Final Warning

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Fallon walked into his new location. He was staying there with Wanda. She wasn't doin much. She didn't intend to do much.

She glanced at him. "Is he dead?"

Fallon walked over to his sink and starts to wash his bloodstained hands. "Yes."

"I didn't think you'd do it..." Wanda said as she looked out her window.


"Because, Clara was there."

"It's ironic... isn't it?" Fallon said as he dried his hands as if they were nothing.


The following day, Clara pulled on her black heels. She looked in the mirror as she smoothed down her black dress. As she did, Natasha peeked in.

"Hey..." Natasha said.

"Hi." Clara said as she touched up on her makeup. Natasha handed Clara her jacket.

"Thanks..." she pulled it on. She paused and looked at her. Natasha met her gaze.

"I can't loose anymore people." That was all Clara simply said.

Natasha walked over to her and gently held her face. She just kissed her forehead ever so carefully. "You won't..."

The group made it to Arlington National Cemetery. Clara was handed an American flag, the tradition of those who loose family members who were in the service.

She gripped the flag as the ceremony concluded. She didn't say any words. Honestly she didn't think she could.

The fighter jets flew over, performing the lost soldier maneuver. She didn't even acknowledge it. She just stared at the mausoleum in front of her.

She just stood and walked towards it.

Captain America : Steve Rogers
The First Avenger

She stared at those gold letters. She carefully raised her hand and touched them. "To think... all the battles you've won and I just happened to be the reason of your fall..." her hand lowered.

"I'm sorry."

As she stood there she heard someone walk and stand behind her. "Don't forget..."

She turned and saw Bucky. "... he wouldn't want you blaming yourself for his death."

She looked at him and then back at the gold letters staring at her. Bucky just wrapped an arm around her. She just let him.

Clara found herself sitting in front of Steve grave. It had started to rain. She had been there for so long already.

Her hair was soaked, clothes damp, all the while she was clutching onto the American flag she was given.

Her team, Sam and Bucky didn't leave.

Eventually... an umbrella covered her. She looked up slightly and saw Natasha holding the umbrella.

"Come on honey. Your dad wouldn't want you out in the rain would he?" Natasha said.

Clara just stood and walked next to Natasha. She got wrapped in Bucky's jacket before getting into the car.

The group stayed by her, but silently.

Bucky parked in front of the house. Natasha and the group went inside. All except Bucky and Sam who stayed in the car.

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