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Fallon sat in his room with Wanda. "Is my armed guard still out there?" He said quietly.

"Yeah. Nothing you can't take down."

"Same with you." He said as he handed her a glass of the same drink. She held it and sipped on it.

"You could take Hydra down tonight and still take down the avengers and shield with ease. Why are you waiting for the avengers to do it..." she said.

Fallons mind drifted to Natasha. "The new captain... she deserves to take the final shot. After what they did to her..."

Wanda nodded in agreement. She then handed him a file. He looked at it and then opened it. "All the locations of the old avengers team... including one thought to be missing."

"Oh.... Well isn't this interesting." He said as he went through the file. "I saw Steve Rogers was here..."

"Yes." Wanda said as she stood up. "You Made this easier. Thank You." He sighed as he put it in his bag.

"And now... we wait."

Anthony sat in his office. He was exhausted. He started to fall asleep in his chair. As he did he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in!" He said quickly regaining his composure. Christine stepped in with her coat on. "You ready?" She said.

He looked at her confused. "Your father is taking us out for dinner tonight. Remember...?"

Anthony suddenly remembered. "Oh yeah..." he said as he closed his computer. Christine noticed how he was in the room, but at the same time he wasn't...


He just looked at her but then stood up quickly. "Sorry. Zoned out a bit." He said with a chuckle.

Christine knew he was overworked. He has been since he took on being an avenger, while also being the head surgeon of the neurosurgery department. He's also the main doctor for all the avengers, and the president now...

He's leaning more on the exhausted side of things. She walked over and handed him a coat. "It's cold outside." She said.

He nodded as he pulled the jacket on and followed her out. "You're overworking yourself Anthony..."

Anthony sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Yes. I know. But a lot needs to be done, and a lot needs to be prepared for the future." He said referring to Fallons imminent attack.

"I know... but for you to be, an Avenger, a doctor, a surgeon...." She stopped him and adjusted his jacket so it zipped all the way up.

"... you have to take care of yourself."

He sighed and smiled softly. "I'll try better."

He ended up going to dinner with his parents. It was nice... it was quiet, it was... normal. He zoned out as he ate, staring at his food when suddenly Stephen put a small box in front of him.

Anthony snapped back to reality. "You really are working yourself to death huh..." Stephen said. He sighed as he looked at the box. "You are too much like me."

"It's not a bad thing being like you." Anthony said as he held the box gently. "What's this?"

"A gift."

Anthony opened it and saw a watch. He held it in his hands. "Just so you can keep track of time, and make time for yourself."

Anthony smiled a bit and put it around his wrist. Stephen reached over and strapped on. "There you go. Now, we match." Stephen said with a chuckle as Christine took a picture of them.

Anthony smiled and nodded. "Yeah we do."

Anthony got to his apartment complex. He walked up the steps to his floor. He was looking for his keys when he saw Kylo sitting by his door.

"Are you stalking me..." Anthony says as he walks by him and goes to unlock his door.

"No, I'm not stalking. Christine told me to come over here so you don't work yourself to death, and make sure you at least sleep a decent amount." He said as he stood.

Anthony looked at him. "How do you have my mother's number...."

"She gave it to meee." Kylo teased.

Anthony sighed as he opened his door and walked in. Kylo followed behind like a puppy. He closed the door as he looked around the apartment. "Wow."

Anthony took his jacket off. "What does wow mean?"

"It means, your apartment looks like an office. Where they hold meeting's." Kylo said as he sat on a couch.

Anthony shrugged. "It's just organized."

"Like an office." Kylo said.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Well... since I'm stuck with you, want a drink?"

"Sure." Kylo said as he watched him open a wine storage. "Oh so you're rich rich."

"Not really." Anthony said as he grabbed two glasses. The two were silent for a moment.

"I'm surprised..." Anthony said.

"About?" Kylo said as he walked over to him. Anthony turned and looked at him. He handed him a glass.

"You haven't gotten back to me about when your date would be happening." Anthony said as he sipped his wine.

Kylo's eyes widened. "Did you not get my text?"


Kylo quickly pulled out his phone and looked at Anthony contact. "Ah shit..." Kylo said annoyed. He showed Anthony.

Kylo had planned the date for today, but never sent it. Anthony looked at Kylo as he took another sip of his wine.

"I meant to sent that to you."

"I can tell." Anthony said as he sat on his table top as he poured more wine. Kylo started apologizing when Anthony put his glass down.


Kylo looked at him. "Wanna go on a date with me right now?" Kylo looked at him stunned.

"I-uh... yeah." A small smile crept across his face. Anthony smiled a bit and got off the table.

"Nice. I'll make some snacks, you pick a movie." Anthony said as he walked over to the kitchen.

"I- okay!" He said as he looked around for the tv remote. He just chuckled to himself as he sat down.

Captain America: Age of Chaos Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt