Late Nights

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Natasha sat up in her bed from a nightmare. She held her head and gripped her hair as she did. She was praying no one heard and come running. She thought they already had done enough.

She teared up a bit as her memory drifted to her mind being shocked over and over again. She just took a deep breath and decided to just roam around the house.

She wrapped herself in her blanket as she saw pictures. She saw a little girl in the pictures smiling. Her reflection did not match the photo.

He saw a picture of her in her Captain America uniform. "Oh wow..." she said as she followed the pictures down the stairs.

She saw another photo of her father being sworn in as the President. She was in the background in her uniform, holding her shield.

As she stood on the stairs she heard someone walk to the top of the stairs. She looked up and saw Bucky.


"Hey kid."

She pointed at the picture. "When was this?" Bucky walked down the steps and looked at the picture. "Hm... that is your father winning his election for the presidency. Three years ago."  He said as he smiled at that photo.

"And how old was I?"

"Well... you're 24 now, so you were 21." He said as he looked at her.

"And when did I get the shield. I saw that im Captain America." She said.

"You got the shield when you were... I believe 20." He said as he remembered that day. Madam had knocked both him and Sam down, and she picked up the shield. Sam was trying to juggle being a senator and captain all together.

But she came along and made the decision easier. "Am I a good Captain America?"

Bucky chuckled and nodded. "Oh yes. Here come look." He said as he went downstairs and sat on the couch. He patted the couch for her to sit next to him.

She did as he put something on the tv.

It was a news video of her fighting Wanda. She was winning. Her eyes widened.

"Woah... I- that's me?" Natasha said looking at him. Bucky nodded. "Yepp... the amazing Captain America."

Her eyes lit up as she watched. She couldn't believe it.

"Where's my shield?" She said curiously. "I think your father put it somewhere safe so it won't get stolen." Bucky said.

She nodded thinking that was reasonable. She suddenly felt a hand touching the scar under her eye. "They really did a number on you..."

She nodded. "Yeah... got mind wiped a lot. I was starting to remember before the last mission. I ran into Clara and that's all I remember." She said.

"You probably were remembering things they didn't want you to." He said as he lowered his hand.

"Yeah. That's usually why." She said quietly. She looked at him. She saw the bandage under his eye.

"Did I do that?"

Bucky shook his head. "Nope. Not you."  She nodded slightly. "Is it a cut?"

"Nah. Just a bruise. Here." He took the bandage off carefully. He sat up so she could see. She gently held his face and watched it.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah. I've dealt with worse." He said with a chuckle. She let go of his face. "Then what are these bruises all over your neck- nevermind. I haven't lost my mind all that much."

Bucky just laughed at that. "I mean... you're 24, you're not clueless." She chuckled and sat back on the couch.

She thought of Clara. "That blonde girl." She said as she saw how she reached up and held her face. "What is she to me..."

Bucky honestly wasn't sure. "Well... we're not even sure. We had an idea but you never got to tell us." Bucky said as he looked st his wedding ring.

"You two were very happy for the days before you got taken."

Natasha looked at him once again. "Do you have a picture of her?"

Bucky thought as he pulled out his phone. "I do actually..."

He scrolled through his photos and stopped at one photo. He pressed it and handed it to her. It was a picture of her and Clara. "She was your bodyguard..."

Natasha winced as she looked at the photo. She groaned as she thought of that photo. She remembered that photo.

"It was after our first successful mission... she was so happy and asked you to take a photo. Right?" She said as she looked at him, searching for confirmation.

His eyes widened. "Yes... yeah! It was pretty nice that day as well."

"I think we went riding on my bike afterwards. Where is my bike?" She asked.

"Oh it-"

"Oh yeah... I got ran off the road..." Bucky was stunned.

"You're remembering."

"I think so." She said as she lowered her hands. A small smile appeared on her face. "Good..."

Sam woke up the next morning. He felt for Bucky but realized he wasn't there. He sat up and looked around the room a bit confused.

He eventually walked downstairs and saw all
Of the kids asleep, but Bucky was down there, holding Natasha against him. He smiled softly at that. He put a blanket over the two of them.

Bucky woke up slightly. He saw Sam and waved with his free hand. "Had me worried for a minute when I couldn't find you." Sam said with a chuckle.

"She woke up and was roaming around the house... so we stayed up for a while and chatted." He said tiredly.

Sam nodded a bit. "Nice."

"She remembered somethings." Bucky said as he kept his arm wrapped around her. Sam's eyes lit up at that.

"Oh thank god." He smiled softly.

"Well I gotta get ready to go to the White House. Maria needs to talk to me about the UN proceedings."

"Alright be safe. I might stop by with Natasha." Bucky said. "And maybe the others will come with me."

Sam kissed him and smiled softly. "Sounds good."

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