No More Options

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Natasha went back to her apartment for the first time in a long time. She closed her door and saw just how dreary it was.

"I really need to make this place nice..." she said as she dropped her bag by the door.

Her mind replayed her killing John over and over again. She didn't regret it, but she will regret the affect it will have on her.

She sat on her couch and kicked her boots off. She closed her eyes, but opened them quickly due to seeing John on the floor.

She wished she could slip into a drunken haze and try and forget, but she couldn't get drunk. It was a little quirk she hated.

As the captain roamed around her apartment, looking for random things to simply tinker with, when she heard her phone ring.

She pulled it out of her phone without looking at the name. "It's Natasha."

"Don't have me in your contacts?" A British voice said. It was Clara. Natasha just sat on her counter.

"Oh sorry... I just didn't look. Everything okay?" Natasha said.

"Oh I'm fine. But I am worried about you." She said. Natasha looked confused. "Why?"

"Because my girlfriend doesn't just disappear without a reason. Killing John's bothering you isn't it?" Clara said.

Natasha didn't say anything for a moment.


"Come open your front door." Clara said.

"It's unlocked." Natasha said.

Clara hung up. Natasha stayed on her kitchen counter. The door opened, and in came Clara. The blonde was out of her uniform now, and was holding a bag.

The blonde met the gaze of the brunette who was sitting on the counter. "Nat."

Clara put the bag on the other counter, before stepping towards the captain. Natasha just looked at her.

Clara gently held her face. "Always trying to solve the problem on your own huh..." she said with a soft smile.

"You know me well..." Natasha said with a sad chuckle.

"I do. I take pride in that... but..." Clara gently rubbed her cheek. She met Natasha's eyes.

"What do you need...." Clara asked.

Natasha teared up a little as she heard that. She lifted her hands and gently held the blondes face.


Clara's eyes widened a bit. Natasha leaned down and kissed her. Clara kissed her back without hesitation.

Natasha deepened the kiss before getting off the counter. Without breaking the kiss she took her jacket off.

She ended up picking Clara up, and putting her on the counter. She broke the kiss a bit, letting Clara catch her breath.

Clara held onto Natasha's shoulders. "Give me a second..."

As she sat there in the dark with Natasha in front of her. Clara met her eyes and only saw pure softness.

Natasha reached up and tucked Clara's hair behind her ear. Clara blushed a bit. "Thank you, darling." Natasha said.

Clara looked at her surprised. "For?"

"For being my girl..."

Clara nearly melted at that. "Oh hun..." Clara gently pulled her into a kiss. She just barely broke the kiss. "... it's my pleasure."

Natasha kissed her with a soft smile. She kissed her cheek, moving down to her neck. Natasha did not think she was good at the romance thing.

She never had connected with anyone in the way that it would get to this point. She was honestly terrified.

Clara noticed. She knew Natasha hadn't been in a relationship before this. Clara flinched when Natasha continued to kiss her neck, which caused Natasha to immediately pull away.

"I-I'm sorry..." Natasha said, getting concerned.

"Hun, it's okay." Clara said with breathy chuckle.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No... I just am a bit sensitive when people touch my neck." She said with a laugh. Natasha suddenly had a faint blush on her face.

Clara chuckled as she saw the blushing captain in front of her. "Oh you're so cute..." Clara said with a soft smile.

"Oh my Captain, you're so lovely."

Sam sat in his safety room with Maria. He had told Natasha he wanted her to be stuck here with him, and basically ordered her to go rest.
He felt he already asked so much of her.

He had his eyes closed as he sat on the couch. He was falling asleep. Maria noticed, so she grabbed a blanket, and covered him in it.

She also dimmed the lights on the room. She made her way over to an opposing couch. Sam opened his eyes a little bit. "Maria... you can go home."

She kicked her heels off, and opened the top few buttons on her dress shirt. "Nope. My job is to guard you." She said as she used a pillow to cover her eyes.

"You don't have to Maria..."

"Nah. I gotta. Bucky will fight me if I don't." She said with a chuckle.

Sam closed his eyes a bit. "Think he's alive?" He asked.

"Bucky wouldn't go out of this world without saying goodbye to you. He's too stubborn. He would crawl through hell first." Maria said.

Sam opened his eyes a bit. "Oh I miss him..." he said quietly.

"What do you mean he's dead!?" Madam yelled as she looked at Wanda.

"Natasha killed John. He's dead!" Wanda snapped back. Madam yelled in rage and threw everything off her desk.

"What the hell do I do now Wanda?! My army is almost gone, my main base destroyed, I've lost SO MANY high ranking Hydra officials. What do you suggest I do?" Madam said, making sure her words stung.

Wanda looked at her. "Wait for death... Natasha will come for you... and you're weaker than her."

Madam gripped the edge of her desk.

"I can't just sit here and wait to die..." madam said.

Wanda put her arms behind her back. "I like to think of it as karma. What goes around comes around... and it's now your turn to receive." Wanda said. She resisted the urge to smirk.

Madam just stumbled back into her chair. "And I'm assuming you're done with me..."

"Oh I have been for a long time." Wanda opened a portal.

"Goodbye, Madam."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now