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Sam sat in the White House watching some surveillance footage. It was decoded footage from when madam had taken down Fallon.

He noticed she dropped the smoke grenade and he was then taken down. Sam didn't understand what happened but he was going to figure it out.

You see... Sam knew he was going to be next. Sam was indirectly involved, which means to Fallon, he was involved in the death of his children.

But... that didn't mean Sam wasn't going to try and find a way to hurt Fallon. Sam was angry... angry and in grief over over Steve's death. It broke his heart.

His friend for years, gone.

Yes the avengers needed to be in check, but killing then not was the way at all.

So, he studied the video until Bucky arrived with the team. He turned the video off and immediately stood.

He walked towards Clara, and just hugged her. She hugged him tightly and just didn't say a word.

Sam sighed. "The White House is going to pay for his funeral. You just tell me what you want." She nodded slightly before she pulled away.

She walked over to Natasha and sat next to her.

Sam sighed as he saw all the tired kids. He saw Bucky looking out the window blankly.

"I'm sorry... you kids have to go through this." Sam said tiredly.

"I wish none of you had to live this life." Sam knew it was exhausting to be a hero. He knew it first hand from being The Falcon and Captain America.

"But that's our reality." He looked at his desk and pulled out a folder. "I know you all do not want to hear this right now..."

The group looked at him. He opened the files. "Fallon is targeting the old generation  avengers."

Natasha looked at Sam. Sam met her gaze but then looked around the group.

"I can't keep this information from you all much longer." Sam said. He turned on his big hologram and photos were on the screen.

"Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers, Dr. Strange, Hawkeye... and myself. These are guys. Either the others were not on planet, or.., are dead already. Tony was a target, but he died in endgame." Both Anthony and Natasha immediately looked at him.

"We need to get to these avengers before he does... he's going to be moving fast. I'm sorry, but we need to get this started tomorrow. But.. Ms. Rogers." Sam said.

Clara looked at him.  "You will not be participating."

Her eyes widened. "I-"

"You just lost your father. I will not be sending you into a mission."

"What about Natasha? I need to stay with her." Clara looked at Natasha panicked.

Natasha held her hand. "Hey... it's okay. I got it this time. You need to rest." Clara looked as if she wanted to cry again.

"I.... Okay."

The group headed back out to the car. Bucky was with this but he paused. "You guys go to the car... I need to talk to Sam real quick."

Bucky turned and walked back to the Oval Office.

Sam was sitting at his desk when Bucky entered. "Bucky..."

"We need to talk now." Bucky said interrupting him. Sam turned off his computer and looked at him.

"How are you so calm about this?" Bucky asked. Sam shook his head a bit.

"You have been ignoring having a conversation about this and it's killing me-"

"You think I want to talk about when I die!?" Sam snapped as he stood up looking at Bucky. Bucky frowned.

"If... if you die." Bucky said.

Sam held his head and sighed. "I didn't want to have to conversation because of this. If? If I die? Bucky I'm not going to get out of this story alive. I'm sorry but I am not." Sam said looking at him.

Tears pricked at Sam's eyes.

Sam pressed a button on a computer and on his hologram screen, there was Steve. "Steve was a super soldier... the first Captain America... overall excellent, and he died in five minutes." He looked Bucky dead in the eyes.

"You think I will be able to kill him? Cause if I could I would've by now damn it!" He slammed his hand on his desk.

Bucky looked at him as if he was holding tears back. "Now tell me Bucky... you who was stronger than Steve... Will you be able to save me this time?"

A single tear went down Sam's face. "You can't save me every single time. It isn't possible."

"I can try-"

"You can't try. I won't allow you to try." Sam said seriously as another tear fell. Sam expression saddened. "I will not have you die just to try and save me, when these kids need at least one of us."

Bucky couldn't handle this. Not today. Especially not today. "I can't loose you, sam. I can't loose someone else."

Sam stayed silent. He wiped his face. "I know... but I can't change this. So... I'm going to try and find a way to hurt Fallon while going down."

Bucky stood there.


Sam sighed softly. He walked over to his husband. He gently rubbed his cheek. "James."

He carefully wrapped his arms around Bucky. Bucky held his husband close. Putting  his forehead against his.

Sam closed his eyes as he did. Bucky was so scared to leave this room. Scared that if he left, he would never see Sam again.

No matter what, Sam was not going to die alone. He refused. He did that and it hurt. Sam lightly grazed his lips against Bucky's.

Bucky let a tear fall. "I refuse to let you die." Sam just connected the kiss.

Bucky held him close, kissing him back as held onto him tightly. Sam was gently holding his face.

Sam broke the kiss ever so slightly and wiped his tears. "The kids are waiting for you."


"Buck.. go." Sam looked at him. A soft smile appeared on his face.

"I'll be here when you get back."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now