There You Are

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Natasha stood there in silence as the last agent fell to the ground dead. Natasha had blood on her face as she stood there. She stumbled towards Clara and held her shoulder.

Clara opened her eyes and uncovered her ears, seeing the captain standing in front of her. Clara simply reached up and held her face, wiping off the blood.

Natasha felt her tears fall down her face. "I'm sorry..."

"No... I'm sorry it took me so long to come get you." Clara said as she helped her walk. Clara saw the bodies but ignored them.

"Guys I got the captain. Get to the jet!" She said.

Clara helped her walk through the snow when she saw Hydra agents running towards the jet with guns. They were firing at it.

"Tell them to go..." Natasha said tiredly. Clara looked at her shocked. "What!? But you'll die if I don't get you-"

"Tell them to go or they all die!" Natasha snapped. Clara clenched her fist. "Anthony! Leave! I'll contact you later!"

Clara started to take Natasha through the woods, dragging her through the snow, looking for anything that could be a shelter.


"GO!" She yelled. There was silence but then the jet took off leaving them here. Clara and Natasha walked for about five miles until natahsa collapsed into the snow. Clara panicked and turned her over. Natasha had blood coming from her nose and slightly from her mouth.

Clara looked around and saw a small run down home. Clara practically dragged her to the home. She pulled Natasha through the door and put her on the couch.

She blocked out the windows, and started to throw everything she could find into the fire. She started the fire and pushed the couch Natasha was on closer to it.

After Clara got everything situated, she started to treat Natasha's wounds. Natasha was not awake. It scared Clara, but she just continued as long as she saw breathing.

Clara finished about an hour later. She started to stitch her own cut on her arm. As she finished, and wrapped her arm up, she heard a groan sound from Behind her.

Clara spun around and saw Natasha open her eyes slightly. Clara rushed over to her side. "Hey cap... I'm right here."

Natasha relaxed a bit into the couch as she heard Clara's voice. Clara saw Natasha extend her hand to her slightly. The blonde held her hand gently. The captain squeezed it as she stared at ceiling.

Clara stayed right by her as she saw the Captain start to unravel. Natasha covered her face and cried.

Natasha was torn apart and broken all over again. She felt so destroyed and just as if she had to pick up all the pieces again.

Clara simply stayed besides her and rubbed her head gently, not saying a word. The two stayed like that for awhile, until Natahsa became silent.

She moved her arm from her face and pulled herself up. She looked so weak. Clara's heart broke at seeing that.

Natasha looked at Clara. She noticed the bruise under her eyes. Natasha's heart sank as she recognized it. "I-I'm so sorry..."

Clara shook her head and looked at her. "That wasn't you... everything that happened wasn't you. It was all Zima and Madma Hydra." Clara said with a soft smile.

"It doesn't help when I'm Zima. I hurt you. I did. This to you-"

Clara gently turned Natasha's face towards her and rubbed the bruise under her eye gently. She simply admired Natasha's face. "I only see Natasha."

Natasha felt tears well up in her eyes. "Yeah... all I see is Natasha Barnes or Captain America." Clara said with a smile.

"I see my Captain."

Natasha just put her head on her shoulder and gripped her hand. "I got you... I got you Captain. No one will hurt you like she did again."

The next morning Clara woke up with her back aching, but that was okay. She expected it cause of the couch. She slowly sat up and saw Natasha asleep sitting up.

Natasha had her hand slightly touching Clara's leg. Clara figured the physical contact grounded her, letting her know she was safe and not alone in that cell again.

Clara gently got up and checked Natasha's temperature. Clara sighed in relief that she was good. She then walked over to her bag and pulled out some food.

Natasha opened her eyes slightly. She looked over at the fire. "Clara..." she said tiredly.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Just checking..." Natasha said quietly as she looked around. She slowly got up and went over to the windows and peaked out. There is as a terrible blizzard blowing through.

"I guess we have some decent cover..." Natasha said as she made her roamed around.

"That we do." Clara said as she boiled some snow.

Natasha opened a door and found a bedroom. "I found a bed..." Natasha said as she walked back over to Clara.

Clara looked at her shocked. "Really?"

"Yep." She said as she sat on the floor by the couch. Clara chuckled and smiled. "Well, you're sleeping there tonight." She said as she got a damp towel and wiped her face down, getting the blood off of it.

Clara looked at Natasha slightly as Natahsa watched the fire. Natasha looked at her and smiled weakly. "Hi..."

"Hi..." Clara said as she got up and walked over to her. She wiped some of her bruises and wounds on her face.

"Clara... I already told you last night not to overdo it. You don't have to do everything..." Natasha said calmly.

"I know. But I want to."


"I'm doin this because I'm worried about you. And doing this eases my nerves..." she said quickly.

Natasha stayed quiet for a moment. "I just keep thinking I'm going to wake up and get news that you're dead... and I just..." Clara said tearing up.

Natasha gently held Clara's hand and put it against her chest where her heart was. "I'm right here. Okay?" Natasha said calmly.

Clara teared up more and nodded.


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