Plan in Motion

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Natasha was training with Kylo. Kylo swung but Natasha blocked and brought him to the ground.

"Ugh... why are you so damn hard to beat!?" He groaned in annoyance.

"Cause I've been doing this since I was kid. You've been Spider-Man since you were like what... 16?" She said with a chuckle.

She pulled him up. He sighed and looked at her. "Sadly that's true." He stretched as he saw Sam walking in. It was slow but it was better.

She looked at him. "Shouldn't you be resting?" She asked with concern.

"I can't rest forever..." he said with a chuckle. Sam looked at her.

"Where's your shield... you need it for missions." Sam said. Natasha looked at him and sighed.

"It's under the rubble in Russia." She said calmly as she sat down by Kylo .

"Why is it in Russia?"

"Cause I used it to keep Clara and I alive under a cement roofing unit. I left it cause we found a hole in the floor we could escape through and it was a sacrifice I was okay with." She said as she looked at him.

He nodded a bit as he looked at her.

Natasha looked... sad.

Anthony walked in with Mary. Mary waved at them as she walked in. "You all look so depressed. Especially you, cutie."'Mary said looking at Natasha.

"I'm not sad." Natahsa said.

"Your mind is saying otherwise." Mary said as Natasha attempted to leave. Natasha stopped and side eyed her.

"Something to do with a rather cute blonde." Mary said. Anthony wished he was dead cause all this woman would do was get them both in trouble.

Natasha just went upstairs to her room. She sat on her bed writing out a plan.

She started to write.

1. Get the shield base back
2. Get support
3. Establish Maria back in her position
4. Hit Hydra hard
5. .....

Natasha reached for the necklace under her shirt and held in her hand as she stared at her paper.

Her mind wandered.

It wandered to Clara kissing her cheek.

Their moments of pure bliss. Natasha just took the necklace off quickly, as if it was choking her. She teared up as she put it in a drawer and slammed it shut.

She gripped the drawer knobs as she thought of Clara just looking at her as if she was the greatest person in the world.

She slowly opened your drawer and held the necklace in her hand. "Why..." she said only loud enough for herself to hear.

Natasha put it back on and then continued to write out her plan.

After awhile, she went back downstairs. "Everyone ! Gather around." She said as she put her plans out on the table.

Everyone came out. "Alright. Now that we have more firepower..."'she said as she pulled out the giant white board.

"We're going to be taking back the SHIELD headquarters." Natasha said.

Maria looked at her confused. "How do you intend to do that? That's Hydras main base." Maria said surprised.

"We now have two magic users. One can keep Wanda at bay, the other can make sure we get in. We will have a team on making sure that the security building gets taken down, and a team delivering the strike." Natasha said.

"Okay. Who are these teams?" Bucky said.

Natasha started to write on the board.

Strike Team: Natasha, Bucky, Kylo. Mary
Defense: Anthony
Security: Mina, Maria

Bucky looked at this group. "How come Anthony is the only one on defense?"

Anthony groaned knowing he was in charge of keeping Wanda back. "Because he's our strongest witch." Natahsa said as she put a star by his name.

"If he can't keep Wanda back, Kylo and Mina are to immediately go aid him during to their long range fighting capabilities." Natasha said as she underlined their names.

"What about Fallon..." Maria said. "We have no information on him, we don't know his abilities, if he's a mutant... nothing."

Everyone looked at Sam. Sam noticed the faces looking at him. "I'm sorry guys... I don't know much bout him. Nothing besides the fact he took care of me." He said as he leaned back in his seat.

"We will have Mary just in case we run into him. He is a wild card... but we will be cautious with him." Natasha said as she sat down.

"Good." Mina said.

Natasha nodded. "I'm just conflicted on when we should do this..."

Bucky looked at his phone. He looked at the weather. "It's supposed to snow tomorrow. We could use it as cover." Natahsa nodded.

"Then tomorrow." Natasha said.

"And if we run into Clara?" Mina said.

Natasha paused and looked at Mina. "I'll deal with her." She said. Everyone was silent. Natasha nodded slightly and looked at everyone.

"Be ready. We're getting the base back." She said as she walked out of the room.

She got into her room, and leaned against her door. Natasha held her head as Zima fought her.

"Just put all of the memories away..." she said to herself.

"That'll make it easier."

Clara sat in her office chair. She looked out the window and saw soft flurries falling to the ground. "Hm... it's snowing." She said to herself.

As she watched the snow her office door opened. She turned in her chair and saw Fallon walking in.

He placed a cup of tea on her desk. "Thank you for the information. I appreciate it." He said with a soft smile.

She chuckled a bit and held the tea. "Thanks." She sipped on it and sighed.

"You know... I can't wait to see Hydra fall. I know it'll make Natasha happy, hell... it'll make a lot of people happy." She said.

He didn't say anything for a moment. He just nodded a bit. "Yes. I'm sure she would." He then looked at the snow falling as well.

"My kids would have loved watching the snow." He said quietly.

Clara looked at him slightly and then back out the window.

"They would've."

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