The God vs. The Nonbeliever

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Clara woke up the next morning tiredly. She felt an arm wrapped around her. She turned and saw Natasha.

Natasha was asleep, holding her close. Clara gently touched her face. She wondered what was going through her head.

"What's going on in there..." Clara said quietly.

"The gears are turning." Natasha mumbled. Clara just chuckled and kissed her cheek. Natasha shifted in the bed as she opened her eyes a bit.

Natasha carefully tucked Clara's hair behind her ear as her girlfriend looked at her. Clara hovered over her. "You... you aren't going to tell me?"

"No. I won't." Natasha said quietly. Clara nodded a bit. She gently grazed her hand around her neck where she had left marks. Right under the spot where her uniform stops.


Natasha rested her hand on her waist. "I love you..." Natasha said. Clara was about say something when Natasha continued.

"I love how you protect me, I love... your heart, your mind, your touch, your smile-"

"Nat, honey." Clara chuckled nervously. "You're scaring me a bit..."

Natasha couldn't look at her. "Sorry... I didn't mean to." The captain sat up and pulled her shirt on.

Natasha teared up as she had her back to Clara. She felt Clara just hug her from behind. "I don't know what's wrong... but I'll be there to help you. No matter what."

Natasha held her hand tightly.

"Thank you..."

Natasha pulled her gear on. And got ready to head into headquarters. She walked to the front door when Clara came over. "You need this."

Natasha turned and saw Clara handing her her shield. The captain held it carefully. Admiring the star in the middle.

"Ready to go to work?" Clara as she adjusted her gear.

Natasha put the shield on her back. "Let's get going."

Bucky sat in the briefing room with the rest of the squad. Anthony looked at a Kylo. "There is only one reason why those two be late at the same time."

Kylo smacked Anthony's head gently. "Shut up."

Natasha walked in with Clara. "Sorry I'm late."

Clara sat next to Kylo. He was going to say something. She raised a hand at him. "Don't say a word."

Natasha turned on the hologram board. "Okay... So. The plan is this if Fallon appears."

A map of Washington DC appeared. "We're going to get him on the beach. Preferably this one because it has less people nearby. We need to keep him there so he doesn't hurt civilians."

She pulled up a video of Fallons weakness. "His weakness is his eyes, and certain blind spots. If you're behind him, he won't see you, he can't take control of you. Anthony's job is to get rid of his eyesight permanently."

Bucky listened. "My dad and I will go in and immobilize him afterwards, and we will deliver the final strike. Clara you will be sniping from the hill in case any of us miss." Natasha said.

"If I need you to take a shot as well, I will inform you. We all will have coms." Natahsa said grabbing a box and passing them all around the room.

Everyone put them on and activated them. "Also..." Natasha said.

The group looked at her. "You all... are an amazing group, and I don't doubt any of your abilities. But..." she looked serious.

"If you see a situation where you could lose your life. Let me know... okay?" She said with conviction. They all nodded.

"Good. I anticipate an attack either today, tomorrow. Be ready."

She dismissed them all.

Her and Bucky walked together. They stood out on a balcony, looking at the city below them. "You astound me." Bucky said as he fiddled with his ear piece.

"I don't understand why." She said as she looked over the city.

"Your composure.... with this whole situation." Bucky said quietly. "Your bravery is something to be reckoned with." He said as he put his ear piece back in.

"I learned from the best." She said with a Smirk. "Stare death in the face, but make it regret ever wanting to tango with you." She said with a chuckle.

Bucky just put a hand on her shoulder. "You are the best of us all."

Natasha shook her head. "Nah."

She looked back down over the city. She paused when she saw a man walking towards the building. "Dad. Get the group ready."

She jumped off the balcony and landed ahead of the man. Her eyes were dark as she pulled out her shield.

"Everyone... remember the plan."

Fallon stopped in front of her. "Captain..."


"You are alone?"

"I typically handle the pain in the asses myself." She said with a casual shrug.

"You know I'm a god compared to you... right?" Fallon said with a raised brow.

"If you're what they call god, I'm a nonbeliever."  Natasha stood her ground. Fallon knew she knew her death was imminent, yet he sensed no fear.


"Very..." she nodded a bit as she looked at her shield and then him. "You know who taught me that?"

"Who?" Fallon asked as his eyes glowed.

"Sam... my father. The man... you killed." She said as her eyes went dull as she looked at him. All Fallon sensed was bloodlust. His eyes glowed.

"You won't beat m-"

"I will."

Fallon frowned even more as he felt rain start to fall. He didn't understand her confidence. "Will you?"

"Yes. Don't you know... I'm my father's daughter. I don't surrender easily.  But... I'm also the daughter of the Winter Soldier..." she smirked.

"I can be a bit ruthless."

Fallon laughed in disbelief. "You think a soldier... like you, can beat me? I can manipulate anything I see..."

Natasha smirked and walked closer to him. "Key word..."

Fallon paused.

"What... you can see..." suddenly a portal behind him opened. Mina invisibility cloak disappeared and she kicked him through the portal.

Fallons eyes widened.

Natasha rushed through the portal after Fallon. She punched him into the ground. She threw sand into his eyes.

"Come on team... let's do this."

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