Truly Alone

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Bucky gently held her, wiping the sand off her face, fixing her hair. Clara was sitting against the wall, emotionless. Just staring at her now gone lover.

Bucky looked up as he saw Fallon moving on the ground. His eyes darkened. "Clara..." he said as he didn't take his eyes off of him.

She looked at him. "Hold her..."

She swapped places with him.

Bucky stood and walked over to Fallon. The man was blinded, he couldn't see. He struggled to get up, considering he was shot. He coughed up blood.

Bucky stood, looking down at him. "How does it feel?"

Fallon stay silent. Bucky grabbed him by his collar and dragged him to his feet. "I asked... a question."

Fallon staggered as he stood. "Worse..."

Bucky teared up and nodded. "Who would've fucking thought! Murdering people made you feel worse in your damn situation. Just shocking..."

Fallon held Bucky's wrists slightly. "I'm sorry-"

Bucky slammed him to the ground. "It's too damn late for that!" He yelled. The kids watched him.

"My husband is dead! My best friend is gone, and..." he teared up as he glared at him. Bucky sank to the ground as he realized.

"... and my daughter. My innocent daughter..." he looked over at his daughter who lay lifeless on the ground. She was being cradled by Clara.

"And... all you have to say... is sorry." Bucky said as his voice broke. Pain filled every word he said.

Every fiber of his being was in such pain. Fallon stayed silent.

"You just made us have something in common..." He dropped Fallon back in the sand. "You took away my child... my husband.. just like you lost your kids."

Bucky stood up as the rain picked up. "All that work... to prove something, when all you did was make yourself a monster."

Bucky pulled out his knife. He placed it under Fallons neck.

Fallon Froze. "I could kill you right here..." Bucky said. But he lowered his knife and put it into its holder.

"But she deserves to have your kill under her name."

Fallon died shortly afterwards. Stephen arrived on the scene and walked over to Bucky who carried Natasha over to him.

Strange sighed and looked at her. "I'm sorry Bucky."

"Where do I put her?"

Strange opened a portal and motioned for the team to go through. It was the morgue. Bucky carefully placed her down on a stretcher.

He looked at her. He moved her hair out of her face, so gently as if she was made of glass. "Can I have a towel..." he asked Strange.

Strange looked at him. He looked for one and handed it to him.

Bucky wet the towel a bit and wiped the blood and dirt off of her face. The team watched him quietly. "Can't have you a mess..." he said quietly to himself.

Strange had to look away.

Bucky lowered the towel and sighed. He looked at his daughter once again. He motioned for Clara to come over.

Clara walked over. She looked at Natasha. Her heart broke seeing her like this. She touched  her face gently and kissed her head. "I love you..." her sight got blurry as she backed away.

Bucky carefully grabbed the sheet and pulled it over her but stopped right before her head.

His hand shook as he held the sheet. "Get some rest kid..." he covered her face and backed up. He was holding back his tears. He looked at her under the sheet.

"Take care of my kid..." he said to the nurses who walked in. Strange walked over to him and walked him out with the team.

Bucky parked his car in front of his house. He dropped everyone else off at their homes and apartments.

He stayed there in silence.

He leaned back in his seat and propped his arm up on the ledge of the car. He held his head as he sat there.

He bit the inside of his mouth trying so hard not to cry. "Damn it..." his tears started to fall. He closed his eyes and just thought of the two of them.

"Papa!" Natasha said running over to him. Bucky smiled and scooped her up into his arms.

"Yes sweetie?" She pushed her hair out of her face.

"I wanna be a superhero like you." Bucky chuckled a bit and looked at Sam. "She wants to be Captain America."

"Good! I think she'll be a shoo in for the job later." Sam said walking over and poking her nose gently. She laughed a bit as she looked at them.

"I can't wait!"

Bucky smiled. "I can. I want you to stay little forever!"

"Nooo I wanna grow big!!"

"Nahhh. You get to be tiny forever." Bucky teased.  The two argued and argued.

Bucky's mind flashed to her laying motionless in his arms. He opened his eyes immediately. He just got out of the car and walked inside. He stood in the doorway.

It was silent.

"I'm home..." he said quietly. He pulled his shoes off and took his jacket off. He purposefully didn't look at the pictures on the wall.

He just couldn't.

He started to walk upstairs. He paused halfway up. He turned and looked at picture, of all them when Natasha was little.

She was wearing a yellow dress and holding flowers.

He looked at another. It was of Sam and Bucky right after he had just recovered from his second run with Hydra. Another photo caught his attention.

Him and Sam with baby Natasha.

That's when he broke.

He held the picture in his hands. "I'm so sorry..." he cried as he sank to the steps. He held the picture to his heart and just stayed there.

Bucky felt so much pain. All he wanted was to have them back. Sadly, wish he could never have granted. He just stayed there on the stairs, wishing he could just hear Sam's voice telling him to have dinner, or Natasha saying...

"Hey dad!"

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