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Bucky and Sam got back to their apartment. The others were spending the night with Natasha, so they all congregated in her room.

Bucky sighed as he rubbed his neck. He held the door open for Sam. Sam walked in and plopped on the couch.

"We never get a break huh..." Bucky said. Sam nodded as he covered his face with his arm.

Bucky closed the door. "I don't like that you're being targeted again." He said.

"It comes with the job." Sam said from the couch. Bucky pulled his shoes off. He walked over to Sam. He knelt by the couch and undid his tie.

"Thank you..." Sam mumbled as he laid there. Bucky smiled tiredly. "You're welcome." He said as Sam moved his arm away, from his face.

He saw his husband, focused on being so careful taking this tie off of him. Sam gently lifted his hand and grazed his cheek with his thumb.

Bucky looked at him. "All good there?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah..." Sam said as he propped himself up on his arms.

"Just realizing I got lucky." Sam said.

Sam always felt lucky. He thought the world of Bucky, despite Bucky disagreeing with that judgement, he thought Bucky was just perfect.

Bucky would argue the same with Sam. Bucky considered Sam his saving grace. His love, his guy... There was no one else Bucky wanted to share this world with.

Bucky leaned forward and put his forehead against Sam's. Sam just closed his eyes as he did. "Everything's going to be alright." Sam said quietly.

Bucky just nodded a little. Sam opened his eye and met Bucky's gaze. The two were hesitant, but eventually kissed. Bucky smiled a bit.

Sam broke the kiss slightly. "Love you."

Bucky chuckled a bit. "I know."

Sam rolled his eyes and grabbed his by his collar, gently pulling him towards him. Bucky smirked and kissed him back.

Natasha sat in her room, looking out the window. The group was all asleep, except for Clara.

Clara walked over and sat by her. Natasha reached over and held Clara's hand in hers. "Things are going to get harder ..." Natasha said.

Clara nodded. "It's a given." Clara lifted her hand to her lips and gently kissed it. Natasha looked at her slightly.

"I'll protect you."

The next morning, Bucky woke up first. Sam was still passed out next to him. Bucky kissed his head gently before getting out of bed, and heading downstairs.

He quietly walked into the kitchen and started to brew some coffee. He paused when he heard a knock at his front door.

He knew something was up. It was only 7:00 am. They never got deliveries that early. Then his mind flashed back to when Sam spoke about the possible assassination attempt on him.

He heard the knock again.

He walked towards the door, being careful. He opened it and saw no one. Bucky suddenly blocked a hit from an agent that came out of nowhere.

Bucky hit the floor but threw them out the door as two more rushed him. They slammed him into the wall. He cringed and kicked one off of him and slammed the others head against the counter.

A gun fired, but he dodged. One rushed up his stairs. He grabbed their leg, causing them to fall. The two fell down the stairs .

Bucky saw Clara and Natasha. "Get your father out of here!" He yelled at Natasha.

Another agent yanked him down the remainder of the remainder of the stairs. Natasha slammed the one coming up the steps into the wall, kicking him down the stairs.

Anthony appeared. "Anthony! Get the president out of here! Bucky yelled from downstairs as he grabbed one of his hidden knives.

Anthony's eyes glowed as he opened a portal for Sam. "Go through here."

Bucky stabbed the agent, followed by them getting swiftly knocked out.

Another gun fired. Bucky got hit but rushed the agent. They kicked him off and aimed their gun at him.

They pressed the trigger but nothing happened. Bucky smirked and revealed the magazine in his hand. He threw it at them hitting their head. He then stabbed them, kicking them out the door.

He breathed heavily as he realized that was it. He held his head but stumbled onto the couch as he remembered he got shot.

He grabbed a towel and pressed onto it.

Bucky was convinced Sam was at the White House. Suddenly he heard someone rushing down the stairs.

It was Sam. "Bucky!?"

Bucky looked at him, and then Anthony who was following him. "I told you to get him to the White House..."

"He's the president, and he didn't want to." Anthony said.

Sam immediately started taking care of Bucky. "You stubborn asshole. You really think I'm leaving you here to be safe in the White House?"

Bucky looked at him. "It's almost like you're the leader of the nation and need to live?"

"I'll be fine." Sam said as he pulled him up.

Sam got to the White House with all of the avengers. He was now in his suit, the Oval Office was filled with agents.

Sam sighed as he leaned against his desk. The kids weren't in their uniforms just yet.

Sam assumed command of the Avengers, so they wouldn't have to get his permission. As he was about to talk to them, Maria stormed into the Oval Office.

"Didn't bother to tell me there was going to be an attempt on your life?" Annoyance filled her voice.

"I found out yesterday Maria... give me a break."

"Don't pull that with me. My job is to keep you alive-"

"I can do that myself." Bucky said. As he walked in. He was in his uniform. Maria frowned. "I understand that... but you're are the First Gentleman of the United States, you being assassinated can be an act of war." She snapped as she looked back at Sam.

Sam knew he should've told her. "I understand, I should've told you. Anthony only told me yesterday..."

Maria then turned towards him. "And who told you?"


Maria frowned and looked at Sam. "Now why... is she telling him about assassination attempts."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now