Power Outtage

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Natasha pulled the uniform on.

She hated it but it needed to be done. She put her mask on and grabbed her guns, putting them into her side holsters.

As she did she heard someone get up from the bed. She turned slightly and saw Clara looking at her.

Clara frowned.



Natasha stopped speaking and turned fully towards her. "Why are you wearing that uniform?"

"I have to go."

"No- answer me!" Clara said walking over towards her grabbing her arm.

Natasha spun around and kissed her. Clara's eyes widened as she kissed her back. Natasha gently pushed her onto the bed and held her wrist in hand.

Natasha broke the kiss slightly and put her forehead against hers. "Orders from above have me doing this on my own..."

"Screw orders. I'm going with you." Clara said.

Natasha chuckled slightly as she looked down at her. Her hair all over the place, and a faint blush on her face. Natasha just shook her head and smiled softly.

"Not today." Natasha got up off of her and opened the window. Clara immediately rushed to grab her but she discovered she was cuffed to the bed.

"Natasha!" Clara immediately started picking the lock.

Anthony opened her door. "What happened?!"

"She's going on the mission alone!" Clara said. Anthony broke her cuffs with his magic.

"Before we go after her we need to ask the director why."

Maria was sitting in her office. She had a tracked on Natasha, making sure she was okay.

Suddenly the whole group barged in. Maria figured this was happening.

"Why is my daughter going on this mission alone?" Bucky demanded.

Maria sighed and motioned for them all to sit at the long table beside her desk. She turned on the screen showing Natasha's location.

"Natasha is going on this mission solo, because... I don't want distractions." She said as she looked at Clara.

Clara frowned.

"The mission that led to all of this, with Hydra invading the states, is because Natasha made a decision. A decision to save you Clara... I know she holds guilt about the US being invaded... but she doesn't hold any guilt of saving you." Maria said.

Clara clenched her fists under the desk.

"Ever since Natasha became apart of this team, she has grown fond of you all... and I was not expecting it. She had always... done things solo and I now know why..."

"And why is that?" Anthony said with annoyance in his voice.

Maria chuckled a bit as she looked at him. "She loves you all."

The room went silent.

"She wants to keep you all as safe as possible and away from the fight as possible."

Bucky stood up and left the room. Bucky knew that all too well. He was the same way, so was Steve, and so was Sam.

Steve walked out and walked over to Bucky.
"You ever get that feeling... of Deja vu?" Bucky said as he turned to look at Steve.

Steve nodded slightly. "Yeah."

"It feels like I'm dealing with you all over again. Someone who is so determined to take the hit for someone else, they don't realize they're hurt in the process." Bucky said.

"Natasha... is very headstrong, and is so scared of losing people. I... I don't know how to make that feeling stop eating at her." Bucky said, his frustration growing as he didn't know what to do.

"It doesn't help that Clara was manipulated into working for Hydra. That destroyed Natasha." Bucky said.

Steve just walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you trust her?"

"Yes..." Bucky said.

"Then know she will make the right decisions for herself and her team. Natasha is the best of all of us... she will be okay, and do what's right." Steve said.

"But.. what if my little girl makes a decision that puts herself on the line for everyone else." Bucky said looking at Steve.

Steve paused. He thought back to when he crashed the plane in the arctic. He looked at Bucky and sighed.

"We have to accept it."

Natasha ran through the snow. She eventually came to a stop. She was breathing heavily. She sat down and took her mask off.

It was strange being alone on a mission. He had been alone on a mission in a very very long time, the last time she went solo was before Clara even got mentioned to be her guard.

Natasha saw the Hydra base. She just needed to wait for dark to cover for her to make her move.

She climbed into a tree and waited.

Night came over the base. Natasha woke up and saw it was dark. She had fallen asleep. She put her mask back on and saw that the amount of guards raised.

She frowned as she sighed. The captain needed to slip back into that assassin mentality.

And it was an easy switch.

She found an access wall, and broke in. She shot a guard as she stole his keycard.

Natasha walked through a hallway. Taking out Hydra agents as she did.

Madam sat in her office. "Is Wanda in position..." she said.

"Ma'am, we actually don't know where Wanda is." Madam frowned at that.

"Get to her as soon as possible. I need her ready." She said as she noticed the power going out. Madam looked out her window as she heard someone walk in.

"You purposefully let me hear your footsteps huh..." madam said as she turned, meeting the gaze of Natasha.

"Maybe." Natasha said. Madam noticed her Hydra uniform.

"Smart thinking. My alarms wouldn't have detected you." She said. She turned fully towards her.

"Here to kill me?" Madam asked.

Natasha raised a gun at her. Madam nodded a bit and sighed as she looked at her ex agent.

"It's funny how I raised you and you turned out like this." Madam said.

"You didn't raise me!" Natasha yelled. Madam just laughed.

"I didn't !? I had you in my grasps from age 8 alll the way to age 18. I think that constitutes as raising you." Madam said with a chuckle.

"Since I raised you, there were things I learned about you."


"You're soft."

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