Training Day

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The next day, Kylo walked into the training center. Anthony followed shortly after. Kylo looked at him. "Ready for this?" Kylo asked.

Anthony shook his head. He was dreading fighting Natasha. Mina walked in after and waved excitedly to the group. Afterwards came in Clara.

"Did we beat the captain here?" Mina asked. Clara knew they didn't.

"I guess?" Anthony said. Suddenly the training room when dark.

"Trust me you didn't." A voice said. It was the captain, but since everyone was in the dark, they couldn't see her.

"Training starts now. Find me before I tag you. No powers." Natasha said. She went completely silent.

Kylo listened for her footsteps.

Clara knew not to bother. She was trained by Hydra and the Red Room... Natasha knew how to assassinate people without them knowing she was coming.

Mina's spidey senses tingled as she suddenly blocked Natasha's hand in the darkness. Mina couldn't help it, so Natasha gave her pass, but eventually tagged her.

Anthony got tagged. He relied heavily on his powers, so he didn't do too well here, which resulted in him getting tagged without him even knowing.

Kylo was able to avoid her for a little bit, but he got tagged.

Then it was just Clara. Clara had managed to hide herself, but she knew Natasha was coming. Natasha was better at this than her, but she was going to damn try and keep her back, and she especially needed to do well to be back to keep Madam Hydra back.

Natasha started to reach for Clara, but Clara blocked her hand and jumped back. Natasha heard her land further back. She sensed the vibrations in the floor.

Natasha suddenly rushed Clara, and pinned her before tagging her. It was dark and Clara couldn't see Natasha at all.

Natasha let her got and snapped her fingers. The lights came on. "You all are rather sloppy." She said as everyone appeared.

"Well duh, you didn't let us prepare." Anthony said annoyed. Natasha chuckled at that.

"The enemy waits for no one... so you must always be prepared." She Said looked at him. He paused and didn't say another word.

"Alright. Now, the first person to get tagged, Doctor Aikawa, is who spars with me first. First round powers, second rounds no powers. Understood?"

They all nodded with understanding. "Alright... let's begin."

On the upper level Bucky stood there with Maria and Sam. "She's hard on them." One of the agents on Sam's security detail said.

"She's teaching them how to survive." Bucky said. He knew how she was... she cared a lot for people. She was as like this even before Hydra.

She is currently just a little girl who didn't want to see anyone else die... she has had enough.

Her heart couldn't take anymore.

Anthony couldn't keep up with Natasha and hit the ground. Even with his powers, he wasn't fast enough for a quick draw in battle, and was not good for close range combat (don't worry Natasha was taking mental notes).

Mina was next.

Mina was able to hold her own for a little bit, but when she used her powers, she was more building for middle range attacks, and close combat with more of a boxing style, which Natasha could do but her sheer aggression overpowered Mina quickly.

Kylo was next. Kylo had brute strength due to his spider bite and symbiote. But, Natasha was more tactful and precise with her steps. She was able to subdue his symbiote and pin him. He was a close range fighter, but was usually easily open.

Now it was a Clara's turn.

The only person who had had the same training as Natasha. Natasha rushed her and swung heavy and precise punches.

Clara blocked them just barely and was able to sent kicks and punches to Natasha. Clara not having powers meant she had to use outside resources, so..

Clara pulled out her knife. Natasha without hesitation pulled hers out and clashed with her. Clara jumped back when Natasha swung a punch.

Clara knew a punch from the captain would render her out, and probably in a hospital room, and she knew the captain was not holding back with her.

The two jumped at each other swinging punches. Clara was more detailed orientated in her fighting, she also refused to give up.

Natasha was almost perfect in every category and was basically a unit in herself. The two eventually ended up in a draw.

Natasha looked at her with pride. Clara saw this look and felt something twist in her chest. It was a weird feeling, but she ignored it when Natasha announced her as the second in command for this mission.

The group ended up training for a few more hours before Natasha called it. "You all did really well..." Natasha said tiredly.

"Are we going to be training again?! Cause if we go as hard as we did today, we're gonna be ragged." Anthony said.

Natasha chuckled and sighed. "You really don't know true suffering if you think this... is hard." She said as she looked over at him.

"What have you done..." Anthony said. Natasha looked at him and then at her hands as she took her gloves off.

"I highly doubt the perfect Captain America had to train as hard as all have..." Anthony said. Clara looked at him and then quickly turned her gaze to Natasha.

Natasha slowly looked at him. "Anthony... if you went a week into the training I did in Hydra, against my will, you would've died and no one would've know or been the wiser." Natasha said with venom behind her words.

"You have no dang clue what I've been through... so stop making damn assumptions." She threw her gloves into her bag.

"Have a good evening all of you." She abruptly left the room with her backpack. Clara glared at him and then rushed after the captain.

Kylo and Mina chewed Anthony out.

Natasha got onto her bike and pulled her helmet in front of her. "Captain!" Natasha sighed as she looked up and saw Clara. Clara came to a stop in front of her.

"Yes, Agent?"

Clara knew Natasha was upset about what was said. She simply looked at her and looked at her seriously.

"I have acknowledged what you've done, accomplished, and led. I respect you as a captain, hero, coworker and.. my friend." Clara said.

Natasha simply nodded.

"I know... that's why I want you as my second. Always from here on out."

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