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Romanoff pulled up to the security gate at the White House. Bucky noticed the heightened security. Something was up.

He scanned his pass, allowing him and Romanoff in. Guards rushed their vehicle but realized it was Bucky. He had his hands raised as he got out.

"She's an ally." He said loudly. They all lowered their weapons. "Get her some medical treatment..." he lowered his hand and walked inside.

Sam sat at his desk. He heard the door open but ignored it. "I said... no more visitors tonight..."

"Oh... I guess I can leave then."

Sam shot up. He saw Bucky standing there. Bucky looked exhausted, but a soft smile appeared on his face. "I would have cleaned up a bit more..."

As Bucky went on. Sam got up, he walked towards Bucky. "Maybe shaved too, but I didn't really have any time for that- "

Sam gently held his face, pulling him into a kiss, cutting off the kiss. Bucky immediately pulled him closed, kissing him back.

Sam teared up as he wrapped his arms around his neck. He broke the kiss slightly as he cried against him.

Bucky held him close and leaned his head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry..." Bucky said softly.

Sam just held onto him, gripping his shirt. "Don't apologize... you're home now." Sam said as he pulled from the hug, just looking at him.

Bucky looked just exhausted. "You're home..." Sam said as his voice broke again.

Bucky teared up and nodded. "I'm home..." Bucky gently wiped the tears off of Sam's face.

Sam just pulled him close, and stayed against him in silence. Bucky kept his arms around him, closing his eyes as he did.

They just needed each other right now.

Bucky just stayed as close as he could, holding husband close. "I won't leave you again..." Bucky said.

Sam smiled a bit at that. "Good."

Natasha was in the kitchen cooking with Kylo and arguing with him on how to make tomato soup (he was wrong and he knew it, but he kept that to himself).

Clara was playing uno with Mina on the floor by the TV, while Anthony and Mary chatted on the couch.

Natasha for once in her life felt peace. It was a domestic bliss that she did not get to enjoy. Her life was exhausting, but small moments like this made it all so worth it.

She wished it could stay like this permanently. She knew it wouldn't. Heros could have anything nice.

She knew the impending doom of Fallon. The thorn in her side proving to be a nightmare that's come to life. It made her nervous, but she knew that it was a fight she had to win.

But for the time being, she didn't worry about the fight. She was worried about getting this tomato soup finished. "Dinners ready!" Natasha says with a smile.

Maria walked down a dark hall. She stopped in front of a room, and knocked on the door. The door creaked open a little bit.

She stepped in and saw Fallon standing in front of the window.

"Why are you here... Director?" He turned. His eyes glowed faintly.

Maria's hands were shaking as she walked towards this man. She paused a few steps from him. "I've come here... to beg."

He raised a brow.

"I beg for forgiveness... I know your story... I know the anguish you went through..." she was desperate.

"I just... beg for your mercy." She fell to her knees. It felt as if bowing to God, begging for the plagues to be stopped from plummeting the people below.

Fallon simply looked at her. "Mercy..."

"It's funny..." he raised his hand, she winced as she was raised into the air.

"My children... cried out to the skies, begging for mercy. I heard them scream for me. They cried out for Captain America... Iron man... did these so called hero's extend a hand to the innocent?" He frowned and threw her against the wall.

Maria winced as he walked towards her.

"No. They decided destroying my lab was the most ideal situation. Because... well... the bad guy was so terribly important to chase down and kill... that they didn't care who or what got in their path." He said as he stopped in front of her.

Slowly he knelt in front of her. Maria gripped her arm as she looked at him.

"I will never give mercy. My mercy... died with my children." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I don't deem the avengers innocent. And I never will... and since no one will judge the guilty, I will play the role of judge, jury, and executioner for them." He stood up and then stood in front of the window.

"Tell them... I am coming for them. No one is safe..."

Maria teared up. "Please-" the window shattered as she spoke. She went immediately silent.

"Don't beg to me! I have no sympathy for you... or your people. They will die, and that is my first and only warning." Fallon did not care.

He did not want to negotiate.

He will not negotiate. He didn't have the option when he was poisoned by nuclear energy.

His children didn't have the option when they died in a fire.

No one did. So, he would not- no. He refused to.

His eyes fell dark upon the city he stood above.
"Get out..."

Maria stood up, and painfully left the room. The power went out in the building due to Fallons power outburst.

She walked down the stairs and held her head. She couldn't stop him. She thought begging for mercy would save them... but... it didn't.

He grabbed her phone and called Sam. She eventually got an answer. "I talked to him... he does not want to hear it."

She walked outside.

"He will be coming for us soon. He told me to warn you. I do not know when... but he will be here soon." Maria teared up as she stood outside in the dark.

"I'm sorry."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now