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Clara sat in an emergency meeting discussing, what was to happen. Wanda had came into the headquarters and taken the tesseract, and everything was in shambles.

No one knew where Natasha was.

No one knew where the tesseract was.

No one knew anything.

The avengers were sat down and interrogated by Sam and Bucky who were very concerned about the fact their daughter was in the hands of hydra again.

Bucky had the most horrified expression on his face when he learned Natasha was taken. Everyone knew this was bad... very bad.

No one knew what to do.

Cries echoed through the Hydra base. Natasha was strapped to the chair, she had one round of shock to her mind. They stopped the shock as Madam Hydra walked in. Natashas nose bled as she laid there, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Under her eye laid a bruise she was familiar with.

"Is Zima back?" Madam asked. She walked over and stood in front her. Blood dripped from Natashas nose as she mumbled her name, birthday, and parents names to herself over and over and over again to keep herself centered.

"Hm... increase the shock." Madam said. Natasha teared up and looked at her. "Please... no..."

Madam watched. Natasha cried out and begged for her to stop this torture. She pulled against the restraints, threatening to rip them out, but she cries out again when the shock was administered.

She cried out for help to empty hearts, and the cruel minds who were hellbent on reversing the progress she made.

"Her team needs to hurry if they want anything left of her." Madam said as Wanda stood behind her. Wanda watched silently.

"She slipping". Wanda said as her eyes glowed.


Clara and the team were trying to figure out where the hell Natasha could be. Sam and Bucky were there as well.

Clara held her head as she scanned the files. She teared up a bit as she thought of the horrors that she must be dealing with. She gripped her hair slightly.

She needed to figure out what was happening faster. Suddenly she looked at the first place Natasha was taken at.


Natasha was unresponsive. Her hands fell to the side of her bed in her cell. She was bruised and beaten.

She slowly sat herself up. She stood up and held her side. Slowly, she got up and continued mumbling to remind herself of everything.

She stumbled to the floor and just sat against the wall and relaxed. This is how she would sit when she was stuck here in her youth. The cold wall made her feel safer.

She just wanted to go home.

Clara was in her office looking for anything to help her find Natasha when Maria walked in. She dropped an invitation on the table. Clara looked at it and saw that it was a gala.

"Director... I'm not sure what the point of me going to a ball is going to do? The priority is finding Natasha... right?" Clara said as she held it.

"I got confirmation that Madam Hydra will be there." Maria said as she sat down by her table. Clara's looked at her.

"You can get information." Clara said to Maria with a hopeful look.

"You  can get information." Maria said pushing the invitation towards her. "Her parents will be there to back you up... but you are the only one who can get close to Madam Hydra. She won't let Bucky and Sam get close cause she's too familiar with them... but you. She doesn't know you." Maria said.

Clara held the invitation. "Kylo and Anthony will be back up outside of the party. Okay?" Maria said calmly, reassuring her she will be okay.

Clara knew she needed to do this. "When's the Gala?"

"Next week Tuesday." Maria said. It was Friday at the moment.  Clara nodded and stood up. "Well... I need to find something to wear."

Natasha was in her restraints as they showed her her old footage from her hydra missions. Her eyes were staring at the floor.

The door to her cell opened. The television turned off and someone stepped towards her. Madam stood in front of her and lifted her chin up towards her.

"Ah... my soldier is almost back. It's crazy how you willingly gave yourself up to keep everything save." Madam said with a chuckle as she looked at the bruises on Natasha's face.

"I... I had no other choice." Natasha said weakly.

Madam Hydra rolled her eyes. "You had two choices. But you had to go and be righteous and weak...." She said as she unlocked her restraints.

Natasha fell to the ground. Without hesitation. She tackled Madam Hydra to the ground and then went to punch her, but hit the concrete as Madam Hydra moved her head.

The concrete cracked, and a small hole was there. "You're weak as the hero, but strong as the villain." Madam said as she kicked Natasha off.

Natasha stood up slowly but then fell to the ground as Madam shocked her in the neck. Natasha gripped her wrists as she cried out. "Your weakness is why you're here... and I'm hurting you."

Natasha then was kicked into the wall by agents. "They'll be entertaining you! I have to go to a gala tonight." Madam said with a chuckle.

"Oh! And you're little friend is going to be there. Poor thing is really trying to find you. It would be a shame if she didn't make it through-" the agents she sent to beat Natasha fell to the ground unconscious.

Madam looked at her.

Anger filled Natasha's eyes. "Oh... you really didn't like me mentioning her." Madam said with a smirk.

"Hm. Interesting."

Suddenly agents came in and restrained Natasha. Madam walked out and smirked. "Oh she really doesn't want me to touch her..."

Clara stood in front of her mirror. She had smoky eyeshadow and a nude color dress. "Guys... is this too much?" She said as she looked at Anthony and Kylo.


She sighed and nodded.

She was on a mission.

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