Hospital Visit

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Anthony finished and tied her gown back up. "Alright. So your back looks good, I'm not seeing any issues, but I do want to see you walk. Once again, you don't have to."

"We can try." She said. He nodded as he helped her get her legs over the side of the bed. He held her hands and pulled her up.

She held onto him as they walked. It was slow, but she definitely could. "Good. You can walk." He let go of her hand letting her roam about.

"And since you're walking, that means your gunshot isn't bothering you anymore." Anthony said with a soft smile.

Clara sighed in relief as she heard that. "Your super soldier DNA is helping with your healing, so I'm not super worried as I was yesterday."

He took his gloves off and tossed them in the trash as she got back into bed. "How's Natasha?" She asked.

"No clue. I haven't seen her since yesterday. I do have a check up with her today." He said as he fixed his coat.

"Got it." She said quietly.

"Have you seen her since... the rescue?" Clara shook her head. Anthony nodded. "I'll see if she wants to come see you later after her appointment.

Clara's smile appeared as he said that. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'll see you later."

He ended up doing a surgery on another patient, got scrubbed out, and then headed to his next patient.

He opened the folder and saw it was Natasha. He opened the door and saw the captain sitting on the bed with Bucky on the chair in the corner.

"Hey nat, how are we doing?" He said as he scanned through her file.

"Okay." She said with a tired expression. He nodded a bit as he put gloves on.

"That's good. Did you sleep?"

"Yeah. A bit."  He looked at Bucky for confirmation. "Yeah she did." He said.

"Nightmares?" Anthony then asked as he walked over. She was silent.

"I'll take that as a yes. Well... I just want to check your side, and I want to check your head." Anthony said.

"My head?" Natasha said confused.

"I want to see if there's any scarring on your head from being shocked so much. Cause if there's scarring, there's physical damage." He said as he sat on his stool.

Natasha pulled her hair out of its braids. "Okay.."

He scooted over and checked her head. "Okay. So, thankfully I'm not seeing much scarring..." he unknowingly grabbed her neck. She immediately grabbed him and kicked him away.

Anthony hit the floor. Bucky immediately stood and looked at her. Natasha's eyes were full of fear. "I- I'm sorry. I didn-"

"It's okay. I should've known better." He said as he stood up.

"I forgot they did more to you than mess with your mind." He said as he sat back on his stool. "I might actually need to take note of what they did to you just in cause more symptoms of other injuries appear." He looked at her.

"Only if you're willing..."

Natasha looked at him and sighed. "I had a daily training... me versus about 4 super soldiers. Or sad attempts of super soldiers." Anthony started to write.

"I know they hurt me a few times, they messed with my ribcage, and some other stuff. Head injuries etc." she said calmly.

"They would also do desensitization training. They expose you to toxins, poison, different torture techniques." She said as she looked at her hands.

"So will antibiotics and anesthesia work on you?" He asked.

"Yeah they'll work. They did one surgery on me, so I know it works." She said as she caught Bucky's sad expression.

Anthony continued to write these things all down. "Did they alter you physically?"


"What did they do to mentally?" He asked as he made notes for his psychologist. Natasha looked at him but looked away.

"A lot. Memory wipe, shock therapy... you name it." She said as she started to think about the mental abuse she went through. Anthony nodded and close his file.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that... again."
Sadness filled his voice.

"It's whatever. It happened..." she said as she stood up. She fixed her jacket and started to leave.

"Do you remember Clara?" He asked as he stood. Natasha paused as she was about to grab the door handle. The blonde flashed in her mind, only for a brief moment. She saw a memory besides the girls face.

"Yeah... she rescued me with you all." Natasha said as she turned.

"Want to see her?"

Natasha nodded. "Yes."

Clara sat in her room, practicing her walking with Steve. She sighed tiredly as the door to her hospital room opened.

"Clara." Anthony said as he brought Natasha in. Clara's eyes widened.

Natasha looked at her nervously. "Carter..." she said calmly.

Natasha looked at everyone, signaling them to leave. Steve followed Anthony, and Bucky out.

Natasha helped Clara back into her bed, and then sat in the chair by her. Clara was concerned, and didn't know what to say.

Natasha looked at her. "I know you... I know your name... but.." Natasha sighed and then looked at her hands.

"I feel like I'm missing something." Natasha said. Frustration filled her mind as she pushed to remember her.

Clara then realized Natasha didn't remember anything about their relationship. "Oh Natasha ..." she got off the bed and took Natasha's hand into hers.

Natasha squeezed them tightly in hers. "I want to know everyone again, but I just can't. It's just... I miss looking at everyone and knowing exactly who they are." She looked at Clara.

"I don't even remember you."

Fallon sat in his room as a portal behind him opened. In walked Wanda. "Fallon."

He turned and looked at her. "How are you Wanda?"

"I'm okay." She said as she sat beside him. She looked out his window as he sipped on a drink.

"When are you making your move..." Wanda said.

He was silent.


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