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Bucky was at headquarters.

He received the news that Bruce Banner was killed during the night.

Then he received that Hawkeye didn't make it. Bucky held his head as the files piled in front of him.

The voices of everyone asking him what they're going to do was becoming too much. Natasha was also receiving and she just didn't know what to do so she left to get a breather.

Bucky just stood up slamming his hand on the desk. The agents immediately became quiet. "I need silence... so everyone... leave for ten minutes..." Bucky said.

The agents all stared at him, but then left one by one.

Bucky sat in his chair and stared at the picture of Sam on the wall. He looked away and sighed. "This is hard..." he said quietly.

He glanced at the picture. "You... you were good at this..." Bucky teared up.

"I'm not..." he voice broke. He looked down and took a deep breath. He didn't mind being Sam's support.

He didn't mind being by his side.

He didn't mind being by Steve's side.

But... who would be right here to support him? He didn't want his daughter to do it, because it seemed to be a death sentence.

Bucky just closed his eyes and just wished life was... different.

Fallon stepped into his base. He saw Wanda not even looking at him. He walked over to the sink, and washes the blood off his hands.

Just like clockwork.

He dried his hands and glanced at Wanda. He noticed a faint glow in her eyes." Wanda?"

"Did you kill... Clint Barton?" She said quietly. Her hands in fists, her knuckles white, her eyes red.

He lowered his hands and looked at her. "And if I did?"

"Answer... the question..." she said quietly. Fallon watched the red head closely but then sat down.


Wanda looked at him. Her heart broke. "W-what...?"

"He got in the way." Fallon said causally. Before he could turn and say a word to her, she slammed him into the wall with her chaos magic.

Fallon cringed as he hit the floor. "How dare you!?" She yelled. He raised his hand taking control of her.

She winced and sank to her knees. He slowly walked towards her. "You... I thought you understood but you don't.."

He knelt in front of her. Grabbing her neck, using his powers on her. He teared up as she looked at him. "Leave before I kill you."

He released her. She coughed as she held her neck.

"Now. I'm going to get back to work. Be gone by the time I get back." Fallon turned the lights off and left.

Wanda just teared up and cried.

Bucky was sitting in a conference room going over a plan with Mina, Kylo, and some other agents. They were planning on how to protect the remaining avengers, and where to transport to the injured ones for safety.

Bucky stood and started to write things down. He made sure to get all this info carefully down when he sense an eerie silence.

He paused and turned. He dropped his marker.

Fallon walked in, his hands in his jacket pockets. Casually as if nothing was wrong. He looked at Bucky. "These are some good plans..." he said holding the paper.


"Not good enough." He makes the walls cave. The whole room and group falls to the first floor.

Mina winces as she pushes herself up. She winces as she held her arm. She saw Kylo under the rubble. She ran over and lifted debris off of him. "Kylo-"

She suddenly felt herself being dragged from
him. She winced as she looked behind her. Fallon was pulling her towards him.

She threw rocks at him, but he simply dissolved them with a simple glance.

He walks over and lifts her up into the air by her neck. She cries out in pain as she grabs his wrists. "P-please—"

She tried to kick him to let her go. She felt her grip loosening.

Bucky woke up as he laid on the ground. He saw Mina. His eyes widened. "F-Fallon!" He yelled as he ran over to the two.

"Let her go! You can do whatever you want to
Me! Just let her go! Please! She's just a kid!" Bucky said desperately.

Fallon glanced at Bucky. He immediately dropped her. Mina fell to the ground, coughing and trying to gather herself.

"Hm... a worthy trade..." Fallon said quietly. Mina winced as she tried to get up.


He simply ignored her and took a deep breath as Fallon took control of Bucky's body. "You're... coming with me."

Natasha and Clara arrived back to the headquarters after finding a few other avengers. T'Challa was hidden, and Antman was with him.

She saw ambulances and emergency services there as she arrived. Clara's eyes widened. Mina was being put onto a stretcher. "'Mina!?"

Mina was being given oxygen. "F-Fallons got Bucky... he saved my life..." she teared.

Natasha's whole world stopped.


"We need to find him-

Bucky hit the floor. He spit out blood on the floor as Fallon stood above him. Bucky breathed heavily as Fallon lifted him up.

Bucky clenched his fists as Fallon threw him into the wall.

Bucky cringed as he pulled himself up slowly, holding onto the wall.

"You're very resilient..."

Bucky's breathing was short. "Yeah.. Hydra does that..." his arm hurt so bad. His head was throbbing, his neck was not doing great

"I suppose."

Fallon walked over to him slowly.

"F-for a guy... who lost his children, you sure are too comfortable with hurting children and killing... killing their parents." Bucky got out.

Fallons stride stopped.

Fallon punched him. He slammed him to the ground. "Keep my children.. out of your mouth..." he squeezed Bucky's neck.

Bucky kicked him off, making Fallon hit the wall. Fallon frowned as he stood up. "Rest up... I'll be bringing more people here."

Bucky just stayed in the ground.

He was too tired... to get up.

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now