Last Calm Moment

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Everyone was awake the next morning, or what they thought was morning. Natasha was walking back over to the after having to deal with another group of hydra agents.

Anthony was awake, so they were all getting ready to get out of there. Clara winced as she stood up.

Natasha kicked dirt onto the fire. "Alright. This morning, I found a way out. It's a bit down this tunnel, so... let's go."

The group nodded and followed her. Natasha walked ahead of them. Mina walked with Clara, keeping an eye on her.

"You two look really beat up." Mina said. Clara nodded slightly. "Well.. we had a roof fall on us, so we are. She's been carrying a lot of things right now... she needs a break." Clara said softly to Mina.

"She doesn't seem to agree." Mina said. Clara knew this... "she's so damn stubborn."

The group got out of the tunnel. Natasha pulled them all out. She winced slightly but ignored it. She pulled Clara up and then closed the tunnel.

They were next to a small town. It looked deserted, which made their lives easier. The group broke into a run down hotel and took refuge in there.

They found two rooms that were connected, and stayed there. Natasha, Clara, and Mina shared a room while the other two shared one.

Mina passed out on the couch. Clara and Natasha had the bed. Clara pulled her gear off. She winced a bit but relaxed more.

Natasha was leaning against the wall, half asleep with her gear still on. Clara got up and walked over to the captain.

Natasha opened her eyes tiredly as she looked at the blonde in front of her. "You need to rest, properly."

Natasha just nodded slightly. She started to pull her gear off. Clara helped her put her gear away. She paused when sure saw the bruises on the captains body.

Her arms were covered in them. Clara touched them gently. Natasha let her. "I'm okay, Clara." Natasha said calmly.

"If only I listened to you." Clara said.

"Mistakes were made. We can't dwell on them. We just keep going. Okay?" Natasha said seriously. Clara just nodded and laid down on her side of the bed.

Natasha laid down on her side. She sighed in relief as she sank into the soft pillow and mattress. Natasha turned on her side, and looked at Clara. Clara looked at her as well.

Natasha tucked Clara's hair behind her ear. "Thank you... for dealing with me." Clara said.

Natasha's hand lowered to her cheek as she traced a scar on her face. "It's an honor." She said softly. Clara relaxed under her touch as they laid there.

Natasha pulled a blanket over the two of them. "Get some rest, Carter."


The two fell asleep. It was well deserved, but there they would wake up, they would have to figure out how to get back home.

Natasha woke up first. She winced slightly since she had a headache, but she felt someone curled up next to her. She looked and saw Clara passed out against her.

Natasha didn't dare to move, especially since the others were not awake. She just looked at the blonde. Clara slept soundly, which put Natasha at ease.

Natasha carefully moved Clara's hair out of her face. She wished sometimes that Clara was not associated with her, just so that she could be safe.

So that no one would try to dim her light, but not everyone wanted the light to shine. Natasha on the other hand wanted that light to shine forever.

She made sure to get up as carefully as possible, making sure not to wake up Clara, but she wince a bit as she sat up.

Everything hurt, but she considered it worth it. She was able to keep her whole team safe despite shit hitting the fan.

"Cap..." Clara said as she sat up slightly.

Natasha flinched when she heard her. She looked at her. "Hey... you alright?" Natasha said calmly.

"Yeah.. I'm okay. Legs sore but I'm alright. Are you?" Clara said in a whisper, making sure not to disturb Mina.

Natasha just nodded a bit. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just..." she sighed as she laid down and looked at the ceiling.

"... I'm just worried. About how all of this is gonna go." She said quietly. Clara looked at her as she laid down.

"It will all be okay. I promise you." Clara said trying to reassure her. The two were silent for a moment.

"Did... you mean what you said... in the rubble, that you can't lose me?" Clara asked softly, so softly she was almost afraid to ask it. Natasha watched the ceiling before she turned and looked at her.

"Yeah... I." Natasha sighed and just looked at her.

"I care about you a lot." Natasha said as she smiled softly at her. Clara smiled slightly and chuckled.

"Never thought I'd hear you say that. Especially back to when we first met." Clara said teasingly. Natasha just chuckled and then sighed.

"People change for the better. It feels good." She said as she closed her eyes and relaxed. She thought about the things going on back home. She needed to get back sooner than later to fix everything.

She wondered if her fathers were okay. She wondered how Maria was. She just wondered a lot of things. But she needed to slow down, get some rest, so that she could go home and start getting rid of the problem.

Natasha felt Clara curl up next to her again. Natasha just covered the two of them in a blanket and fell back asleep. 

All of these agents wished everything will be okay when they get back. And they all knew they were going to get rid of hydra and make sure their home was not going to become a Hydra wasteland.

They wouldn't let it.

But Natasha's mind could not stop drifting to the worst scenarios.

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