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Zima stared them all down.

Bucky finally came to.  Steve was coming to as the kids created a defensive wall.

Clara and Kylo stepped front and center.

Kylo turned into plague and rushed Zima.

Mistake #1: don't make the first move.

Zima tossed something at him, it set the hallway on fire. Plague cried out, making kylo exposed. Zima appeared in front of him, she punched him, launching him down the hallway.

Anthony jumped up and made a chaos magic barrier around her and was slowly making it smaller. Zima winced.

Mistake #2: do not corner an aggressive person or creature. They'll go through to get out.

Zima yelled and started to rip the magic apart. Anthony's eyes widened as she flung a knife at him with the opening she had.

He blocked it, but that gave her an opening. She jumped at him and slammed him to the ground. He hit her point blank with a blast, but she continued to try and strangle him.

Anthony started to burn her arms with his magic. She wasn't moving.  Suddenly Zima hit the wall as someone kicked her away.

Zima hit the wall and groaned in pain. Clara was defending Anthony now. She activated her bracelets and went into hand to hand with Zima.

Zima got shocked in the neck. She then met Clara gaze.

Clara's eyes widened. "Natahsa."

Zima paused.

What? Natasha?

Zima kicked her away from her as more law enforcement appeared. She looked at Clara and  saw the horrified look on the blondes face.

Zima panicked and ran down to the oval office. "Wait!"

Clara raced after her. She had her gun in hand. "Wait!"

She yelled as she opened the office door. Zima was gone. Clara stood there shocked.

"Oh no..."

Zima got away from White House. She was in an alleyway. She was confused. Why did that name feel familiar.

As she started to float around in her mind, trying to figure it out. She heard a scream.

She saw a woman getting pushed into the same alleyway as her. The woman was fighting a man who was trying to rob her.

He looked at her. "Wanna help?"

Zima frowned and shot the man. He cried out but she pulled out her knife and stabbed him. The woman looked at Zima shocked.

The man hobbled off crying for help. Zima looked at the woman. "I-thank you. I- thank you so much." The woman said as she teared up.

Zima just nodded and backed up back down the alleyway.

Was the mission successful agent...

"No... more people arrived than anticipated. He also called for backup too soon. Will try again." She said.


Sam was rushed to the hospital. He had some injuries. Kylo had some burns, and Anthony had a broken rib.

Clara had some scuffs and bumps but she was more shocked about what she saw. She saw Natasha but... at the same time it felt like she didn't.

All of the team was as in Sam's room, per his orders. Bucky leaned against the wall as he watched the doctor take care of his husband. Sam looked at Bucky.

"Still got that staring problem." He said.

"Reasonably so. Hydras trying to kill you." Bucky said.

Sam sighed as he replayed they moment in his head.  "I rather she be dead than be a tool for Hydra..." sam said.

Clara got her head checked. "Death is better?"

"Yes." Bucky said. "I wish I died instead but... got to be a weapon for 70 plus years." He said as the doctor finished.

"Alright. I'll be back shortly." She left.

"It really is a terribly program. I was Natasha's nurse when she got out of it the first time."
Anthony said as Kylo helped him sit up.

Anthony squeezed his hand. "It was bad... Zima would take over from time to time, she would have nightmares to the point she would have insomnia, she would hurt herself, she had extreme paranoia... it was just so bad." He said as he looked at Clara.

"You go in one person, come out another. She was such a sweet outgoing person, came out of hydra, was cold and had a tendency to isolate herself." He said as he looked at the floor.

Bucky nodded. "It was bad."

Clara frowned. "How resilient in an agent in the program."

"Very." Bucky said. "They are very aggressive..."

Clara nodded as she unclipped her gun. "I'm going to teach you all something about me very quickly." She said as she saw the power go out under the door.

"I was trained in the red room. I'm an ex widow. And I trained with Hydra. When I was a kid." She said. Bucky started to catch on.

"What does this have to do with anything?"
Mine asked a bit confused.

Clara looked at her. "I know how they think." She looked at Bucky and he turned the light off.

She got on one side of the door. And motioned for everyone to stay silent. Bucky pulled out his gun at the same time as Clara.

The door opened slightly to the hospital room. Everyone else stayed silent.

The door opened and suddenly Clara kicked Zima out into the hallway. Zima glared and pulled out a knife and threw her knife at Clara.

Bucky used his metal arm to block the knife. He lunged at Zima, Grabbing her, and putting her into a chokehold.

Zima flipped him off of her, slamming him onto the ground. Clara rushed and shocked her neck.

Zima kicked her away and ran down the hall. Bucky and Clara pursued her.

Clara pulled out a stun net, set it on the highest voltage and threw it at Zima. Zima got stuck and cried out in pain.

She was stuck and couldn't move. She ripped the net off and broke its main voltage system. She panted as she cringed in pain.

Bucky frowned at that. "They did a number on her."

Natasha glare went from Clara to Bucky.

"I can tell..." Clara said.

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now