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Fallon walked into his new office. He turned and looked at Clara. "You're attached to the captain... aren't you."

Clara looked at him. She just sighed and sat down. She held her head and then looked at him. "Hopelessly... attached to her."

"I assume this arrangement is making that relationship difficult." He said. He honestly didn't know she loved the captain like that.

"It is. She thinks I'm the enemy. I'm apart of the group that tore her to the ground, and made her a weapon." Clara said as she looked out his window.

He opened his computer and typed something. "Natasha Barnes. Brought into Hydra at age..." he paused as he read her age.

"... age 8..." he sat down and looked more into her file.

Clara watched as she saw anger go across his face.

"They have a program like this?" He looked at her. Clara was surprised he didn't know.

"The Winter Soldier program? Yes. Her father was their most successful test. James Barnes... he was under their control since 1945." Clara said.

Fallon pulled up the winter soldier file and put it on the big screen.

"They made a mindless assassin..." he said as he watched footage.

As he did Madam walked in. "I have the information you asked for-" she smirked as she watched the video.

"Ahh the good old days." Madam said as she watched some of Bucky's bodycam footage. Fallon looked at her.

"How did they turn him into this?" He asked.

"An electrical shock is administered at varying voltage, slowly erasing the memories of the patient. Then they are put the ringer with Hydra propaganda, and physical training, poison resistances, basically becoming numb, and ready to take orders." She said as she met his gaze.

"And you did this to his child?"

"Yes." She pulled up Natasha's bodycam footage and put it on the big screen. He watched the video of a 14 year old Natasha fighting her trainer, which was Madam Hydra.

"Did she undergo this mind wiping at age 8?" He asked as he watched the video.

"Briefly. But then full wipe at 14." Madam said. Clara clenched her fists as she listened.

He nodded and paused the video. "Do you have... any more children going through this?"

"Yes. Currently three. Ages 8, 12, and 18. We have a shipment of 15 more kids coming in from the pacific tomorrow." Madam said as she pulled up their photo files.

He shook his head as he sat down.

"What's wrong? Can't handle a bit of horror?" She said with a smirk.

He looked at her darkly. "I can handle plenty."

Madam rolled her eyes and handed him the file. "Here. This is all their information."

She walked out.

Fallon looked at Clara. Clara met his gaze. "Tip off the avengers about this."

"Me? Why?" She said shocked.

"Because. I don't want anymore winter soldiers being made... especially children. That's your mission for the night." He motioned her to go out of his office.

Clara walked into her room and pulled on her stealth gear. She was about 30 miles away from the base, so it would be a bit to get there.

Natasha sat downstairs going over plans. The others had been moved into shield headquarters.

Natasha was staying at their old hideout briefly. She sat in silence when she heard creaking from upstairs.

Natasha frowned slightly and then turned her light off. She then heard steps. Natasha grabbed her knife and slowly made her way up the stairs.

She gripped her knife as she tackled someone to the group. There was a knife at her neck.

"Get off of me Captain." Natasha met Clara's gaze. She got off of her and immediately started to walk downstairs.

"Captain!" Clara followed after her. Natasha ignored her. Clara groaned in annoyance. "Natasha!"

Natasha stopped and looked at her. "You don't get to call me anything other than Captain."

"Fine. But you need to listen to me." She said.

"And why should I?"

"Because this message comes from the head of Hydra." Clara said dropping her weapon on the ground, making sure she knew she wasn't a threat.

Natasha stood and looked at her. She sighed and sat down. "You got two minutes."

"There is a ship that is going to be arriving inn California tomorrow night. The ship has 15 kids on it who are going to be going through the Winter Soldier program. The head of hydra did not authorize this and wants you to intercept this ship before it docks. Take control, and take it to a shield dock." Clara said.

Natasha frowned as she heard the amount of kids. "15..."

She stood up and rubbed her neck. "Okay. I'll talk to my team." Natahsa said as her mind drifted to when she arrived at Hydra.

Clara nodded.

The two stood there in the dark. Silence filled the room.

Clara saw bruises on Natasha's neck. She stared at them. Her heart broke as she saw what they were now.

They were strangers again.

Enemies actually.

"Are you going to leave? Don't you have a boss to get back to?" Natasha said. Clara looked down and nodded a bit.

"I am." She sat as she started to go towards the door.


Clara paused. She turned and looked at Natasha.

"Why would you lie to me?" Natahsa asked. Clara stayed silent. She gripped the door handle and sighed. "It was my mission. You'd understand that... right?"

Natasha chuckled and sighed. "I do." Clara placed a flash drive by the door.

"Here's the info."

Clara opened the door and ran out. She was now going to head out back to their base.

Natasha walked over and grabbed the flash drive. She pulled her phone out and called Maria.

"Hey. I got some info... we need to move quickly."

Natasha hung up and sighed as she sat back down. Her mind lingered to her training days.

Natahsa just closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now