just wanted to be making cookies and sipping on hot chocolate with her friends... with the captain.

But that wouldn't be happening this Christmas.

Madam stood in her office as Wanda walked in. "You called?" Wanda said.

Madam turned towards her. "How comfortable do you feel about killing someone."

"Bizarre question."

"It only needs a yes or no."

"Very comfortable."

"Good. I don't trust Fallon. I need you to kill him, and you're the only one who can possibly touch him." She said with a serious tone.

Wanda frowned. "Madam... he's on a level that is highly dangerous. If I attempt to kill him or even incapacitate him, I will die." Wanda said as she sat down.

"Shit..." madam thought about the situation. "We have to take Fallon out discreetly." She said as she walked over to a drawer and opened it.

She pulled out something from her drawer. "Clara's still in the hospital?"

"Yes." Wanda said watching her curiously.

"Good. I'll be back." She slipped the object into her pocket. "I'll be coming for her next."

Fallon sat in his office typing on his computer. He was typing an email. He looked up as madam stepped in.

Madam knew she couldn't kill him... but she knew he wasn't good for Hydra.

She came in sipping a coffee. She handed it to him. "They gave me an extra one." She said as she sat down.

He looked at the coffee and then looked at her. "I don't like coffee."

She frowned slightly. "Nice to know." She looked at him. "How do your powers work?" She said curiously.

He ignored her. She sighed and dropped something to the floor. Smoke started to fill the room.

"You know Fallon... you came out of nowhere you know..." he stood up as the smoke filled the room.

"You were a mystery... but I learned a bit more about you yesterday." She said with a chuckle as he lost sight of her.

"I learned you are a broken scientist..." he clenched his fists. "And?"

"A broken scientist who lost his children... and became a mutant due to radiation. You have no connection to Hydra during that time or before..." she said as she walked around him, covered with smoke.

"You definitely did your research..." he said as he moved towards the middle of the room.

"Oh I did... so that allows me... she rushed and tackled him, stabbing him with a knife." He threw her off of him.

He cringed in pain as she came back and kicked him into the wall.

"... allows me to eliminate you, or torture you." She smirked. He could only manipulate things he could see. But the visibility had to be extremely low for this to work. He sees any part of someone, it's his playing field.

She walked over and swiftly cuffed him with power dampening cuffs. She called her guards up and told them to throw him into a cell.

She headed to the medical center.

Clara was next.

Fallon got into his cell. His head hung as he saw his side bleeding. "Shit..." he messed around looking for his phone. The idiots didn't search him. He pulled his phone out and put it on the floor.

He groaned in pain as he leaned forward and typed something to Clara. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes tight.

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