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Clara was silent as Natasha took care of her injury. She didn't look at the captain either.

Natasha didn't push. She cut the stitches and the wrapped gauze around her side and tied it off tightly. "There."

Natasha said as she got up and went over to Stephen and Bucky who were talking.

Fallon was sitting next to Clara. "Try to keep the ruse for as long as possible." He said quietly. Clara hated this.

She just wanted to hug Natasha, and just beg for forgiveness, but she still had to deal with this enemy persona.

"Alright..." Mina said as she walked over to Fallon. "I have what's needed to break his cuffs."

Mina looked at Natasha for confirmation. Natahsa then looked at Fallon.

"I won't do anything..." he said.

Natasha nodded at Mina. Mina hacked into his cuffs and they fell off. He rubbed his wrists and then nodded at Mina.

"Thank you."

"No problem..." Mina said as she backed up.

"So... why were you two apparently getting beat by Madam?" Bucky said taking over.

"We had a disagreement, on a program we were removing." Fallon said. Clara just stared at her hands as he talked and gave a cover story.

She just wanted to run away from here.

She had made everyone in this room her enemy. that's what she had thought. She expected looks of anger and disdain, but she only saw eyes of worry and relief.

But.... For the first time she couldn't read Natasha. Natasha was more silent than usual, and was unreadable. Clara swore the captain could turn her emotions on and off.

Eventually the interrogation ended. Stephen led Fallon to a spare room.

Mina was going to lead Clara to hers, but Natasha stepped over. "I got it Mina. You go get some rest, you have a meeting tomorrow with the engineering department don't you?"

Mina nodded. "Ah thank you Natasha. I have somethings to finalize, thank you!" Mina waved and ran off.

Natasha looked at Clara, but Clara just turned her head.

Natasha led her down a hall to a room. Natasha opened in and motioned for her to go in. Clara stepped in as Natasha followed and closed the door.

Natasha walked past her and went to grab some clothes for her to change into. Clara just continued to stand there, just done.

Natasha walked over and stood in front of her and handed her clothes. Clara just didn't look at her.

Natasha paused. "Gonna keep up with this act?" The captain said.

Clara looked at her with an anger. "What act?" She snatched the clothes from her and started to get changed. 

Natasha leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. Clara winced as she did. Natasha raised a brow. "Want some help?"

"No. Shut up." Clara said as she got the shirt and sweats. Natasha walked over to help her to the room. Clara shoved her away.

Natasha just lowered her arms. "Clara..."

Clara stopped.

"Why did you leave?"

Clara was silent but then turned around and looked at her. "Because I'm Hydra. I thought this was understood."

"I don't believe you."

Clara was starting to panic.

"Seriously? Did my reveal mean nothing? Pointing a gun at you didn't give you a clear enough answer? Did the confession from my own lips mean nothing?" Clara snapped at her.

"Just because you said it doesn't mean I believe you! There are things that you did that don't make sense. Like saving me?" Natasha said looking at her.

Clara gripped the edge of her shirt. She didn't want to lie. "It was all apart of the ruse."

"The ruse you don't care about me?" Natasha says as if trying to get confirmation.

"Yes! I don't care about you." Clara said hoping that would seal the deal.

Natasha nodded slightly but then glanced back at her. "Then say you hate me." The captain said.

Clara paused and started to walk away. "I already did." Natasha grabbed her arm and turned her towards her.

"I will leave... if you tell me right now, that you hate me. Say it and I will believe everything you told me..." Natasha said looking her in the eyes.

Clara searched her face. "I-"

Her emotions hit her hard in that moment. Tears welled in her eyes, she couldn't.

Clara knew with her whole heart, maybe her whole being, she cared for the captain. Hell... she loved her. She never admitted it, she wouldn't.

This persona she needed to keep up was crumbling at the seams. It was a persona she didn't want, nor did she like. She loved who she was around the captain. But what the captain asked her, was something too difficult to admit, so..

"I-I can't." Clara's tears fell. Natasha just put her forehead against Clara's. Natasha just held her cheek as they stood there.

Clara met her eyes. The two stood there before Natasha closed the gap and kissed her. Clara was just a bit stunned but closed her eyes and kissed her back, wrapping her arms around her neck.

Natasha pulled her close as she continued.

Clara knew this was right. This was perfect. This was heaven actually. Clara was convinced she was dreaming and wasn't actually there.

Natasha gently pushed her towards the wall and kissed her neck slightly. Clara blushed but gripped Natashas shoulder. Natasha stopped. The captain couldn't even look at her.

Not because she was upset, but because of her emotions. Clara looked at her and saw a flustered face and tears pricking her eyes. Clara held her cheek.


"I'm sorry... I didn't mean-" Natasha said as she back up and looked at her. Natahsa turned her head. Clara caught glimpse of the tears in her eyes.

Clara stepped towards her, and gently turned the captains face towards her. "No... it's okay." Clara said reassuringly.

Natasha was quiet just a moment longer. Clara just hugged her tightly and stayed quiet. "I won't leave you again... I promise."

Natasha wrapped her arms around her. The two stayed there like that for just a little longer before Natasha pulled from the hug.

Natasha just looked at her and smiled softly. "Welcome back."

Clara just teared up.

"It's good to be back."

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