Steve Rogers

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Steve's eyes widened. Shit.

"Fallon... please." Steve said as he moved his daughter behind him.

Fallon stared at him.

"Please what? Spare you?" Fallon said as he looked at Steve in disbelief.

"I don't understand what it's going to take for you all to realize." He chuckled darkly as he raised his hand.

"I don't listen to pleas." He exploded the ground. Steve got blasted to the opposite side of Clara. She hit the ground.

"Dad!" She cried out. She searched for her phone and called Bucky. "Answer please- BUCKY! My dad and I are under attack from Fallon! We're down the street from my Apartment!"

She hung up and rushed Fallon. He looked at her and she stopped her in her tracks. Her nose bled as she tried to fight against his powers.

Steve winced as he pulled himself up. Fallon stepped towards him, keeping Clara in place. "Fallon!" She cried out.

He kicked Steve into the wall. His eyes dark. His face expressionless. Steve covered his head as Fallon punched him to the ground. "Fallon..." he said as he looked at him. Fallon paused, as if letting him speak.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know... your children were there..." Steve said remorseful

"Of course you didn't. They all say they didn't know... maybe you can tell them sorry... yourself?" Fallon said as he raised his hand, he slammed his fist against Steve, breaking the ground below him.

Steve cried out in pain. He coughed up blood as he looked towards Clara.

He couldn't hear anything. Maybe that was for the better. He knew she was crying in pain. His heart wouldn't be able to bear the sound of her anguish.

He pulled himself up slowly. Fallon watched as if he was playing with his prey. Steve stumbled towards him. Steve grabbed his shoulder tightly.

Fallon just watched unphased.

"D-don't kill my daughter." Steve mumbled.

Fallon stood there meeting the gaze of the soon to fall Captain. "The children do not pay for the transgressions of the father." Fallon said darkly.

In a swift motion, Fallon taised his hand, metal appeared in his hand, and he ran it through Steve. Steve let out a pained cry. "But if she gets in my way.."

Fallon grabbed Steve's arm. "I will kill her." Fallon let go of Steve letting him drop to the ground.

He released Clara. She stumbled as she ran to his side. "Dad... DAD!"

She rolled him to his side as Fallons started to walk away.

She held his hand as he laid there. He squeezed her hand tightly. "I-i wish you didn't have to see this..."

His eyes were fading quickly. She used her skirt to try and stop the bleeding. "H-help is on the way. I will get this..."


"I will stop the bleeding. You're gonna be okay! I promise-"

Clara paused when Steve grabbed her arm. She looked at him. Tears going down her face. He had a smile on his face. Of all things, a smile on his face.

"I'm glad... I got to see you... live the life your mother and I wanted..." his grip was loosening. Clara grabbed his hand, as if holding him will keep him here.

Steve's hand fell from her arm and he stopped talking. Clara could hardly breathe. She stood up slowly, her breath becoming scattered. She turned and saw Fallon standing there.

"Why... why would you kill him...?" She said as tears continued down her face. Fallons eyes met hers.

"You know why..."

"Y-you couldn't just..." she gripped her skirt. In that moment, she looked like a child who just didn't know what to think anymore.

Fallon stepped towards her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You... wouldn't get it...Clara." He gripped her shoulder.

"Make sure... your group knows. That I am coming for them."

He let go and left.

Clara stared at the ground. She sank to her knees. She held her head and cried out in anguish. Bystanders looked panicked as she stayed there.

She looked at her father and touched his face. "Dad..."

Bucky arrived to the scene with Natasha and Kylo. His heart sank.

Clara didn't move an inch since she knelt by her father. Bucky walked over and knelt besides her. He saw her face.

Blank. Tears just falling. No expression.

But he said her holding her father's hand oh so tightly.


She just hugged Bucky. He fell back as she held onto him tightly. She cried in such pain. Bucky teared up as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

Natasha knelt down by Steve. And covered his face with a cloth she found. She glanced at Clara but then called Maria

Clara held onto Bucky as if it was for dear life. "W-why would he take my dad from me..." her eyes were full of tears.

"He was my.. my only family." Bucky held her close as she asked him.


Bucky just shook his head a little. "I... I don't know."

Bucky was trying not to break down in front of her. He needed to be strong for her. Shield arrived and carefully picked up Steve's body and placed him on a stretcher.

Clara tried to go after Steve, but Bucky pulled her back. She screamed at him to let her go, but he didn't dare.


"Clara!" Bucky held her shoulders and looked at her.

She looked at him, with the most broken expression. "He's... he's gone." He wiped her tears as she broke down into sobs again.

"I need my dad..." she held onto Bucky.

Natasha was standing to the side with Kylo. She didn't feel anything. She was so used to death, that this didn't... strike a nerve.

Kylo was holding back tears because of Clara's reaction.

Bucky just got to the car and sat in the back seat with Clara, holding her as she stared blankly at the seat. Natasha drove as Kylo sat next to her.

Clara... Clara just was silent.

She didn't wish to say another word.

Her family was gone.

Captain America: Age of Chaos जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें