My Savior

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Clara pulled her car to the side and got out. She gasped when she saw the bike destroyed, and Natasha laying on the ground.

Clara ran over to her. "Captain!" She said as she lifted the visor. She saw eyes looking at her.

"Carter." Natasha said as she tried to sit up but cringed a bit. Clara helped her sit up, and then pulled her helmet off of her.

Under Natasha's eye was bruised, and near her lip was. Clara held her helmet, looking at how it was starting to look crushed. "Cap-"

"Some agent punched my helmet over and over again, crack my vision, and crushing my helmet a bit." Natasha said tiredly.

Clara frowned and helped her up. "Come on. You're spending the night at my place."

For once, Natasha just didn't fight back, and accepted the order.

Clara drove back, keeping an eye on Natasha the entire time. Natahsa was falling in and out of sleep.

"How was your date..." Natasha ended up getting out. Clara chuckled a bit and tapped her car wheel.

"It was nice." She said as she stopped at a red light.

"Do you... like him?" Natasha said as she looked over at Clara. Clara gripped the wheel slightly.

"Yeah... a little. Still a bit cautious." Clara said as she then started going at the green light.

Natasha just looked ahead. "Good..." Natasha leaned her head back and ignored the pain going through her head and body.

"We're almost there Captain." Clara said. Natasha just nodded.

"It's starting to get embarrassing how many times you've have to help me." Natasha said with an exhaustion filled chuckle.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm your guard. It's my job."  Clara said with no frustration or annoyance in her voice. She didn't mind coming to the captains rescue, especially with hearing how her past was.

"It's... it's not embarrassing to be rescued after a lifetime of waiting to be saved." Clara said. Natasha stayed quiet for a moment.

"You're right..." Natasha said. "It's not that embarrassing then."

Eventually they get to her apartment. Clara parks out front, and runs over to the other side as Natasha opens her car door.

Natasha pulls herself out of the car and stands up as Clara wrapped an arm around her waist. The blonde helped her up to her apartment carefully.

Eventually they get there, and Clara sits her on the couch. Natasha relaxes into the couch immediately. She winced slightly but she also felt her eyes get heavy.

"Lemme get changed and I'll be right back." Clara said as she scampered over to her room. Natasha just closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

This apartment felt like a home... compared to her own apartment that she refused to decorate, or make feel like home.

Clara's apartment had a vibe of comfort, softness, relaxation, and just warmth. The apartment had a warm pastel bright vibe that had flowers, pillows and just things that were pleasant.

It was everything that was missing in Natasha's apartment. Hers was cold, empty, and just dreary. She only had a coffee table, a couch, dining table, and a television.

Natasha wanted a home to call her own, but she didn't know where to even start.

As Natasha started to fall asleep, Clara came out of her room with a first aid kit.

"Thankfully, there isn't a whole lot I have to fix today." Clara said as she sat besides her. Natasha just chuckled slightly as she sat there.

Clara saw the captain starting to fall asleep. She smiled softly and applied and an ointment on the bruise under her eye. It was going to make it hurt a bit less. Natasha flinched slightly but relaxed ever so slightly.

"What hurts, Captain?" Clara asked. Natasha opened her eyes a bit.

"My head, right side, and that's it...". Natasha was determined to stay awake.

"Got it." Clara checked her head and only found a few more bruises. She checked her arms, for cuts and any other injuries before having the captain lift up her shirt to check her side.

"Can I lift your shirt up?" Clara asked. Natasha simply nodded. Her eyes were closed again and she was exhausted still.

Clara lifted her shirt up and saw a nasty bruise on her side. Clara ever so slightly grazed it with her fingers and Natasha grabbed her hand on instinct. Clara looked at the captain and saw a slightly pained expression.

Clara held her hand in hers. "If it hurts that bad you're going to have to let me look at it." Clara said. Natasha sighed and let go of her hand.

Clara looked at the bruise. She grabbed her kit and placed it on her lap. "I'm going to check if anything's broke okay? It's going to hurt." Clara said as she held the captains side and pressed.

Natasha just squeezed her eyes shut tight. "Alright. Good news... nothings broken, but it probably hurts so bad cause your bones are sore."

Clara placed some ointment and then wrapped it all up. She finished and lowered the captains shirt. "All done."

"My savior..." Natasha said with a chuckle. She opened her eyes a bit and looked at Clara who was now sitting next to her.

Clara chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Not a savior... just someone who's worried about you all the time." She said with a soft smiled. The captain just looked at her.

"You are... my saving grace." Natasha said.

Clara smiled a little before she stood. "Want to sleep out here or my room?"

"I'll sleep out here. I'm too tired to move... and too sore." Natasha said with a slight chuckle. Clara nodded and brought a blanket over to her, covering her with it.

She then flicked hen forehead. Natasha held her forehead and looked at Clara confused.

"Aren't you glad you wore your helmet?" Clara said with a soft smile.

Natahsa chuckled and lowered her hand as she just nodded.

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