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Clara and the rescue squad got into the jets the next morning and prepared to leave. She put her shock bracelets on and started to board the jet when she heard someone call for her.

She turned and saw Sam and Bucky. Sam stepped towards her. He put his hands on her shoulders gently.

"Bring my little girl home... please." He simply said. She could feel the sadness in his voice. She smiled softly and nodded. "Of course Sam. I'll bring her home... I promise."

She waved as she got into the jet. Since she was the highest ranking agent in the jet, she was in charge of this mission. The entire she was, she kept asking to herself what would Natasha do?

She just wanted this to be a success, and bring the Captain back.... No matter what.

The jet arrived as dropped off the team. "Anthony... go cause a distraction. Kylo, get rid of the security, agents, take out other Hydra members. I'm getting the a captain." Clara said as she put her intercom in.


They all rushed out. Clara headed down a hall that led to confinement cells. She ran down as the cameras turned off. She paused when she saw a prisoner storage room.

She kicked the door down and walked in, maybe looking for anything that belonged to the captain. She found the shield.

She put it on her back and ran down the hall. She knocked out a few agents, and shocked them as she searched every room.

"Kylo, any eyes on Natasha? I can't find her in the confinement cells..."she said as she suddenly heard the most painful scream. Clara felt goosebumps go down her spine and arms.

"Did you heard that..." he asked.


Clara walked down the hall as the lights suddenly went out. She walked into a large room with one chair in the middle. She saw a radio sitting on the chair.

She stepped over to it and turned it off. The sound of footsteps echoed behind her. Madam Hydra stepped into the light.

"So you're not stupid." Madam said as she smirked. Clara frowned as she pointed her gun at her.

"Where's the Captain..." Clara nearly yelled.

"Oh I already told you sweetheart. There is no Captain anymore..." madam said as an evil smile went across her face.  Clara's heart nearly stopped in that moment.

"That chair right there... is made to make my agents. And well... actually, how about I just introduce you both." She chucked.

"Zima! Come out to play... "

A dark figured suddenly rushed and swung a punch at Clara. She barely dodged and jumped out of the way. Her eyes widened as she saw someone pull their fist out of the wall.


"This is my finest agent. Zima... the world class killing machine, fully capable of fulfill the dreams of Hydra." Madam said as Natasha rushed at Clara and started to fighter her with a knife.

Clara dodged and started to lose her footing as she had never faced an agent like this. "All who face her die!"

Suddenly Clara was grabbed by then neck and held into the air. Clara kicked her feet as she gripped Natasha's wrist. "A-stop! P-please."

Madam smirked. "Zima... put her into the chair." Natasha simply moved with no argument and put Clara into the chair and strapped her down.

"You are quite strong as well... and I want you in my collection." Madam said as she lowered the shock machine onto her head.

Clara tried to pull her hands out of the restraints. Clara yelled as she tried to get out, but she couldn't.

Zima simply watched. Clara heard the machine turn on. Madam put it on the lowest setting first. "Let's see..."

She turned it on. Clara cried out in pain as she continued to try and get out. Madam chuckled and sighed.

Suddenly Clara made a knife come out of her sleeve and cut the restraint. She threw the knife at madams already injured shoulder, and undid the other strap.

Madam stumbled and cried out. "Zima!" She yelled.

Zima took off after Clara. Clara activated her shock bracelets and remembered where Natasha's weak spots were.

She spun around and shocked her sides. Zima stumbled and slowly sank to the ground as Clara noticed blood dripping from her nose.

Her eyes widened. she was hurt bad...

Suddenly Zima kicked her into a wall and started to strangle her. Clara cried out in pain and gripped her wrists. "N-Natasha!"

"Kill her Zima!"

Clara teared up. "C-captain... please... I- we need you." Suddenly Zima dropped her and gripped her head as she stumbled back. Clara coughed as she started to catch her breathe.

Suddenly Zima lunged at Clara but for some reason she stopped halfway. Zima gripped her hair and yelled out in anger.

Suddenly Zima kicked Clara into the wall and pressed her knife to her neck. Clara didn't dare to move.  She just stared at the Captain. She could barely stand.

Suddenly something in Zimas eyes changed. They went from dull to eyes that had light. This was Natasha.

Natasha dropped the knife and stumbled back as she saw what she had done. "N-no..". She cringed in pain as she held her side. She fell to her knees as she coughed up blood.

Clara ran over to her. "Captain!"

"G-get out of here!" Natasha said as she looked at her. Clara teared up and shook her head. "No! Absolutely not!"

Natasha teared go looking at her. Clara aimed her gun at Madam who was walking towards them.

"You are a pain in my side..." madam said darkly. She looked at Natasha.

"You will be back in my hands eventually... if you make it out of here alive." She turned as the sounds of agents echoed behind Natasha.

Madam left them there with agents to kill them. Clara was preparing to fight when Natasha put a hand on her shoulder.

Clara looked at her. Natahsa stood and held her shoulders. "Stay right Here... close your eyes, and cover your ears."


"Please." Natasha said.

Clara simply looked at her and then covered her ears and closed her eyes. Natasha turned away from her and looked at the agents. She pulled out her knife as rushed and started the carnage.

Zima now had a stronger grip on Natasha than ever in her life.

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