One Down

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Fallon got slammed to the ground. He had sand in his eyes and was struggling to get it out.

Natasha rushed him, pushing him closer and closer to the ocean. Mina was making sure the sand kept flying.

Bucky appeared with Kylo, and Anthony.

Fallon was able to see. He glanced at Mina, and shot her back. He raised his hand at Natasha and threw her away from him.

A portal opened behind him, and Kylo as his Symbiote rushed out. He tackled Fallon, but Fallon took control of him and pinned him to the ground.

Bucky shot his gun, but the bullet stopped in front of Fallon and dropped. Fallon was about to say something when a shield slammed into his back, knocking him down.

Fallon winced and tried to get up, but Mina webbed him tightly and got him into a chokehold.

He choked as she kept him down. He slammed her onto the ground and slammed her into a rock wall.

Anthony suddenly was now in front of Fallon fighting him. He was about to cast the spell to take away his sight permanently. In the split second, everyone was in front of Fallon.

His eyes widened as he waved his hand. He took control of Mina, Bucky, Anthony, Kylo, and Natasha.

A bloody tear fell from his eye. "You all... are so corrupt. Thinking you don't have to pay for your crimes...."

Natasha cringed in pain as he manipulated them. "C-Clara... Fire."

Clara aimed and fired. Fallon looked and took control of the bullet. Natasha and Anthony rushed him, but then.

They expected him to either dodge or take the bullet. Fallon caught the bullet and then returned it to Anthony.

Anthony got hit, and fell. He cried out in pain. Natahsa skidded to a stop and rushed back over to Anthony's side. "Anthony!"

He gripped her arm as she saw his side was shot. "Shit..." she saw Fallon making his way over.

Suddenly Mina appeared behind Fallon and dragged him to the ground. "Guys! Go! Get him out of here!"

Bucky and Natasha dragged Anthony to safe space. "Clara contact strange! Now!"

Natasha said as she laid Anthony down carefully. Blood dripped from his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry... I got too close." He cringed. Natasha shushed him.

"You did perfectly. Just rest." She used his cloak to put pressure on his wound. He looked at her and handed her something.

She held it. "This... this is a chemical mixture that'll blind him instantly if you get close enough to him. This was a back up if I got hurt..."

Natahsa held it and put it in her pocket. "Thank you." She Said as a portal opened.

Stephen rushed through. "Anthony!"

"Take him." She pulled her shield on her arm.

Bucky nodded at Stephen and stood next to Natasha. "We're down a player."

"I know... hey Mina! Web his face for me!" Natasha yelled as her and her father ran back out onto the field.

Mina got slammed to the ground. She webbed his face before he clawed it off. He took control of the sand and made a sand storm.

Now Clara couldn't fire at him, Mina couldn't see him, and neither could Bucky and Natasha.

Mina looked around trying to scan for him.

"You all think you can kill me? Just because you all have a damn group, you cant touch me... I am still standing and took out your most powerful! Don't you dare think you'll all win with ease!"

He turned and saw Natasha. She punched him into the water. He went under water. She went after him. But he grabbed her and held her under the water.

Fallon came above the waves, gasping for air as he held her under. "You won't win this."

She gripped his wrists. She reached out to him to stop. Her eyes went dull as she was losing  air.

He was about to kill her when a shield hit him, knocking him back. Fallon let her go as he went under. He came back up and saw Bucky with the shield in his hands.

"You... are a pain." Fallon said with anger and exhaustion in his voice. Fallon took control of the shield and threw it to the side. "Maybe I'll kill you too... since you seem to want to die so SO bad."

Fallon raised his hand and took control of Bucky. Bucky tried to fight it but Fallon was too pissed off to make this easy.

Fallon slammed him to the ground. The rain start to fall.

Bucky cringed as Fallon slammed him to the ground over and over and over again. Bucky coughed up blood as he did that. Fallon dropped him and shook his head. "Your family is insanely difficult to kill."

He threw him to the wall. Bucky stopped moving.

Bucky couldn't see anything.

He felt so cold, tired...

He was slipping. He was accepting it. Maybe it was for the better? Suddenly he felt this warmth.

"Open your eyes." A familiar voice said. Bucky opened his eyes tiredly. Pain covered his eyes, but he froze when he saw where this warmth was coming from.

"S-Sam..?" Bucky said. Pure shock and disbelief covered his face. Sam smiled sadly and sighed.


Bucky just hugged him. Sam hugged him tightly. Both of them tearing up. Bucky had longed to be back in Sam's warmth, back to feeling his heartbeat.

"I don't want to cut this short... but you have to help our daughter." Sam said as he held onto Bucky tightly before letting go carefully.

Bucky looked at him. "How... I-"

"Just open your eyes and you'll be there with her." Bucky just looked at him. "I..."

"She needs you."

The two stayed just like that for a few more moments. Bucky nodded as he held Sam's face just gently. "I love you..." Bucky said quietly.

Sam just kissed him.

"I love you too.... Now."

Bucky nodded. "Bye...Sam."

"Bye Bucky."

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